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Name: Enrique Cano Rojo

Date: Wednesday 7 April 2021

We live in a world that is full of people that doesn't worry about others and this might be a problem
for the next generations. Because they wont enjoy the world as we did, they will have to live in a
world full of the garbage we leave as our lives passes.
Nevertheless, we could change it if we stop been such a individualism poblation, we could start
being more charitable, more grateful with the people worry about us and care about people that
doesn't have the same options as we have, for example a child who is born in Africa doesn't have
the same chance of being a great scientist, as a child who is born in Europe or EEUU, obviously the
child who is born in Europe have lots of chances, i'm not saying that the child who is born in Africa
doesn't hace chances, actually he does, but he have to be a way more hardworker than the other

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