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November 19, 2023

To my future partner,

I hope you are well and in a wonderful state when you receive this letter. Right now, I feel a
mixture of excitement, expectation, and vulnerability as I sit down to write to you. It is both
thrilling and consoling to think that you exist somewhere in the vastness of time and space,
waiting for our paths to intersect at just the right moment. Though this letter may seem cliché to
you, this medium is a way for me to introduce myself, not just in a clerical sense, but in a deeper
sense for our relationship in the near future.

First and foremost, I know we haven’t met or formed a resonant connection yet in our lives, yet I
want to let you know that this letter is written out of a genuine desire to recognize you on a
deeper level even before we meet. As I consider words of affirmation as one of my love
languages, I believe in the power of words and hope that this written expression will serve as a
testament to my sincerest feelings. In life, we all have our flaws, imperfections, mistakes, and
weaknesses. This also implies a relationship. I want you to know that I am not perfect, and the
same goes for you. Even with these cracks, I promise to bring my authentic self into our
relationship. Hopefully, we can embrace each other for what we truly are, with open arms, full
knowledge, flaws, and all. Also, we all know that true love is hard to define but I believe it can
be attained. Through our stems of acceptance, understanding, and commitment, we can work
towards our goals in life, our wants, needs, and then if God-willing, consummate love.

Throughout the journey of our lives which then will lead toward our relationship, I sincerely look
forward to creating a partnership with you that is built on trust, communication, and mutual
respect. I see myself with you as an individual who compliments me; someone with whom I can
share my hopes, my anxieties, and the everyday moments that give life meaning and spark. I
think that when we work together, we can weave an upholstery of compassion, love, and
steadfast support. Consequently, I am eager to hear about your goals and dreams. I want to be
your strongest ally, encouraging you to follow your dreams and ambitions. In addition, I hope
that we may forge dreams, journeys, and experiences together that will help us get over any
obstacles life may present. Equally important, I swear to be as open and honest as I can in our
communication, to listen intently, and to tackle problems together as partners as we negotiate the
intricacies of life. I'm determined to create an environment where we can develop as a
partnership and as individuals. I can't wait to spend time with you, take inspiration from you, and
confront our future together.

Until the day we finally meet, I send you my warmest regards. I have high hopes for what lies
ahead for us both in terms of happiness, humor, and love.

All my love,


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