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Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9
1. -stress in words ending in -ic and - -stress in words ending in - -stress in words ending in - logy
Pronunciation al ese and -ee and -grahy
2. Vocabulary - Words or phrases related to - Words or phrases related - Words or phrases related to “
“Pollution” to “ English speaking Natural disasters”
1. affect (v) countries” 1. accommodation (n)
làm ảnh hưởng 1. Aborigines (n) 2. bury (v)
2. algea (n) 2. absolutely (adv) 3. collapse (v)
tảo 3. accent (n) 4. damage (n)
3. aquatic (adj) 5. cattle station (n) 5. disaster (n)
dưới nước 6. ghost (n) 6. drought (n)
4. billboard (n) 7. haunt (v) 7. earthquake (n)
biển quảng cáo ngoài trời 8. icon (n) 8. erupt (v)
5. blood pressure (n) 9. kangaroo (n) 9. eruption (n)
huyết áp 10. koala (n) 10. evacuate (v)
6. cause (n,v) 11. kilt (n) 11. forest fire (n)
nguyên nhân, gây ra 12. legend (n) 12. homeless (adj)
7. cholera (n) 13. loch (n) 13. mudslide (n)
bệnh tả 14. official (adj) 14. put out (v)
8. come up with (v) 15. parade (n) 15. rage (v)
9. contaminate (v) 16. puzzle (n) 16. rescue worker (n)
làm bẩn 17. schedule (n) 17. scatter (v) /
10. contaminant (n) 18. Scots/ Scottish (n) / 18. shake (v)
11. dump (v) 19. state (n) 19. tornado (n)
vứt, bỏ 20. unique (adj) 20. trap (v)
12. earplug (n) 21. tsunami (n)
cái nút tai 22. typhoon (n)
13. effect (n) 23. victim (n)
kết quả 24. volcanic (adj)
14. fine (v) 25. volcano (n)
phạt tiền
15. float (v)
* Responding to good news:
Wow !/ That’s great !/ That’s a
16. groundwater (n)
relief !/ How wonderful !/
nước ngầm
That’s awesome !
17. hearing loss (n)
* Responding to bad news: Oh,
EXERCISE 1 : Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
1. heroic artistic scientific poetic
2. biological historical aquatic atomic
3. pollute poison sewage visual
4. damage pollutant untreated discharge
5. official accent native language
6. culture difficulty Canadian legend
7. iconic spectacle legend festive
8. typhoon severe injured disaster
9. supply trainee Chinese volunteer
10. medical rescue shelter tornado

EXERCISE 2 : Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. poison visual presentation symbolise
2. cholera loch chemical champagne
3. permanent herbicide sewage diverse
4. bury destructive must-see puzzling
5. official scenic scenery accent
6. scatter rage evacuate collapse
7. buried collapsed caused discharged
8. rages shakes predicts erupts
EXERCISE 3 : Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
1. As the tornado moved through the town, high winds were scattered debris across the streets.
2. I know the school library host the photo exhibition on July 15th.
3. On the second day, there was a rainstorm which helped to put off the forest fire.
4. Although England has several good football teams, it wins the World Cup only once.
5. Households dumping waste into the river can lead it to water pollution.
6. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland together are formed the United Kingdom.
7. Over 670 million people visited it since it opened in 1955, and the number is increasing fast.
8. The Debating Competition is taken place in the Main Hall on April 3rd.
9. Students will be aware about protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental issues at school.
10. Unless there were fresh water in the world, what will happen?
EXERCISE 4 : Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences :
1. Is there such a thing as an _________friendly car?
environmentally environment environmental environmentalist
2. People are born with these ______but often show no outward signs of problems.
poisons damages defects pollutions
3. ______high levels of contaminants have been found in the groundwater, it is obvious that these poisonous chemicals
cause outbreaks of cholera among communities.
Although If Since Due to
4. According to scientific research, tiny species may help ______ radioactive pollution.
bury clean damage poison
5. Emissions of greenhouse gases contribute ______ climate change.
with to on in
6. If I ______ one million US dollars, I would build more parks in our city.
had have were has had
7. Those who are exposed ______ poor air quality can face an increased risk of developing a range of illnesses.
with to on in
8. Australians are native speakers of English because they use it as their __________.
2nd language foreign language mother tongue mother language
9. She spoke with such a strong Scottish __________ that I couldn’t understand.
language accent culture words
10. All of the road signs must be written in the __________so that everyone can follow them easily.
official language English native speaker accent
11. In Europe, the colour white ______purity but in Asia it is often the symbol of death.
icon symbol spectacle symbolises
12. In the north of London, there is a mountainous area with __________scenery.
spectacular scenic beauty history
13. The Statue of Liberty is considered an American icon which I am looking forward to ________.
see seeing it seeing saw
14. Natural disasters can force people to leave their homes so you should also become familiar with the
guideline for________.
shelter accommodate evacuation destruction
15. Simon got lost because he ___________ a map with him.
doesn’t take had taken hadn’t taken weren’t taken
EXERCISE 5 : Rewrite another sentence so that its meaning stays the same as the 1st one :
1.The island has been seriously polluted by a copper mine.
A copper mine _________________________________________________________________________________
2. Untreated sewage from households resulted in the polluted water.
Untreated sewage from households caused____________________________________________________________.
3. They died because of a kind of deadly poison
Their death was due ______________________________________________________________________________
4. My children had birth defects as a result of the nuclear explosion.
My children had birth defects since the_______________________________________________________________.
5. The farmers don’t have enough food because of the severe drought
Unless there ____________________________________________________________________________________.
6.The air in the mountain seems fresh. Why don’t we go there to relax and enjoy the scenic beauty?
If the air ______________________________, we should _______________________________________________.
7. You shouldn’t take your baby to that flooded area because it is so dangerous.
If I _________________________________________ since ______________________.
8. The rescue workers evacuated the old from the flooded village to a safe place.
The old ________________________________________________________________.
9. It was difficult for them to rebuild the house after it had collapsed because of the landslide.
They had difficulty ________________________________________________________.
10. Before we arrived at the village, the volcano had erupted.
After __________________________________________________________________.
EXERCISE 6 : Choose the best answer to complete the passage
New Orleans, in Louisiana, is known as the most unique city in the United States with distinctive architecture, cross-
cultural heritage and annual music festivals.

However,1. ___________ its location along the Mississippi River with lakes on the other side, and nearly half of the city
below sea level, the city faces the danger of flooding. So, a levee system and drainage canals were built to protect the city.

Early in the morning of August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina, the most 2.________ natural disaster in the history of New
Orleans, struck the city. The storm 3._______ strong winds and heavy rains for several days. 4.________, water from the
river and lakes rose, breaking the levees and poured directly into the city. Soon 80 percent of the city was under the water.
People scrambled to rooftops for safety, desperate for food and drinking water. The winds were 5.______ strong that even
beds in Hyatt Hotel were seen flying out of the hotel windows. The loss was tremendous. Most of the major roads and
bridges were destroyed, and houses 6.________. Nearly 2,000 people 7._________. After the storm, several natural
grounds for the breeding and migrating of different species of animals and birds were 8. ________lost.

1. because of due to owing to all are correct

2. destruction destructive destroy all are correct
3. brought was brought brings had been brought
4. Therefore As a result Consequently All are correct
5. so such too very
6. were collapsed collapses had collapsed collapsed
7. were killed had been killed was killed killed
8. permanently temporary immediate got

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