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Microsoft Excel

Arumugam M
© Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

© Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Ground Rules
6Tips in 6Minutes
Special Functions(Right/Left/Trim/Concatenate/
Data Lookup (Vlookup, INDEX, MATCH)
Sort (Custom one)
Macros (Basics)
Conditional Formatting*
6Tips in 6Minutes
Autocomplete (to repeat data that is already in a column)

Trace Dependents/Precedents

Find a week number

Find largest/smallest number in a range

Copy value from above cell & Copy value from left cell

Fast navigation to next/previous worksheet

Special Functions





Right Function
the Right function extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most
The syntax for the Right function is:
=Right( text, number_of_characters )

text is the string that you wish to extract from.

number_of_characters indicates the number of characters that you wish to extract

starting from the right-most character.

Based on the given example

would return "soup"

=Right(A1, 4)

=Right(A1, 6) would return “t Soup"

=Right ("Excel", 3) would return "cel"

Left Function

would return “Alph"

=Left(A1, 4)

=Right(A2, 6) would return “techon"

the Concatenate function allows you to join 2 or more strings together.

The syntax for the Concatenate function is:

Concatenate( text1, text2, ... text_n )

There can be up to 30 strings that are joined together.

Based on the given example

would return "Alphabet"

=Concatenate(A1, A2)
=Concatenate (A2,” would return “bet ter”
“ ,”ter”)
=Concatenate(A1, "bet would return "Alphabet
soup") soup"
Trim Function
the Trim function returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed.

The syntax for the Trim function is:

=Trim( text )

text is the text value to remove the leading and trailing spaces from.

Based on the given example

would return "Tech on the Net"

=Trim(A2) would return "1234"
=Trim(A3) would return "alphabet soup"
=Trim(" apples ") would return "apples"

Now Function

the Now function returns the current system date and


The syntax for the Now function is:

ISERROR is a very useful function that tells you if the formula you look at with
it gives any error value.
Iserror (Value)
Value refers to any error value (#N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!,
#NAME?, or #NULL!)
To use ISERROR function
In the example below the average functions in the column G is trying to divide
empty cells and giving the
error message #DIV/0! The error function checking that cell gives the value
true there is an error this could
be nested in an IF function with an AVERAGE function so that the error
message does not show in column G


COUNTIF counts the number of cells in a range based on a given


RANGE is one or more cells to count, including numbers or names,

arrays, or references that contain
numbers. Blank and text values are ignored.

CRITERIA is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell

reference, or text that defines which cells
will be counted. For example, criteria can be expressed as 32, "32",
">32", "apples", or B4.
A very common request is for a single function to conditionally average a range of numbers – a complement
to SUMIF and COUNTIF. AVERAGEIF, allows users to easily average a range based on a specific criteria.

AVERAGEIF(Range, Criteria, [Average Range])

RANGE is one or more cells to average, including numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.
CRITERIA is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that defines which cells are averaged. For example,
criteria can be expressed as 32, "32", ">32", "apples", or B4.
AVERAGE range is the actual set of cells to average. If omitted, RANGE is used.
Here is an example that returns the average of B2:B5 where the corresponding value in column A is greater
than 250,000:
=AVERAGEIF(A2:A5, “>250000”, B2:B5)

the SumIf function adds all numbers in a range of cells, based on a given criteria.
The syntax for the SumIf function is:
SumIf( range, criteria, sum_range )

range is the range of cells that you want to apply the criteria against.
criteria is used to determine which cells to add.
sum_range are the cells to sum.

Based on the given example

would return 218.6
=SumIf(A2:A6, D2, C2:C6)

=SumIf(A:A, D2, C:C) would return 218.6

=SumIf(A2:A6, 2003, C2:C6) would return 7.2

=SumIf(A2:A6, ">=2001", C2:C6) would return 12.6


The CHOOSE function has the following syntax:
• index_number must be between 1 and 254 (or 29 in Excel
2003 and earlier)
• index_number can be typed in the function, or can be a
formula or cell reference
• index_number fractions will be truncated to the lowest
integer, before using
• value arguments can be numbers, cell references, defined
names, formulas, functions, or text
Data Lookup

These functions allow you to create formulae which examine large amounts of data and
find information which matches or approximates to certain conditions. They are
simpler to construct than nested IF’s and can produce many more varied results.


The syntax for LOOKUP is as follows;

It is essential that data in the
=LOOKUP( lookup_value , lookup_vector , result_vector )
lookup vector is placed in
ascending order, i.e. numbers
from lowest
number or text entry to
to highest, text from A to Z. If
look for
area in which to this is not done, the LOOKUP
search for the lookup_value adjacent row or function may return the wrong
column where the result.
value or text is to be
The VLOOKUP searches vertically.
*whereas HLOOKUP searches the value in horizontally.

The syntax for the VLOOKUP function follows the same pattern as HLOOKUP, except that instead of
specifying a row index number, you would specify a column index number to instruct VLOOKUP to move
across to a specific column in the array where the required value is to be found.

=VLOOKUP( lookup_value , table_array , col_index_number )

In the case of VLOOKUP, data in the first column of the array should be in ascending order, as VLOOKUP
searches down this column for the lookup_value.
In the same spreadsheet as before, a VLOOKUP formula could be used to search for a specific time period,
then return the appropriate rate for a fixed amount. In the following example, a time period is entered in
cell A54 and in B54 the VLOOKUP formula is contained;

The cell A54 is the lookup_value (time period), the

table_array is as before, and for this example rates are
looked up for a loan of £40000, hence the
column_index_number 5. By changing the value of cell
A54, the appropriate rate for that time period is
returned. Where the specific lookup_value is not found,
VLOOKUP works in the same way as HLOOKUP. In other
words, the nearest value in the array that is less than
the lookup_value will be returned. So, a £40000 loan
over 17 years would return an interest rate of 16.00%.

Cell B54 holds this formula;

Data Analytics


Pivot Table
30 shortcuts to speed up your calculations.

1. Select the current column [Ctrl] + [Space]

2. Select the current row [Shift] + [Space]
3. Edit the active cell [F2]
4. Move to the beginning of the worksheet [Ctrl] + [Home]
5. Move to the last cell on the worksheet [Ctrl] + [End]
6. Paste a name into a formula [F3]
7. Paste a function into a formula [Shift] + [F3]
8. Alternate value/formula view [Ctrl] + [`] (on key [1])
9. Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks [F9]
10. Display the Go To dialog box [F5]
11. Display the Find dialog box [Shift] + [F5]
12. Display the Format Cells dialog box [Ctrl] + [1]
13. Create a chart [F11]
14. Insert a new sheet [Alt] + [Shift] + [F1]
15. Repeat the last action [F4]
16. Repeat Find [Shift] + [F4]
17. Open [Ctrl] + [F12]
18. Exit [Ctrl] + [F4]
19. Check spelling of current cell [F7]
20. Activate the menu bar [F10]
21. Display the Macro dialog box [Alt] + [F8]
22. Apply outline to active cell [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [&]
23. Convert to a percentage [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [%]
24. Select all filled cells around active cell [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [*]
25. Move to next sheet [Ctrl] + [Page Down]
26. Move to previous sheet [Ctrl] + [Page Up]
27. Complete a cell entry and move up [Shift] + [Enter]
28. Complete a cell entry and move right [Tab]
29. Complete a cell entry and move left [Shift] + [Tab]
30. Edit a cell comment [Shift] + [F2]

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