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Name: Muhfita Choiriyah Siregar

Fauzia Amelia Siregar

Class: TBI 4 Semester 1

Ordering Information in a Paragraph

Her name is Muhfita Choiriyah Siregar. She is 18 years old and She is from Medan. She
study at State Islamic University of North Sumatra and she is studying about English there. She
like this University because this is where her dream began, and this University is one of the best
University in the city because of its many facilities such as comfortable classrooms and fun
hangout places. She like everything in this University. She live around here, so she don’t live in
dormitory. She think her classmates are nice and they are also very friendly, they help each
other when doing assignments. Her lecturers when teaching are very good and easily
understand the material they bring. Because, they teach in a relaxed but clear way. In her free
time, she usually hang out with her classmates in one place. And then, they discuss together
about the lecture material while eating and dringking together.

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