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A maritime inquiry abroad shall be heard by:…The Norwegian Consular Court concerned

A master of a Norwegian ship who without sufficient cause refuses to receive onboard persons who
Norwegian authorities must provide transportation for shall be liable toFines or imprisonment for a term
not exceeding three monts

A master or any other person in authority on board treating a person in an improper manner or fails to
prevent his being so treated by other persons onboard shall be liable toFines or imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 6 months

A subordinate who unlawfully brings intoxicating beverages on board shall be liable toFines or in
especially aggravating circumstances to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

Any master who makes or permits a false entry to be made in the log book, shall be liable to fines or
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year according to The Ships Safety and Security Act, Sections

Any person serving on board who without the permission of the ship master leaves the ship in distress
or other danger while the master still on board shall be liable to???... fines or imprisonment for a term
not exceeding 6 months

Any person serving on board who without the permission of the ship master leaves the ship in distress
or other danger while the master still on bard shall be liable toFiness or impriaonment for a teerm not
exceeding 6 months

Any ship of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water separating equipment
for the control of machinery space bilges.What kind of equipment is required in this connection?...Either
Oil fitting equipment , or Oily-water separating equipment , or combination of both

Any shipmaster who in distress or other danger abandons the ship without this being necessary shall be
liable toImprisonment for a term not exceeding one years.

Any shipmaster who refuses to provide any person carried on the ship with anything which he is entitled
to receive in such capacity, or who permits such refusal, shall be liable toFines or imprisonment for a
term not exeeceding 6 monts, but not exceeding 1 year if there are especially aggravating

Anyone who makes or permits a false entry to be made in the log book, shall be liable to fines or
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year according to:The Ship Safety and Security Act, Section 65

Anyone who makes or permits a false entry to be made in the logbook, shall be punished by
imprisonment of up to 2 year according to:The General Civil Penalty Code § 315

Anyone who makes or permits a false entry to be made in the logbook shall be punished by
imprisonment of up to 1 year according to:The Ship Safety and Security Act - Section 65.
Anyone who violates the provisions of Norwegian law or the provisions of regulations laid down by
virtue of Norwegian low, relating to contract of engagements and account book, to notification to,
appearance before, or to the taking of evidance, shall be liable to:Fines or imprisonment for term not
exceeding three months

Anyone who without valid reason places, removes, changes or conceals nationalty marks or registrations
marks of a registered ship shall be liable toFines

Are the seafares entitled to free boat service to exercise their right to go ashore?Where possible the
master shall provide such service. Cost and other circumstances may be taken into consideration. Yes,
but only if it is combined with the agent’s use of the same boat.

As per the legislation in question, a copy of the provisions, as you know, shall generally speaking be
accessible to the crew. Does this apply as well as to a collective wage agreement?...Yes, if an
employment agreement refers to the collective wage agreement

Can a Norwegian Consulate execute authority on behalf of the Norwegian Maritime Directorate
(NMD)?...A Norwegian Consulate has already duties on behalf of the NMD and the directo-rate can in
addition instruct a Consulate to act on the directorate's authority

Can an agreement of employment for service on a NIS ship be verbal or has it to be confirmed in
writing?...The company has to ensure that an agreement is always confirmed in writing

Can any ground be given for dismissing a seafarer?No, only those listed in the seamen’s act as
dereliction of duty

Conventions, codes etc. are implemented in the provisions in question. Which method of
implementation of international codes is indicated by the letter R?...Codes, MSC resolutions etc which
are implemented in the regulations and which are expressly mentioned..

Do regulations on the scope of the seaman’s act apply:To both passengers and cargo ships? Yes

Does the employer have to give a reason for a notice termination?Yes, if the seafarers demands it

Does the nationality of the shipowning company have any importance in general to the application of
Norwegian law on NIS ships?...No.

Does the seafarer have a right to leave service on board for special reasonsYes, if the ship, for example,
is not in a seaworthy condition for the voyage and the master fails to take steps to remedy the defects

Editing (Preparation)of the book "Exerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation" is done by:…The
Norwegian Maritime Directorate.

For how long shall a ship`s log-book be kept on board?...For at least three years

For how long shall time sheets concerning working hours on board ships be kept after their
completionFor minimum 3 years

For whom does the qualification requirements apply?...For personnel assigned to shipboard duties.

