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IMDB Movie’s Analysis

Analysis Report

Naif Khan 7/27/23 Data-Analytics Advanced Excel

Project Description
IMDB Movie Analysis offers a captivating
(something that holds our attention exploration
of the dynamic world of cinema, using data-
driven approaches to uncover patterns and
trends that shape the film industry. This dataset
includes about 5000 rows, which as Data
Analyst I have cleaned the data by removing the
rows with null values and unnecessary columns
such as color, actors_likes, movie_links,
cast_likes, aspect_ratio etc. this project we will
use the various concepts of Advanced Excel
learnt in the programme by Trainity, project uses
major concepts of Excel to answer the questions
asked by the client followed by few extra
insights from the data.

As a Data-Analyst, I downloaded the dataset
from the trainity’s project dashboard, had a go-
through to the data in the csv format, after being
aware of all the rows as well as columns, I
created a Excel Workbook as ‘Name of the
Workbook’ and imported the csv file into it.
1. Selected the unnecessary columns and
deleted it.
2. Select the whole table and used the ‘Go-
to-special’ option to find and select the rows
and delete it.
3. Then performing the further analysis on
the this cleaned data.
4. After completing the analysis, making
this report to present it to the client.

Tech-Stack Used
MS-Excel 2021



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