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Some functions to know

1. DATE: DATE: Returns a date from year, month, and day values. The syntax is
"=DATE(year, month, day)".
Example: "=DATE(2023, 2, 8)" returns the date "2023-02-08".

2. NOW: Returns the current date and time. The syntax is "=NOW()".

3. TODAY: Returns the current date. The syntax is "=TODAY()".

4. ABS: Returns the absolute value of a number. The syntax is "=ABS(number)".

For example, "=ABS(-5)" returns "5".

5. CEILING: Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to a number. The
syntax is "=CEILING(number, significance)".
For example, "=CEILING(2.6,1)" returns "3.".
The second argument, "1", is the significance, which is the multiple that you want the
result to be rounded up to. In this case, the result will be rounded up to the nearest
multiple of 1. So 2.6 rounded up to the nearest multiple of 1 is 3.

6. COMBIN: Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items. The
syntax is "=COMBIN(number, number_chosen)".
Example: "=COMBIN(5,3)" returns "10", which is the number of combinations of 5
items taken 3 at a time.

7. COS: Returns the cosine of an angle in radians. The syntax is "=COS(number)".

Example: "=COS(PI()/3)" returns "0.5", which is the cosine of 60 degrees.

8. DEGREES: Converts radians to degrees. The syntax is "=DEGREES(number)".

Example: "=DEGREES(PI()/3)" returns "60"

9. EVEN: Returns the nearest even integer to a given number. The syntax is
Example: "=EVEN(3.4)" returns "4".

10. FACT: Returns the factorial of a number. The syntax is "=FACT(number)".

Example: "=FACT(5)" returns "120". The factorial of a number is the product of all
positive integers from 1 to that number, e.g. 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.

11. FLOOR: Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number, with
optional significance. The syntax is "=FLOOR(number, significance)".
Example: "=FLOOR(3.14, 0.1)" returns "3.1".

12. INT: Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number. The syntax is
Example: "=INT(3.14)" returns "3".

13. MOD: Returns the remainder of a division operation. The syntax is

"=MOD(dividend, divisor)".
Example: "=MOD(5,2)" returns "1".

14. ODD: ODD: Returns the nearest odd integer to a given number. The syntax is
Example: "=ODD(3.4)" returns "3".

15. PI: Returns the value of π (Pi), the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter. The syntax is "=PI()".
Example: "=PI()" returns "3.14159265358979".

16. POWER: Returns a number raised to a specified power. The syntax is

"=POWER(number, power)".
Example: "=POWER(2,3)" returns "8".

17. PRODUCT: Multiplies its arguments. The syntax is "=PRODUCT(number1,

number2, ...)".
Example: "=PRODUCT(2,3,4)" returns "24".

18. QUOCIENT: Returns the integer portion of a division operation. The syntax is
"=QUOTIENT(dividend, divisor)".
Example: "=QUOTIENT(5,2)" returns "2".

19. RADIANS: Converts degrees to radians. The syntax is "=RADIANS(number)".

Example: "=RADIANS(45)" returns "0.785398163397448".

20. ROUND: Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places. The
syntax is "=ROUND(number, num_digits)".
Example: "=ROUND(3.14159, 2)" returns "3.14".

21. SIGN: Returns the sign of a number, indicating whether the number is positive,
negative, or zero. The syntax is "=SIGN(number)".
Example: "=SIGN(3)" returns "1", while "=SIGN(-3)" returns "-1" and "=SIGN(0)"
returns "0".

22. SQRT: Returns the square root of a number. The syntax is "=SQRT(number)".
Example: "=SQRT(16)" returns "4".

23. SUM: Adds its arguments. The syntax is "=SUM(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=SUM(1,2,3)" returns "6".

24. TRUNC: Truncates a number to an integer by removing the decimal part of the
number. The syntax is "=TRUNC(number, [num_digits])".
Example: "=TRUNC(3.14)" returns "3".

25. AVERAGE: Returns the average of its arguments. The syntax is

"=AVERAGE(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=AVERAGE(1,2,3)" returns "2".

26. COUNT: Returns the number of cells in a range that contain numbers. The syntax is
Example: "=COUNT(A1:A3)" returns "3" if cells A1, A2, and A3 contain numbers.

27. COUNTIF: Returns the number of cells in a range that meet a specified criterion. The
syntax is "=COUNTIF(range, criterion)".
Example: "=COUNTIF(A1:A3, ">2")" returns "1" if cells A1, A2, and A3 contain
numbers greater than 2.

28. MAX: Returns the maximum value in a range of numbers. The syntax is
"=MAX(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=MAX(1,2,3)" returns "3".

29. MAXA: Returns the maximum value in a range of numbers, including text and logical
values. The syntax is "=MAXA(value1, value2, ...)".
Example: "=MAXA(1, "text", TRUE)" returns "text".

30. MEDIAN: Returns the median of a range of numbers. The median is the middle value
when a set of numbers is arranged in ascending or descending order. The syntax is
"=MEDIAN(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=MEDIAN(1,2,3)" returns "2".

31. MIN: Returns the minimum value in a range of numbers. The syntax is
"=MIN(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=MIN(1,2,3)" returns "1".

32. MINA: Returns the minimum value in a range of numbers, including text and logical
values. The syntax is "=MINA(value1, value2, ...)".
Example: "=MINA(1, "text", FALSE)" returns "FALSE".

33. MODE: Returns the most frequently occurring value in a range of numbers. The
syntax is "=MODE(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=MODE(1,1,2,3)" returns "1".

34. STDEV: Returns the standard deviation of a population, based on a sample of

numbers. The syntax is "=STDEV(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=STDEV(1,2,3)" returns "0.816496580927726".

35. VAR: Returns the variance of a population, based on a sample of numbers. The
syntax is "=VAR(number1, number2, ...)".
Example: "=VAR(1,2,3)" returns "0.666666666666667".

36. CONCATENATE: Combines two or more strings of text into one string. The syntax
is "=CONCATENATE(string1, string2, ...)" or CONCAT(string1,string2, …).
Example: "=CONCATENATE("hello ", "world")" returns "hello world".

37. EXACT: Compares two strings of text and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same,
and FALSE if they are not. The syntax is "=EXACT(string1, string2)".
Example: "=EXACT("hello", "hello")" returns TRUE.

38. LEN: Returns the number of characters in a string of text. The syntax is
Example: "=LEN("hello")" returns "5".

39. LENB: Returns the number of bytes used to represent a string of text. The syntax is
Example: =LENB("hello").

40. LOWER: Converts all uppercase letters in a string of text to lowercase. The syntax is
Example: "=LOWER("HELLO")" returns "hello".

41. PROPER: Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string of text and makes all
other letters lowercase. The syntax is "=PROPER(string)".
Example: "=PROPER("hElLo")" returns "Hello".

42. TRIM: Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string of text. The syntax is
Example: "=TRIM(" hello ")" returns "hello".

43. UPPER: Converts all lowercase letters in a string of text to uppercase. The syntax is
Example: "=UPPER("hello")" returns "HELLO".

44. IF: Returns one value if a condition is TRUE, and another value if it's FALSE. The
syntax is "=IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)".
Example: "=IF(A1>10, "Greater than 10", "Less than or equal to 10")" will return
"Greater than 10" if the value in cell A1 is greater than 10, and "Less than or equal to
10" if it's less than or equal to 10.

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