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Part 1:
These are all quotes from Deng; what do they mean? What was he trying to achieve do you think from
such sayings?
 Seek Truth from Facts
 It does not matter if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice
 To get rich is glorious
 Not introducing reforms will take us down a blind alley
 China must modernise; it must absolutely not liberalise or take the capitalist road'

Notes :

The overriding theme of China's economic policy after 1976 was modernisation. After the removal of
the Gang of Four all groups in the leadership seem to have been agree upon this. Initially, the
campaign was promoted under the slogan of the 4 Modernisations. This meant abandoning Mao's
ideas and the adoption of Western-style technology. Thousands of students were sent to study in the
West and the programme of sending young people from the cities to the countryside. In the resolution
on economic planning made at the Third Plenum of the Party's Central Committee, in December
1978, it was stated that The Four Modernisations 'requires changes in all methods of management,
actions and thinking which stand in the way of the growth in the productive forces. Socialist
modernisation is therefore a profound and extensive revolution'.
Economic growth not ideological correctness would be the priority of policy makers. Deng believed
that China could benefit from trade amd co-operation with foreign capitalists as long as this happened
on China's terms. Although centralised planning would continue, and most Chinese companies would
still be state-owned enterprises (SOEs), Deng made two key changes. Firstly enterprises were
allowed to make decisions about production based on market forces and the pursuit of profit.
Secondly China adopted an Open Door Policy on foreign trade. Both of these changes would mean
that Chinese companies would have to become more efficient to compete with foreign competition.

Part 2:

Four Modernizations:
Agriculture, Industry, science and technology, Defense
What was the aim of each of the modernizations? What actions were taken in each area and what
were the positive results in each case? What were the negative results?
Students work in groups and take one of the modernizations each to research. They then produce a
presentation to the rest of the class or a wall display on their modernization.

Part 3: Each group addresses the following questions:

How successful were the Four Modernizations? (Baryali & Ramya)

Why did Deng think it was necessary to carry out economic reforms in China? ( Sadia, Eeshan, Rishit)
What kind of methods did he use to improve agricultural production and did this change peasant life? (
Sadia, Eeshan, Rishit)
Why was it more difficult to change the working habits and production levels of industrial workers?
( Sadia, Eeshan, Rishit)
Were his economic reforms successful? (Sai & Kamala)

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