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If you don't know where and how to start to learn Bahasa Indonesia, you're in the

right place because this course is designed for those who are completely novice at
Bahasa Indoesia. My name's Budi. I am an Indonesian native speaker. I am gonna
teach you Bahasa Indonesia from scratch or the very beginning.
We'll start with the alphabet pronunciation. Why alphabet pronunciation?
Through alphabet pronunciation you know how to pronounce a word. Pronoucing
a word in Bahasa Indonesia is a lot easier than pronouncing a word in English.
Here are a few examples. MAKAN (to eat) whereever yoo find the syllable NA - MA
in a word, the pronunciation will always be the same. let's see the words below
Nama (name)
Nasi (rice) Makan (to eat)
Dana (fund) Sama (same)
Karena (because) Mata (eye)
Berguna (useful) Manusia (human being)
Kemana (where) Mati (dead)
Nama (name) Mau (to want)

In order to be able to pronounce those words or any other words, you have got to
understand the basic, that is the alphabet.
Bahasa Indonesia alphabet is totally the same as the English alphabet; 26 letters, 5
vowels and 21 consonants. Listen and you may repeat after me.

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