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In section 2, part D of the written exam you will be given a text on a business topic with 16
gaps (worth 1 point each). The missing words will be ‘grammar words’, such as prepositions,
linking words, relative pronouns etc. and words to complete commonly used phrases, such as
‘it goes without saying’.

In the following exercise, the focus is on dependent prepositions and prepositional

phrases, however, in the exam these will only form one part of what is tested.

The writing is (1) ____on__(clear signs something will fail)__ the wall for the brilliant but
bullying boss. Driving ambition and a high IQ might give you a head start in the race for the
top, but a lack of ‘emotional intelligence’ will be a hindrance (2) ___in_____ achieving
medium- to long-term success.

Senior managers have long been convinced (3) ___of_____ the value of interpersonal skills in
the workplace. The concept that emotional intelligence can account (4) ___for_____ the
difference between outstanding and average performance, however, is comparatively new. But
what exactly is emotional intelligence? One psychologist defined it (5) ___as_____ the ability
to regulate your behaviour so that there is a balance (6) ___between_____ personal feelings,
emotions and drives, and the feelings and needs of others. People with low emotional
intelligence are often not promoted because others in the company object (7) ___to_____
working with them.

In the workplace, there is a need (8) ___for_____ sensitivity in relationships, and an

organisation which attaches importance (9) ___to_____ the emotions of the employees is
more likely to be an effective organisation. If a manager regularly compliments staff (10)
__for______ their achievements, and sympathises (11) ____with_____ them when they have
problems, everyone in the company will work better with each other. It follows that the
company should benefit too, with profits increasing (12) ___at______ a greater rate.

Getting in touch with your own feelings has benefits which extend (13) ___beyond_____ the
workplace. If you are only working with your brain, you may not see the emotional cost to
yourself. For example, making a move that is beneficial (14) ___to______ your career but
means travelling all the time could result (15) ____in____ the destruction of your relationship
with your family. Without emotional intelligence, (16) ____in____ the medium- to long-term,
you will have a less-balanced personal life and will not be as effective in the workplace.

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