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2 years ago
As another side note, now I am just thinking about the way the world is shaped
within your Universe and some lore pieces.

Like with Ruritania, named so after a placeholder name within the Eastern Bloc, is
home to the Great Dictator Pyro and Batman. I'd imagine that the Southeastern end
of Europe, from Italy to Stalingrad, Russia going all the way up from the Baltic
Sea border down to Instanbul, Turkey. They're ultimately responsible for filming
the hit series Game of Bones, having it as a premiere export to outside their
walls, but they also create a documentary series based on their population and
their misadventures. While not nearly as oppressive to their populace like Stalin's
Soviet Union was, they do have significant power over what comes in and out of
their country. In a sense, they're a more lenient version of what we know today as
the People's Republic of China, but they are not above kidnapping close
family/friends in order to get what they want, as demonstrated with Ellis. As it
stands, Ruritania prefers having humans over anthropomorphic animals within their
borders, but they are useful as propaganda, so they're allowed to live in the slum
neighborhoods under expanded watches.
The Combine has a presence here, but unlike the multi-dimensional all-powerful
empire from their home Half-Life 2 universe, they've been isolated in the northern
parts of Eastern Europe, with a not insignificant portion stationed in East
Germany. With no portal to retreat through, little weapons and ammunition, and but
a few strongholds left, they can easily be wiped off the face of the Earth. That
is, but because the Great Dictator is a fan of the GMod Idiot Box series, he allows
this tiny Combine force to thrive just enough so that more misadventures can ensue.
The majority of their population are undoubtedly humans, though there have been
sightings of Renamons in the area.
Across the sea rests the United States of America, where RED and BLU live at a part
of the neighborhood called "the apehouses". While their locations cannot be
precisely located due to a non-disclosure agreement, they could be suspected of
living in the South Colorado area, since most of the TF2 maps take place within the
Badlands and Gravel Pits of New Mexico and they travel there by bus. The most
notable place within the realms of the Greatdictator-verse is an isolated campsite
dedicated to the Bushman's Challege, with Duke Nukem, Saxton Hale, and an unknown
third individual being the first winners and founders of the Bushman's Challenge.
The nation is unique in that the anthropomorphic population is as such that they
make up a not insignificant portion of the population, enough such that cities like
Furtroit (touted as being a city where most, if not all the population are anthros
and furries) can sprout up, but are otherwise fated to live in the slums like their
Ruritanian counterparts. Their biggest import was their exclusivity contract to air
Game of Bones through the HOBO Network.
Finally, there's the presence of the Spybots throughout the world at large, but
largely concentrated at both the RED and BLU Teams in the Americas. They are an
enigma, as they are unlikely to be GD's design, the Combine prefers augmented slave
humans, and there's been no confirmed reports of either RED or BLU manufacturing
these robots. It could tie in to eccentric billionaire Grey Mann or his (adopted)
daughter Olivia Mann. At this point, nothing is confirmed.

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