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In cities vast, where towers rise,

And neon lights paint evening skies,

Amidst the hustle, bustle, and rush,

Lies a longing for nature's hush.

Concrete jungles, though they thrive,

Yearn for the green to come alive,

In parks and gardens, let us find,

A sanctuary for heart and mind.

For in the urban maze we tread,

Let not the Earth be left for dead,

But weave her beauty into our streets,

Where every soul and spirit meets.

Recycle, reduce, and renew,

Let eco-consciousness imbue

Every action, every plan,

To safeguard Earth, our precious span.

For in the end, it's clear to see,

Our fates are bound with land and sea,

So let us rise, with one accord,

To be the stewards Earth adored.

In unity, let's take a stand,

To heal the wounds of our dear land,

For in the tapestry of life's grand scheme,

The environment is more than just a dream.

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