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The Way I see The World

In a world where we all reside,

Beneath the same sun's golden stride,
I see a vision, harmonious and bright,
Where differences unite, a beautiful sight.

The tapestry of humanity, diverse and vast,

A symphony of cultures, present and past,
Embracing each other, hand in hand,
United we stand, across every land.

For deep within our beating hearts,

Lies the understanding, where peace imparts,
That our uniqueness, a wondrous hue,
Adds colors to life, both old and new.

With open minds, let's build the bridge,

Of empathy and love, beyond any ridge,
Where respect and kindness are our creed,
A world united, fulfilling every need.

Oh, Mother Earth, our sacred home,

With every sunrise, we must atone,
To cherish your blessings, so pure and grand,
Preserving nature's gifts, hand in hand.

Let's plant the seeds of change and care,

Nurturing Earth, for the future we share,
For the beauty we see, the air we breathe,
Must be passed on, for generations to believe.

A symphony of forests, alive and lush,

Clear rivers flowing, in a gentle hush,
The songs of birds, a sweet melody,
Nature's embrace, a profound tapestry.

In the tapestry, I envision a world,

Where all voices are heard, their dreams unfurled,
A place where compassion lights the way,
Guiding us forward, each and every day.

So let us join hands, my dear friend,

In this journey, together we transcend,
To shape a future, where hope unfurls,
The way I see the world, a canvas of pearls.

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