Has ILO convention 73 been implemented by Norway?...Yes, in regulations on medical examination of
employees on ships.

How can the master ensure obedience?He shall ensure obedience by the use of force if he finds it
necessary, but not use harsher means than the circumstances make necessary.

How does the Norwegian Maritime Directorate keep the master/ shipowners updated on the new and
amended legislation relatives to the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation"…
Through stapled-in supplements in the quarterly NMD magazine "Navigare" and Ships Documents.

How is the basic safety manning determined?...The Norwegian Maritime Directorate determines the
basic safety manning after an evaluation which includes, inter alia, job specifications and qualification

How is the Maritime Employer/Employee Register kept up to date?...By reports prepared by the

How shall accidents and health hazards be prevented?By all the other mentioned alternatives.

How shall the Norwegian Maritime Directorate be informed when a seafarer is seriously injured on
board?By a telecom report followed by a report on a personal injury report form

How should you, methodically speaking, get to know and to find relevant provisions in the book
"Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation" ?...By help of the Headword Register, the
Chronological Register, the table of contents, the tables of contents in the respective provisions, the
Preface, etc.

If any, which of the below provisions have been amended as a consequence of the amendments to
STCW 95 concearning hours of rest?...The hours of work Act and the NIS Act.

If the master goes ashore, he is obliged to inform:The deck officer of the highest rank present
If the subject is subject to manning control, which documentation must the master have at
hand?...Master’s record and documentation file

If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would the chemicals do?...Disperse or
dissolve the oil into the water

In which Part(s) do you find regulations relating to supervision of maritime service in the book "Excerpts
from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation"?...In Part 16.

Instructions for “Preparations for welding or hot work in cargo tanks” is laid down by the norwergian
maritime directorate. Which of the following requirements regarding welding or hot work corresponds
to these instructions?If the hot work is to be carried out at the bottom of the tank, the entire bottom
shall be thoroughly cleaned and all sediments removed

Is a violation of the provision relating to medical examination of seafarers punishable?...Yes, as per the
General Civil Penal Code Chapter 42

Is it at any time compulsory to hold a maritime inquiry?...Yes, and as listed in the Maritime Act.

Is it the duty of the master to meet personally at a Norwegian Consulate if he is called for by the head of
the Consulate?Yes

Is the crew entitled to compenstation if the master has to reduce the diet during a voyage?Yes

Is the master under obligation to do a maritime inquiry if a crewmember suffered a considerably injury
onboard and died after a week on a hospital ashore?...Yes, even if he/ she did not die while onboard.

Is there any particular procedure to be followed when dismissing a seafarer?A hearing shall be held
before a comittee on board.

Is there any special area under marpol where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil
residues?...four special areas the baltic sea, mediterranean sea, red sea and black sea where it is
forbidden to pump out any sludge or oil residuesa.

Most minor oilspills are caused by…Human error

On what kind of document shall working hours on board ships be kept?On a time sheet arranged by the
Norwegian Maritime Directorate

On which international instrument, if any, are the regulations on employment agreement and
settlement of wages based?...On ILO 22
One of the provisions mentioned is NOT as important for safety of the seafarer onbord a ship as the
other ones. Which one is less important?...Seaman`s Act Section 5.

Pursuant to which Act are the Regulations of 25 November 1989 concerning supervision of maritime
service laid down?...Act 18 June 1971 relating to enrolment of employees on board ships.

Service as master on board a NIS-ship for non-Norwegian citizens has to be approved by:…The
Norwegian Maritime Directorate

Settlement of disputes, not belonging to the category of the NIS Act, outside Norway between the
master and any of the crew regarding wages, the ship servic or the employment relationships in general
shall be brought before:The Norwegian Consulate

Shall a special form for employment agreement be used for service on NIS ships?...Yes, on a form
prescribed or approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate

Shall every seafarer bring with him a valid healt certificate issued as per Norwegian provisions?Yes

Shall the seafarer receive a statement showing the calculation of his wagnes?Yes, showing how it has
been calculated and with possible deductions

Ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register are subject to public control in accordance
with…The Seaworthiness Act

The book " Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation" has notes about whether
international regulations have been implented by Norway. Where can you find these notes?...In the
main Section numbered VII

The restriction of overtime work is that the person shall not be required, under normal circumstances,
to work more than:14 hours per day

The shown provisions of the Maritim Act and the Seamen`s Act relate to each other. What combination
is the most relevant?...Provisions on maritime inquiry and death and burial.

