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ETP2C /Adela 周姿馨/ A110290011


This study employs exploratory data analysis methods to examine the calories in
every Starbucks food item. Through statistical analysis and data visualization from the website, A data frame with 77 observations on the following 7 variables
was collected information, through this data Analysis helps consumers who need to
control calorie intake or pay attention to health and nutrition can better understand the
calorie content of Starbucks products and choose low-calorie foods, and consumers can
use these data to track their eating habits and formulate health plans.

Keywords: Calories, Fat, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fiber


As health awareness is becoming a topic of widespread concern to the public,

understanding useful information on health factors is a vital part of health awareness
and nutrition management. Through data analysis of different types of Starbucks
products, different calories are obtained. , fat, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, all of the
above are correlated, understanding the relationship between these variables can
provide consumers with a better understanding of the nutritional value of Starbucks
products and the amount of energy they provide, and consumers can compare them
through data analysis Calorie content and control of calorie intake and weight control
and monitoring of specific nutritional needs are very useful. From the perspective of
Starbucks, Starbucks can understand consumers' preferences for low-calorie or healthy
diets by observing current market trends, which can help Starbucks has developed new
products that are more in line with market demand. It can also analyze the calorie data
to provide a nutritional balance of its product portfolio and provide product diversity to
meet consumers’ needs for nutritional diversity. Starbucks can also use Provide accurate
data analysis of product information to build consumer trust and trust in products. In a
word, data analysis of Starbucks product calories can be used to analyze market demand
trends, provide a diversity of nutritional products, and build consumer trust in products
and transparency.

The Starbucks dataset was obtained from the "OpenIntro Statistics" website and with
77 observations on the following 7 variables, to gain insights from the data, descriptive
statistics were calculated, and visualizations were created. These descriptive statistics
provide a summary of each variable, such as calories, fat, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fiber,
and type, and I choose the two most important variables, one is the type and the other
is calories. Moreover, various visualizations, including a histogram for the calorie
variable, a bar chart for the type of variable, box plot for the type and calories of the


Table 1 shows that the higher calories are all bakery, and Figure one shows that the
bakery has more calories than bistro box, hot breakfast, parfait, petite, salad, and
sandwich, and the bakery of Starbucks product options It provides the most calories,
the second is petite, the third is bistro box and hot breakfast. Figure three and Figure
four show the percent of the calories from variable types on 77 observations.

Table 1. These descriptive statistics provide a summary of each variable.

Item calories fat carb fiber protein type

Roll" 350 8 67 5 10 bakery
Item calories fat carb fiber protein type

Muffin" 350 9 64 7 6 bakery

Fritter" 420 20 59 0 5 bakery

Nut Loaf" 490 19 75 4 7 Bakery

Cake Mini
Doughnut" 130 6 17 0 0 bakery

Oat Bar" 370 14 47 5 6 bakery

"Blueberry 2 7 bakery
Scone" 460 22 61
Item calories fat carb fiber protein type

Muffin" 370 14 55 0 6 bakery

Croissant’’ 310 18 32 0 5 bakery

Danish" 420 25 39 0 7 bakery
Figure 1: The histogram with density plot for calories.

Figure 2: The bar plot for type

Figure 3: The box plots for the variables type and calories.

Figure 4: The calories (percent) from variable types depend on 77 observations


Table 1 lets us know that high calories do not necessarily mean that fat must also be
high, figure 1, figure 2 shows many types of products such as bakery, bistro box, hot
breakfast, parfait, petite, salad, and sandwich, and provide the calorie content of each
product. Among these different product options, bread provides consumers with the
most calories. Among all types, bakery accounts for 53.2%, bistro box accounts for
10.4%, and hot breakfast accounts for a total of 10.4%, the total proportion of parfait is
3.9%, the total proportion of petite is 11.7%, the total proportion of salad is 1.3%, and
the total proportion of sandwich is 9.1%, which makes us understand more about what
Starbucks will provide to bakery class Consumers have the most calories. Due to the
above statistical data and people's attention to health awareness, consumers can choose
to control calorie intake and weight control and monitor specific nutritional needs
through the analysis of these data.


1. Starbucks nutrition. Data Sets. (n.d.).
2. The Comprehensive R Archive Network. (n.d.).

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