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Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação

ANNEX I – List of Functions

T English Português Description

DH DATE() DATA() Composes a date. Syntax: =DATE(year; month; day).
Example: A1: 1998; A2: 6;A3: 23; =DATE(A1;A2;A3) ➔ 23/06/98
DH DAY() DIA() Returns the day of a date. Syntax: A1: 12/10/98; =DAY(A1) ➔ 12
DH HOUR() HORA() Returns the hours of time. Syntax: A1: 17:10:23. =HOUR(A1) ➔ 17
DH MINUTE() MINUTO() Returns the minutes of time. Syntax: A1=17:10:23. =MINUTE(A1) ➔ 10
DH MONTH() MÊS() Returns the month (1 to 12) of a date. Syntax: A1: 12/10/98; =MONTH(A1) ➔ 10
DH NOW() AGORA() Returns the date and hour of the system. Syntax: =NOW()
DH SECOND() SEGUNDO() Returns the seconds of time. Syntax: A1: 17:10:23. =SECOND(A1) ➔ 23
DH TIME() TEMPO() Composes time (hour; minute; second).
Syntax: A1: 10; A2: 6; A3: 23; =TIME(A1; A2; A3) ➔ 10:6:23
DH TODAY() TODAY() Returns the date of today. Syntax: =TODAY()
DH WEEKDAY() DIA.SEMANA() Returns the day of the week (1 to 7) to the correspondent date.
Syntax: A1: 12/10/99. =WEEKDAY(A1) ➔ 5 (Thursday)
DH YEAR() ANO() Returns the year of a date. Syntax: A1: 12/10/98; =YEAR(A1) ➔ 1998
S AVERAGE() MÉDIA() Calculates the average of values in a set of cells.
Syntax: =AVERAGE(A1:A5)
S AVERAGEIF() MÉDIA.SE() Calculates the average of the values in a set of cells according to a certain criteria.
Syntax: =AVERAGEIF(range; criteria; range to calculate the average).
Examples: =AVERAGEIF(A1:A5;9;C1:C5); = AVERAGEIF(A1:A5;">5000";C1:C5)
S AVERAGEIFS() MÉDIA.SE.S() Calculates the average of the values in a set of cells according to two or more criteria. Syntax:
=AVERAGEIFS(range to calculate the average; range1; criteria1; range2; criteria2…).
S COUNT() CONTAR() Counts the cells with numeric values. Syntax: =COUNT(A1:A5)
S COUNTA() CONTAR.VAL() Counts the cells with alfanumeric values. Syntax: =COUNTA(A1:A5)
S COUNTBLANK() CONTAR.VAZIO() Counts the empty cells. Syntax: =COUNTBLANK(A1:A5)
S COUNTIF() CONTAR.SE() Counts the cells in a set of cells according to a criteria.
Syntax: =COUNTIF(range; criteria). Examples: =COUNTIF(A1:A5;9); =COUNTIF(A1:A5;">5000")
S COUNTIFS() CONTAR.SE.S() Counts the cells in a set of cells according to two or more criteria.
Syntax: =COUNTIFS(range1; criteria1; range2; criteria2…).
S MODE() MODA() Returns the more frequent value in a range. Syntax: =MODE(A1:A5)
S STDEV() DESVPAD() Calculates the standard deviation of a sample. Syntax: =STDEV(A1:A5)
S VAR() VAR() Calculates the variance of a sample. Syntax: =VAR(A1:A5)
M ABS() ABS() Returns a number with no sign (absolute value). Syntax: =ABS(number)
M CEILING() ARRED.EXCESSO() Returns the multiple of the second argument that immediately follows the first argument. Syntax:
=CEILING(value; significance)
M INT() INT() Returns the integer part of a number.
Syntax: =INT(12.65) ➔ 12
M MAX() MAXIMO() Returns the greater value of a set of values. Syntax: =MAX(A1:A5)
M MIN() MINIMO() Returns the smaller value of a set of values. Syntax: =MIN(A1:A5)
M MOD() RESTO() Returns the rest of a division. A1: 9; A2: 2. Syntax: =MOD(A1;A2) ➔ 1
M PRODUCT() PRODUTO() Multiplies the values in a range, ignoring the empty cells or with text.
Syntax: =PRODUCT(A1:C1)
M RAND() ALEATÓRIO() Returns a random number in the range of [0;1[; Syntax: =RAND()
M ROUND() ARRED() Returns a number rounded to the indicated position. Syntax: =ROUND(number; decimals). Examples
=ROUND(12.46;1) ➔ 12.5; =ROUND(12.46;0) ➔ 12
M ROUNDDOWN() ARRED.PARA.BAIX Returns a number rounded by default in the indicated position.
O() Syntax: =ROUNDDOWN(12.46;1) ➔ 12.4 ; =ROUNDDOWN(12.46;0) ➔ 12
M ROUNDUP() ARRED.PARA.CIMA( Returns a number rounded by excess in the indicated position.
) Syntax: =ROUNDUP(12.46;1) ➔ 12.5; =ROUNDUP(12.46;0) ➔ 13
M SQRT() RAIZQ() Calculates the square root of a number. Syntax: =SQRT(value)
M SUM() SOMA() Sum values in a range or set of (independent) cells. Syntax: =SUM(A1:A5)
M SUMIF() SOMA.SE() Sum the values in a set of cells according to a criteria.
Syntax: =SUMIF(range; criteria; sum_range).
Examples: =SUMIF(A1:A5;9;C1:C5); =SUMIF(A1:A5;">5000";C1:C5)
M SUMIFS() SOMA.SE.S() Sum the values in a set of cells according to two or more criteria.
Syntax: =SUMIFS(sum_range; range1; criteria1; range2; criteria2…).
M SUMPRODUCT() SOMARPRODUTO() Multiplies two arrays (or sets of cells) and returns the sum of the products (value by corresponding value).
Syntax: =SUMPRODUCT(A1:A5;B1:B5)
SR HLOOKUP() PROCH() Search a value in the first row of a table and returns a value in other specified row. Syntax: =HLOOKUP(cell
with the search value; table; row index of the table that has the desired return value; [false])