To which Act(s) do(es) the special provisions relating to the seafarers in the NIS Act chiefly relate?...The
Act relating to hours of work and the Seamen`s Act

To whom do the certification requirements apply on a NIS cargo vessel?...To persons in certificated
positions as per the manning certificate and certificated positions of additional manning, if any
To whom working on Norwegian ships does the Seamen`s Act in principle apply? …To everyone engaged
in work on board, except those who only work on board while the ship is in port

Under ISM, what is a "non-conformity"?...An observed situation where objective evidence indicates the
non-fulfilment of a specified requirement

Watch keeping engineers shall have a minimum of knowledge of the vessels engine room and
operation of its functions prior to being accepted as Engineer on Duty, and shall acknowledge his
familiarization with the equipment by signing a check list listing all units he shall be able to operate.
Minimum knowledge is:…He shall have all the knowledge as listed in the other alternatives

Welding and use of open flames on board tankers in operation are subject to regulation laid down by
the norwegian maritime directorate ( Norwegian Ship Control Legislation – NSCL ). Which of the listed
requirements regarding washing and gas freeing before hot work in cargo tanks corresponds to these
regulations? (NSCL 22/1294/5).The atmosphere in the tank where hot work is to be carried out, and
adjacent tanks shall be checked immidiately prior to commencement of hot work.

What are the average maximum working hours which may not be exceeded, in a year on NIS-
ships?...2912 hours

What are the average maximum working hours which may not be exceeded, in a year on NIS-
ships?...2912 hours

What are the average total working hours per week that must be exceeded over a period of at most one
year on board NIS ships?56 hours

What are the duites of a master if a seafarer gets will at sea?All the other mentioned alternatives
according to the situation

What are the duties of a master if he has to leave a sick or injured seafarer behind in a foreign port?
Notify nearest Norwegian Consulate

What are the duties of the master if a seafarer dies in service on board?The master shall notify next of
kin/ Norwegian consulate-arrange for burial/repatriation of coffin/ashes-and maritime inquiry

What are the duties of the master regarding a sick or injured seafarer?...He shall arrange for proper care
within what he may find to be reasonable expenses

What are the duties of the master regarding a sick or injured seafarer?He shall arrange for proper care,
including medical care

What are the duties of the master, specially stated in the NIS act chapter 3?...To make a copy of the NIS
act and the CBA accessible to the c

What are the master’s duties if punishable actc are commited on board?If a sea, the master shall
immediatly undertake an investigation, secure evidance and take statements, inform Norwegian
Consulate/Maritime Directorate.
What are the ordinary working hours on NIS ships?...Maximum 8 hours per day, or 40 hours per week

What are the prerequisites for a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) to be applied to service on NIS
ships?...That the CBA expressly states that it applies to NIS ships and is subject to Norwegian laws and
courts of law unless courts of another country is explicitly mentioned.

What are the prerequisites for having a ship registered in NIS?...That the shipowner is a Norwegian
subject or fulfils other requirements stated in Norwegian acts

What can be the punishment for a shipmaster of a Norwegian ship if he without sufficient cause refuses
to receive onboard persons for whom Norwegian authorities must provide transportation?He shall be
liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

What can be the punishment for a shipmaster who refuses to provide any person carried on the ship
with anything which he is entitled to receive in such capacity, or who permits such refusal?...shall be
liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, but not exceeding 1 year if there are
especially aggravating circumtances.

What can be the result of public supervision of maritime service of sefarers?...It could be any of the
alternatives listed

What do you understand by the term “Risk Assessment”, and how would this be carried out on
board?...Identify the hazards, quantify the risks, put control measures in place, monitor the work activity
and review

What is difference between the Safety Representative and the working environment committee’s area
of activity?The Safety Representative’s field is the work situation, the committee’s the total
environment, also spare time.

What is supervision of maritime service of seafarers?...Control by the master/employer and public

supervisory authority that the requirements of law or agreement concerning the employee`s service on
board are satisfied.

