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3: Productivity Tools (Microsoft Office Excel)

I. Introduction:

Microsoft (MS) Office Excel is a spreadsheet program that uses cell manipulation. A spreadsheet is a
table of values arrange in rows and columns. These values can take many forms such as text, date and times and
numbers (including currency and percentage).

Microsoft Excel is one of the most used software applications of all time. Hundreds of millions of people
around the world use Microsoft Excel. You can use Excel to enter all sorts of data and perform financial,
mathematical or statistical calculations.

MS Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program that lets users organize data, complete computations, make
decisions, create and interpret graphs, develop reports, publish data to Web, and access real time data from Websites.
File format .xls.

II. Parts of Microsoft Excel 2016

1. Formula bar is located below the Ribbon. This area displays the contents of the active cell. It can also be
used for entering or editing data and formulas.

2. Insert formula dialog box helps the user identify and implement functions, a type of formula that
performs specialized and group calculations.
3. Name box displays the cell reference or the name of the active cell.
4. Worksheet is a single page in an Excel workbook. By default, there is one worksheet in an Excel 2016
file. The tab at the bottom of a worksheet tells you the name of the worksheet (e.g., Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.).
Renaming a worksheet or changing the tab color can make it easier to keep track of data in large
spreadsheet files. Adding additional worksheets can be done by clicking on the add sheet icon next to the
sheet tab at the bottom of the screen or you can use press Shift+F11 to add a new worksheet. Switching
between worksheets can be done by clicking on the tab of the sheet you wish to access or by using this
keyboard shortcut to change between worksheets.
5. Rows run horizontally in a worksheet and are identified by numbers in the row header.
6. Columns run vertically and are identified by letters in the column header.
7. Cell is the intersection point of a vertical column and a horizontal row. Data entered in a worksheet is
stored in a cell. Each cell can hold only one piece of data at a time.
8. Cell references - each cell in the worksheet can be identified by a cell reference, which is a combination of
letters and numbers such as A1, F456, or AA34.
9. Active cell is recognized by its black outline. Data is always entered in the active cell. Different cells can
be made active by clicking on them with the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
III. Entering formulas in excel and Operators in MS Office Excel

❖ Determining the cell address of an active cell

In order for you to determine the cell address of an active cell the simplest thing to do is to look at the
name box section of an excel. It specifies the name of an active cell. Another way of determining the cell
address is by looking to the column and row of the active cell. Columns are represented by a letter and rows
are represented by a number to specify the active cell just write the column letter and the row number.

Example: B1

❖ Entering formulas in excel

In order for you to enter formulas in excel the first thing you’re going to type is the “=” symbol follow
by a number or cell address and operators.

Example: A1 + B2 * 5

❖ Operators used in Excel

Operators Expression Description

+ =A1 + B1 Addition

- =A1 - B1 Subtraction

* =A1 * B1 Multiplication

/ =A1 / B1 Division

^ =A1 ^ B1 Exponentiation

- =-A1 Negative sign

() = (A1 + B1) / 2 Use to separate terms

of an expression

❖ Order of Evaluation (Hierarchy)

In evaluating expression you’re going to apply PEMDAS rule and Left to Right rule.
P – Parenthesis
E – Exponentiation
MD – Multiplication/ Division
AS – Addition Subtraction

=9 – 3 + 7 * 2
=9 – 3 + 14
= 6 + 14
= 20

IV. Advance and Complex Calculations in Excel

Complex formula is the combination of more than two simple formulas. One of the key features of excel is
the ability to calculate complex formulas. There are four basic computation uses in excel. Namely addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. When solving complex problems, Excel follows the PEMDAS. PEMDAS
is an acronym for the words: parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

Relative Reference
● All cell references are called relative references.
● When copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of rows and columns.

Absolute Reference

● These are cell references that do not change when copied or filled.
● You can use an absolute reference to keep a row and/or column constant.
● These reference cells can be made constant by inserting $ sign in between or before the row and column.

$A$1 The column and the row do not change when copied.
A$1 The row does not change when copied
$A1 The column does not change when copied.
V. Function in Excel

These are predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order.

The parts of a function are:

Function Name Description Syntax (Rules in writing the Example

A. Information

1. ISNUMBER Check whether if the value is =ISNUMBER(data) =ISNUMBER(“TLE”)

number. Returns true or false. False

2. ISNONTEXT Check whether if the value is =ISNONTEXT(data) =ISNONTEXT(“123”)

not text (blank cells are not False
text). Return true or false. =ISNONTEXT(123)

3. ISTEXT Check whether if the value is =ISTEXT(data) =ISTEXT(“123”)

text. Return true or false. True

4. ISEVEN Returns true if the number is =ISEVEN(data) =ISEVEN(2)

even. True
5. ISODD Returns true if the number is =ISODD(data) =ISODD(2)
odd. False

B. Logical

1. AND Checks whether if all arguments =AND(Condition,Condtion) =AND(5>4, 5<10)

are true, and returns true if all True
arguments are true.
2. OR Returns false only if all =OR(Condtion,Condition) =OR(5<4,5<10)
arguments are false. False