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Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação

SR INDEX() ÍNDICE() Returns a value or the reference to a value included in a table/matrix or range.
Syntax: =INDEX(table; row number; column number).
SR MATCH() CORRESP() Returns the relative position of a value in a vector/array. Syntax: =MATCH(2;A1:A5)
SR VLOOKUP() PROCV() Search a value in a column of a table and returns a value in the same row in an indicated column, on the right.
Syntax: =VLOOKUP(cell with the search value; table; column index of the table that has the desired return
value; [true/false])
DB DAVERAGE() BDMÉDIA() Calculates the average of values in a column of a table, according to a specified criteria. Syntax:
=DAVERAGE(table; column; criteria)
DB DCOUNT() BDCONTAR() Counts the numeric cells in a column of a table, according to a specified criteria.
Syntax: =DCOUNT(table; coluna, criteria)
DB DCOUNTA() BDCONTAR.VAL() Counts the non-empty cells in a column of a table, according to a specified criteria.
Syntax: =DCOUNTA(table; column, criteria)
DB DGET() BDOBTER() Extracts a value from a column of a table, according to a specified criteria. Syntax: =DGET(table; column;
DB DMAX() BDMAX() Returns the maximum value in a column, according to specified criteria.
Syntax: =DMAX(table; column; criteria)
DB DMIN() BDMIN() Returns the minimum value in a column, according to a specified criteria.
Syntax: =DMIN(table; column; criteria)
DB DSUM() BDSOMA() Adds the numeric values of a column (field), according to a specified criteria.
Syntax: =DSUM(table; field; criteria). Example: =DSUM(A1:C20;2;K1:K2)
L AND() E() Returns true if all the arguments are true, returns false if any of the arguments is false. Example:
L FALSE() FALSO() Returns the logical value false. Syntax: =FALSE()
L IF() SE() Executes two possible actions according to the result (true or false) of a logical condition.
Syntax: =IF(condition; action if true; action if false).
Examples: A1: 12. =IF(A1>10;1;0) => 1; =IF(A1>0;"positive";IF(A1<0;"negative";"null”))
L NOT() NÃO() Returns the logical value opposed to logical value of the argument.
Syntax: =NOT(logical value)
L OR() OU() Returns true if any of the arguments is true, returns false if both arguments are false. Example:
L TRUE() VERDADEIRO() Returns the logical value true. Syntax: =TRUE()
I ISBLANK() É.CELULA.VAZIA() Returns true if a cell is empty. Syntax: =ISBLANK(value)
I ISERROR() É.ERRO() Returns true if the contents of a cell, or the result of a function), gives an error (#n/a, #value; #ref, #div/0,
#num). Syntax: =ISERROR(value)
I ISLOGICAL() É.LÓGICO() Returns true if the contents of a cell is a logical value. Syntax: =ISLOGICAL(value)
I ISNA() É.NÃO.DISP() Returns true if the value/contents of the cell gives an error #N/D (not available value). Syntax: =ISNA(value)
I ISNUMBER() É.NUM() Returns true if the contents of a cell is a number. Syntax: =ISNUMBER(value)
I ISTEXT() É.TEXTO() Returns true if the value ou contents of a cell is text. Syntax: =ISTEXT(value)
T CONCATENATE() CONCATENAR() Join characters or chains of characters (String) in a single String/text. Syntax: =CONCATENATE(A1;" ";A2)
As an alternative it may be used the operator & (Syntax: = A1 & A2)
T FIND() LOCALIZAR() Searches for a character or String in other String/sentence/document and returns the position where it is
found. Syntax: =FIND(search String/character; String/sentence/document; from what position)
T LEFT() ESQUERDA() Extracts n characters from a String counting from the left.
Syntax: =LEFT("excel";2) ➔ “ex”
T LEN() NÚM.CARACT() Returns the number of characters in a String (or chain of characters).
Syntax: =LEN("excel") ➔ 5
T MID() SEG.TEXTO() Extracts n characters from a String counting from a specified position. Syntax: =MID("excel";2;1) ➔ “x”
T RIGHT() DIREITA() Extracts n characters from a String counting from the right.
Syntax: =RIGHT("excel";2) ➔ “el”

Type of function
Database Search and Reference Date and Hour Statistical Information Logical Mathematics Text

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