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Create open questions to the text

Creates a list of open questions. Ask your students these
questions to make sure they understand the text.

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Title: Relationship Reflections

Have you ever found yourself reminiscing about past

relationships, pondering what could have been or what you wish
had happened di!erently? Many of us have, as relationships are
a fundamental part of the human experience, filled with highs
and lows, joys and regrets.

Imagine a group of friends sitting together, sipping co!ee on a

lazy Sunday afternoon, sharing their thoughts and experiences
about relationships. Let's eavesdrop on their conversation:

Sarah, with a wistful smile, begins, "You know, looking back, I

wish I had communicated better in my last relationship. There
were so many misunderstandings, and I kept wishing he would
understand me without me having to spell everything out."

Mark nods in agreement, adding, "I can relate to that. I wish I had
been more patient with my ex-girlfriend. I was always in a rush,
wanting things to move faster, and I think it added unnecessary
pressure to our relationship."

Anna chimes in, "I wish I had listened to my instincts earlier and
ended things when I first felt that something wasn't right.
Instead, I kept hoping things would improve, but deep down, I
knew it wasn't meant to be."

As the conversation continues, they delve into their present

desires and future hopes for relationships. Sarah expresses, "I
think it's time I focused on my own happiness and stopped
settling for relationships that don't fulfill me. I deserve someone
who truly values and respects me."

Mark nods in agreement, saying, "I agree. It's time I prioritize my

own needs and aspirations, rather than constantly seeking
validation from others. I want to find someone who shares my
values and ambitions."

Anna smiles, "I've realized that I would rather be single than

settle for a relationship that doesn't bring me joy. I want to
strike up meaningful connections with people who truly
appreciate and reciprocate my love and a!ection."

Their conversation reflects the complexities of relationships,

filled with moments of reflection, introspection, and the pursuit
of happiness. Each of them acknowledges past regrets and
embraces present and future wishes, demonstrating their
growth and evolution in navigating the intricate world of

As they finish their co!ee and bid farewell, they leave with a
renewed sense of clarity and determination to prioritize their
own happiness and well-being in their relationships, past,
present, and future.

Relationships, with their twists and turns, regrets and wishes,

continue to shape our lives and enrich our experiences,
reminding us of the profound impact they have on our journey
towards love and fulfillment.

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Intermediate B1-B2

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Let's Answer the Following Questions!

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1. What do Sarah and Mark wish they had done di!erently in their
past relationships?
2. How does Anna reflect on her decision-making process in her
previous relationship?
3. What are Sarah's present desires regarding relationships?
4. How does Mark plan to change his approach to relationships in
the future?
5. What realization has Anna come to about being single versus
settling for an unsatisfying relationship?
6. How do the friends' reflections demonstrate growth and
evolution in navigating relationships?
7. What is the overall message conveyed by the group's
conversation about relationships?

Correct answers:
1. Sarah wishes she had communicated better, while Mark regrets
not being more patient with his ex-girlfriend.
2. Anna wishes she had listened to her instincts earlier and ended
things when she first felt something was wrong.
3. Sarah wants to focus on her own happiness and stop settling for
unfulfilling relationships.
4. Mark plans to prioritize his needs and aspirations, seeking
someone who shares his values and ambitions.
5. Anna realizes that she would rather be single than settle for a
joyless relationship, aiming to form meaningful connections with
those who appreciate and reciprocate her love.
6. The friends' reflections show how they acknowledge past regrets,
embrace current wishes, and signify personal growth in handling
7. The group's conversation highlights the importance of
prioritizing one's happiness and well-being in relationships,
emphasizing self-respect and fulfillment as key elements in
navigating the complexities of love.

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Don't stop!

Create using the text:

Fill in the gap ABCD questions

True/False statements Three titles

A dialogue on the same topic Lead-in activities

Create an exercise with matching halves

Extract collocations

Lead-in activities for a text

Creates 3 ideas that can be used as lead-in activities before
reading a certain text in class. Replace simple discussion
questions with these to make your lesson more engaging!

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Title: Relationship Reflections

Have you ever found yourself reminiscing about past

relationships, pondering what could have been or what you wish
had happened di!erently? Many of us have, as relationships are
a fundamental part of the human experience, filled with highs
and lows, joys and regrets.

Imagine a group of friends sitting together, sipping co!ee on a

lazy Sunday afternoon, sharing their thoughts and experiences
about relationships. Let's eavesdrop on their conversation:

Sarah, with a wistful smile, begins, "You know, looking back, I

wish I had communicated better in my last relationship. There
were so many misunderstandings, and I kept wishing he would
understand me without me having to spell everything out."

Mark nods in agreement, adding, "I can relate to that. I wish I had
been more patient with my ex-girlfriend. I was always in a rush,
wanting things to move faster, and I think it added unnecessary
pressure to our relationship."