What is supervision of maritime service of seafarers?...Control by the master/employer and public

supervisory authority that the requirements of law or agreement concerning the employee's service on
board are satisfied

What is the book named: "Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation"?...An unofficial
translation of "Den norske skipskontrolls regeler" leaving out some provisions, such as speed limits,
relating to local Norwegian waters. (The authorised Norwegian original applies in cases of discrepancies

What is the function of the form "Declaration" or similar in connection with supervision carried out
pursuant to the Regulations of 25 November 1988 concerning supervision of maritime service?...To
confirm to public supervisory authority that the requirements for the seafarer`s service on board have
been checked, are satisfied and that the compliance with the requirements has been duly documented.

What is the main rules as to period of notice of termination as per the Seamens Act?...One month
What is the main rules as to period of notice of termination as per the Seaman’s Act?One month

What is the minimum age for a seafarer on a NIS ship (foreign trade)?...A person may serve on board as
from the 17th. calendar year

What is the prescribed time and place for a maritime inquiry after the occurance?...In the port where
the occurance took place/ first port of call after the occurance took place - postponed only in
exceptional cases and pursuant to provisions.

What is the punishment for a master or any other person in authority on board a ship if he or she
treats a person carried on the ship in an improper manner or fails to prevent his being to treated…
Shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 monts

What is the punishment for any shipmaster who in distress or other danger abandons the ship without
this being necessary?Shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year

What is the purpose of a maritime inquiry?...To clarify circumstances and causes of an occurrence with
particular reference to the seaworthiness of the ship and safety at sea.

What kind of provisions are in Part 0 of the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control

What shall the master do upon the termination of the employment relationship as to supervision of
maritime service?...Verify that the sefarer has been given his rights according to law or agreement,
make entries in the sea service book or record of service, have a report on seamen sent to the Maritime
Employer/Employee Register

When a pollution incident occurs there is a plan for actions to be undertaken. State which of following
priority sequences to be considered…Stop pumps - report - clean up?

When where the Regulations concerning Safety Measures etc. on Passenger Ships, Cargo Ships and
Lighters laid down?...15 June 1987.

Where do you find provisions stating circumstances under which the master or chief engineer may be
excepted from the provisions relating to hours of work on board ship?...In Act 3 June 1977 relating to
hours of work on board ship, section 1

Where in the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation" is it stated that the form
"Marine casualty report" is to be used in connection to a request for maritime inquiry?...In the main
section VI, letter F.

Where is the master`s responsibility for observing the provisions related to supervision of maritime
service stated?...In the Act relating to the enrolment of employees onboard ships.

Which (new) Act was given a new basic structure in 1994….The Maritime Act

Which Act has a provision that reads as follows: " The shipmaster shall take care that a copy of this Act
and of the regulations issued in pursuance of the Act is to be found on board" ?...The Seaworthiness Act.
Which Act(s) govern(s) the conditions of hours of work on NIS-ships?...Certain sections of the Act 3 June
1977 relating to hours of work on board ship and section 7 of the Act 12 June 1987 relating to NIS

Which chapter of the General Civil Penal Code states that it is a serious punishable act taking an
unseaworthy ship to sea?...Chapter 30

Which chapter of the Seaworthiness Act is named "Responsibilities of shipmaster and shipowner?...IX

Which entries shall the master make in the sea service book or record of service in connection with
supervision of maritime service?...Entries regarding the seafarer`s service time, vacation days due etc

Which entries shall the master make in the sea service book or record of service in connection with
supervision of maritime service?...Entries regarding the seafarer's service time, vacation days due etc

Which law applies to NIS-ships?...Norwegian law unless otherwise provided in or pursuant to a statue?

Which law applies to NIS-ships?...Norwegian law unless otherwise provided in or pursuant to a statue?

Which laws are applicable to NIS vessels?...Norwegian laws unless explicitly otherwise provided in or
pursuant to a statute

Which mandatory handbooks for medical treatment shall be carried on board?...One control book for
special medicines, one approved by Norwegian authorities medical book ("International Medical Guide
for ships") and three pamphlets regarding first aid.

Which mandatory handbooks for medical treatment shall be carried on board?Once control book for
special medicines, one approved by Norwegian authorities medical book (“International Medical Guide
for ship”) and three pamphlets regarding first aid.