3. NOT Change false to true or true to =NOT(Condition) =NOT(5>2)

false False

C. Text

1. LEN Returns the number of character =LEN(STRING) =LEN(TLE)

screen. 3

2. LEFT Returns the specified number of =LEFT(STRING,LENGTH) =LEN(“TLE”,1)

characters from the left of text T
3. RIGHT Returns the specified number of =RIGHT(STRING,LENGTH) =RIGHT(“Grade
characters from the right of text Seven”,5)
strings. Seven
4. LOWER Change uppercase to lowercase. =LOWER(STRING) =LOWER(“TLE”)

5. UPPER Change lowercase to uppercase. =UPPER(STRING) =UPPER(“tle”)


6. MID Returns a character from a =MID(Text,Start_num,Num_Cha A1 = TLE

middle string. Giving a starting rs) =MID (A1,3,2)
position and length. Mp
D. Statistical

1. MIN Returns the smallest value in a set =MIN(number1,number2…) =MIN(45,3,-23)

of values. -23

2. MAX Returns the largest value in a set =MAX(number1,number2…) =MAX(45,3,-23)

of values. 45

3. AVERAGE Find the average of the set of =AVERAGE(number1,number2 =AVERAGE(5,5,5)

values. …) 5

4. MEDIAN Returns the middle value in a =MEDIAN(num1,num2) =MEDIAN(5,3)

defined range. 4

5. MODE Returns the most frequently =MODE(num1,num2,….) =MODE(1,2,4,4)

occurring value in an array rang 4
of data.
6. COUNT It count the number of cells that =COUNT(cellrange) =COUNT(a1:c1)
contain numbers. A| B| C|
1| 5 7 4
Answer: 3
E. Math and Trigonometry

1. SQRT Find the square root of the =SQRT(number) =SQRT(25)

number. 5

2. POWER Return the result of a number =POWER(number,power) =POWER(5,2)

raised to a power. 25

3. SUM Adds all the number in a range of =SUM(cell address: cell address) =SUM(A1:A5)

4. ROUND It rounds off the number based on =ROUND(number,place Value) =ROUND(24.73,0)

the entered place value -1 - tens, 0 Answer: 25
- ones, 1 - tenths, 2 hundredths.
5. ROMAN It converts Hindu Arabic number =ROMAN(Number) =ROMAN(14)
to Roman numeral XIV

6. SIGN Determines the sign of a number. =SIGN(Number) =SIGN(5)

7. FACT Returns the factorial of a number. =FACT(number) =FACT(3)

8. FLOOR Rounds the number down to the =FLOOR(number,significance) =FLOOR(number,signifi

nearest significant multiple. cance)

9. INT Numbers rounded down to the =INT(number) =INT(52.5)

nearest integer. 53

10. MOD Returns remainder after a number =MOD(number,divisor) =MOD(5,2)

is divided by a divisor. 1

11. COS Returns cosine of a number =COS(number) =COS(5)


12. SIN Returns sine of a number =SIN (number) =SIN (5)


13. TAN Returns tangent of a number =TAN(number) =TAN(5)


F. Date and Time

1. NOW Returns current date and time = NOW() = NOW()

8/30/14 6:31
2. TODAY Returns current time = TODAY() = TODAY()

1. IF Conditional statement =IF(CONDITION,TRUE,FALS =IF(A1=7,”Freshmen”,
E) ”Other year level”)

VI. Sort a Range, Conditional Formatting, Create chart, Create an Excel Table and Applying VLookup on
MS Office Excel

To sort a range:

1. Select the cell range you want to sort.

2. Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click the Sort command.
3. The Sort dialog box will appear.
4. Decide the sorting order (either ascending or descending).
5. Once you're satisfied with your selection, click OK.
6. The cell range will be sorted by the selected column.

To create the first rule:

1. Select cells A2 through A7. Do this by dragging from A2 to A7.

2. Then, click Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.
3. In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, click Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
4. Under Format values where this formula is true, type the formula: =A2>TODAY()
5. The formula uses the TODAY function to see if the dates in column A are greater than today (in the future).
If so, the cells are formatted.
6. Click Format.
7. In the Color box, select Red. In the Font Style box, select Bold.
8. Click OK until the dialog boxes are closed.

Create a chart

1. Select data for the chart.

2. Select Insert > Recommended Charts.
3. Select a chart on the Recommended Charts tab, to preview the chart.
4. Select a chart.
5. Select OK.

Creating an Excel Table

1. Select a cell in the list of data that you prepared.

2. On the Ribbon, click the Insert tab.
3. In the Tables group, click the Table command.
4. In the Create Table dialog box, the range for your data should automatically appear, and the My table has
headers option is checked.
Click OK to accept these settings.

Applying VLookup in Excel

The VLOOKUP (Vertical lookup) function looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then
returns a value in the same row from another column you specify.
The VLOOKUP function performs a vertical lookup by searching for a value in the first column of a table
and returning the value in the same row in the index_number position.

The VLOOKUP function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Lookup/Reference

Function. It can be used as a worksheet function in Excel. As a worksheet function, the VLOOKUP function can be
entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.

Syntax: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup])


1. Identify a column of cells you'd

like to fill with new data.
2. Select 'Function' (Fx) >
VLOOKUP or type
3. Enter the lookup value for which
you want to retrieve new data.
4. Enter the table array of the
spreadsheet where your desired
data is located.
5. Enter the column number of the
data you want Excel to return.
6. Enter your range lookup to find
an exact or approximate match of
your lookup value.

Click 'Done' (or 'Enter') and fill your new column.

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