Anna chimes in, "I wish I had listened to my instincts earlier and
ended things when I first felt that something wasn't right.
Instead, I kept hoping things would improve, but deep down, I
knew it wasn't meant to be."

As the conversation continues, they delve into their present

desires and future hopes for relationships. Sarah expresses, "I
think it's time I focused on my own happiness and stopped
settling for relationships that don't fulfill me. I deserve someone
who truly values and respects me."

Mark nods in agreement, saying, "I agree. It's time I prioritize my

own needs and aspirations, rather than constantly seeking
validation from others. I want to find someone who shares my
values and ambitions."

Anna smiles, "I've realized that I would rather be single than

settle for a relationship that doesn't bring me joy. I want to
strike up meaningful connections with people who truly
appreciate and reciprocate my love and a!ection."

Their conversation reflects the complexities of relationships,

filled with moments of reflection, introspection, and the pursuit
of happiness. Each of them acknowledges past regrets and
embraces present and future wishes, demonstrating their
growth and evolution in navigating the intricate world of

As they finish their co!ee and bid farewell, they leave with a
renewed sense of clarity and determination to prioritize their
own happiness and well-being in their relationships, past,
present, and future.

Relationships, with their twists and turns, regrets and wishes,

continue to shape our lives and enrich our experiences,
reminding us of the profound impact they have on our journey
towards love and fulfillment.

Need a text? Try to create based on a topic 417 / 1000

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Let's Warm Up with Some Lead-in Activities!

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1 Discuss with a partner the importance of e!ective

communication in relationships. Share a personal experience
where miscommunication caused misunderstandings and
reflect on what could have been done di!erently.

2 In groups, create a role-play scenario where one person is

trying to persuade the other to prioritize their own needs and
happiness in a relationship. Practice using persuasive language
and emotional appeals to convey the importance of self-worth
and fulfillment in relationships.

3 Individually, write a reflective journal entry about a past

relationship. Consider what you wish had been di!erent, what
you learned from the experience, and how it has influenced
your approach to present and future relationships.

Copy Edit

Don't stop!

Create using the text:

Fill in the gap ABCD questions

True/False statements Open questions

Three titles A dialogue on the same topic

Create an exercise with matching halves

Extract collocations

Create an exercise with matching

Creates an exercise for your students in which they need to
correctly match the halves of collocations, sentences, and so
on. It's an excellent way to practise or revise grammar and
vocabulary chunks.

Simply click on the spaces between words to e!ortlessly

split the sentences or collocations into two parts.

Image to text Remove all splits


Title: Relationship Reflections

Have you ever found yourself reminiscing about past

relationships, pondering what could have been or what
you wish had happened di!erently ? Many of us have,
as relationships are a fundamental part of the human
experience, filled with highs and lows, joys and regrets .

Imagine a group of friends sitting together, sipping

co!ee on a lazy Sunday afternoon, sharing their
thoughts and experiences about relationships . Let's
eavesdrop on their conversation:

Sarah, with a wistful smile, begins, "You know, looking

back, I wish I had communicated better in my last
relationship . There were so many misunderstandings,
and I kept wishing he would understand me without
me having to spell everything out ."

Mark nods in agreement, adding, "I can relate to that .

I wish I had been more patient with my ex-girlfriend .
I was always in a rush, wanting things to move faster,
and I think it added unnecessary pressure to our
relationship ."

Anna chimes in, "I wish I had listened to my instincts

earlier and ended things when I first felt that
something wasn't right . Instead, I kept hoping things
would improve, but deep down, I knew it wasn't meant
to be ."

As the conversation continues, they delve into their

present desires and future hopes for relationships .
Sarah expresses, "I think it's time I focused on my
own happiness and stopped settling for relationships
that don't fulfill me . I deserve someone who truly
values and respects me ."

Mark nods in agreement, saying, "I agree . It's time I

prioritize my own needs and aspirations, rather than
constantly seeking validation from others . I want to
find someone who shares my values and ambitions ."

Anna smiles, "I've realized that I would rather be single

than settle for a relationship that doesn't bring me joy .
I want to strike up meaningful connections with people
who truly appreciate and reciprocate my love and
a!ection ."

Their conversation reflects the complexities of

relationships, filled with moments of reflection,
introspection, and the pursuit of happiness . Each of
them acknowledges past regrets and embraces present
and future wishes, demonstrating their growth and
evolution in navigating the intricate world of
relationships .

As they finish their co!ee and bid farewell, they leave

with a renewed sense of clarity and determination to
prioritize their own happiness and well-being in their
relationships, past, present, and future .

Relationships, with their twists and turns, regrets and

wishes, continue to shape our lives and enrich our
experiences, reminding us of the profound impact they
have on our journey towards love and fulfillment .

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