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Student’s name: Carlos Sanguinetti Carrillo W1: Write a paragraph in which you make a

prediction about the relationship between Akiko and Rosa.

Paragraph outline

1) Topic sentence: My prediction is that Rosa and Akiko will develop a close and amicable relationship.
2) Supporting sentences/ Details/Body:

 They noticed that their similarity based on their shared interest in shopping.

 Rosa had a positive impression about her.

 Exchange is an important element for improving their friendship

3) Concluding sentence: It seems that Rosa and Akiko will develop a great friendship sharing interests

and mutual kindness.

Paragraph (clean copy)

My prediction is that Rosa and Akiko will develop a close and amicable relationship. First, they noticed

that their similarity based on their shared interest in shopping suggests a common ground that could

foster their bond. As a result, both of them will feel more confident to be around each other. Second,

Rosa had a positive impression of her. Once Rosa met her, she noticed her niceness, and beauty

combined with Hiro's endorsement, laid a foundation for mutual trust. Thus, Rosa found Akiko to be

friendly, and well-dressed, also appreciates her sense of style indicates a favorable impression. Third,

Exchange is an important element for improving their friendship. They have a good exchange since

Rosa's willingness to show Akiko around and Akiko's gesture of buying her coffee show a potential for

consideration in their interactions. Consequently, little by little they would spend more time together.

Furthermore, Rosa's ability to overlook Akiko's mistakes suggests a forgiving and understanding attitude,

which can contribute to a harmonious relationship between them. Overall, it seems that Rosa and Akiko

will develop a great friendship sharing interests and mutual kindness.

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