Which of the below word(s) is defined as follows: "Service on board a ship which gives the knowledge,
insight and skills required for the issue of a certificate or other document referred to in these
regulations"…Seagoing service

Which of the below word(s) is defined as follows: “service on board a ship which gives the knowledge,
insight and skills required for the issue of a certificate or other document referred to in these
regulations”Seagoing service

Which of the following signal letters states that the ship is registered in NIS?LAPQ4

Which of the letter(s) indicate(s) that the regulations apply to "non-convention ships" only?...Letter b.

Which of the main nine sections of the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation"
states that the publication "Seamen`s Act with regulations and comments, 1995 " shall be on board?...VI

Which of the part(s) below - besides part 0- from the main sections 1 and 3 of the publication " Excerpts
from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation", would you consider included in the term "Manning" ?...16
and 28
Which Part(s) of the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian Ship Control Legislation" deal(s) with
Regulations concerning arrangement and keeping of Ship Log Books/Control Register?...17.

Which provision has special bearing on the test that you have at this very moment?...The relevant
regulations` Section 8.

Which provisions concearning holydays must the master ensure that is carried onboard?...The Act
relating to holydays and Regulations relating to holydays for employees on ships.

Which provisions generally speaking govern the rights and duties of the employee and employer on NIS
ships?...Norwegian Seamen`s Act, NIS Act

Which regulations were laid down 19 May 1988?...Regulations concerning the registration of hours
worked and the format and keeping of time sheets.

Which righs does a seafarer who is unfit for work normally have?Care, wages, free passage home

Which section in the provision in question prescribes the obligation to furnish a guarantee or take out
insurance relating to compensation in the event of occupational injury or the employers
insolvency?...Section 32

Which section number does the following provision have in the Act concearned; "Norwegian law applies
to every ship in the Norwegian International Ship Register unless explicitly otherwise provided in or
pursuant to a statute"…Section 3.rew if referred to in a contract

Which ships does the ISM code apply to…All passenger ships, all cargo ships of 500GRT or above

Which, if any, are the restrictions for trading areas on NIS ship when cargo is concearned?...They may
not carry cargo between Norwegian ports.

Who are required to keep time sheets (record of working hours) on NIS ships?...The crew members
embraced by the Act 3 June 1977 relating to hours of work on board ship

Who are to pay the expenses in connection with public supervision of maritime service?...The employer.

Who is responsible for ensuring the ratings forming part of a watch and personnel assisting or
performing cargo operations on tankers are properly qualified?It is incumbent on the shipowners and
the master to ensure that the requirements are comnplied with and documented

Who is responsible for implementation of working environment work on board?Both master and
shipping company

Who is responsible for the ship being safely mannedThe master and the shipowner are responsible for
the adequate manning of the ship.

Who is responsible for the storage and use of substances injurious to health on board?...The shipping
company and the master
Who issues an international load line certificate for a NIS cargo vessel of 500 gros tons and above?The
recognized classivication society, were the vessel is classified.

Who may through delegation/agreement be given authority to survey a NIS cargo vessel of 500 gross
tons and above (offshore units excepted)A ship’s classification society recognized by the Norwegian
Maritime Directorate

Who responsinble for the storage and use of substances injurious to health on board?The shipping
company and the master

Who shall carry out the detailed preliminary supervision of maritime service of seafarers before the
commencement of service?...The employer/master.

Who shall check the ship`s medical supplies?...A pharmacy authorised or accepted by the Norwegian
Board of Health or, if no such pharnacy is available, the master and a doctor approved by a Norwegian
Consulate shall perform inspection once every 12 months.

Who shall check the ship’s medical supplies?A pharmacy authorised or accepted by the Norwegian
Board of Health or, if no such pharnacy is available, the master and a doctor approved by a Norwegian
Consulate shall perfom inspection once every 12 months.

Who shall request a maritime inquiry?.. the master or owner if the master prevent or fail to do so

Who shall submit a request for trade certificate for a NIS cargo vessel of less then 500 gross tons?Owner
or master

Willl an inndividual contract of engagement for service on NIS ships be legally accepted?Yes, provided it
appears, amongst other, the wages and over time payand that it is subject to Norwegian laws and
courts, but may be brought before a count in the employee’s country of residence

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