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Linguistics in ELT Final project’s instructions:

1. Do mini research related to linguistics (one of the branches of linguistics) in a group (Group

division is based on the previous presentation group).

2. Define objects and topics that you will be concerned about. The research object can be in

Bahasa Indonesia or English (better in English), it can also be songs, novels, movies,

advertisements, applications, or in English language teaching.

3. Write down your mini research results as in the form of a scientific journal, consisting of:

Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Result & Discussion, Conclusion and References.

You can see the reference of the journal that already given to you.

4. To avoid plagiarism, do not copy paste journals/other references. Only allowed quoting or

paraphrasing the sentences from the source.

5. Your work will check in Turnitin as one of the scoring criteria. To meet the scoring criteria, the

outcome of the Turnitin should be no more than 30%.

6. Before you do your research, you are allowed to consult me first if you have


7. The final submission of this project will be due after this announcement, which is on 18th

December 2022 at 23.59 by online Submission.

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