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Chapter 1


1.1 Background of Study

Home automation is often known as smart houses or homes. Control and automation of lighting,
heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and security, as well as household appliances, are all part
of it. The number of people over the age of 65 is predicted to more than double from 375 million
in 1990 to 761 million by 2025. Home automation is a kind of home business or activity. For
better comfort, convenience, energy economy, and security, home automation may involve
centralized management of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, appliances, and other
systems. Home automation for the elderly and handicapped may improve the quality of life for
those who need institutional care. Although there is no one popular solution, it can also offer an
audio-based interface for household appliances. Home appliances become part of the Internet of
Things when they are remotely monitored and controlled. Modern systems are often made up of
switches and sensors that are linked to a central hub known as a system-controlled gateway, via
which the user interface interacts with either a mobile phone, tablet, PC, or web interface,
frequently but not always through cloud services (Guhr, N.; Werth, O.; 2021).

Although there is no one popular solution, it can also offer an audio-based interface for
household appliances. Home appliances become part of the Internet of Things when they are
remotely monitored and controlled. Modern systems are often made up of switches and sensors
that are linked to a central hub known as a system-controlled gateway, via which the user
interface interacts with either a mobile phone, tablet, PC, or web interface, frequently but not
always through cloud services. Internet. A proposed Internet evolution in which common things
have a network connection and may transmit and receive data. The Internet of Things (IoT)
announces a vision of the future online by connecting actual items, enabling them to play an
active part on the Internet. This will provide quick access to information about items and the real
environment, leading to new services as well as greater efficiency and production (Blacha,
P.P.H.; Breitner, 2021).

Automation in numerous industries may be observed as technology improves. The effort
required to do everyday tasks is decreasing day by day, which is crucial for people's hectic
schedules and cost efficiency. Washing machines, independent Hoover cleaners, dishwashers,
and other manual efforts, for example, were washed at cheap costs.

Similarly, movement is a challenging chore for those with physical limitations or the elderly, and
they constantly need assistance to do various duties. Even when one is weary at home, it is
difficult to do basic tasks like reaching the switchboard to switch between various devices or
switching fans and lights. By turning off our home appliances while not in use, global power
consumption climbed by 85% between 2010 and 2017. Between 2010 and 2017, global power
consumption surged by 85%, more than the entire electricity usage in India, the United States,
Japan, and Australia combined. We cannot slow the pace of the increase of power, but we can
minimize the amount of energy wasted each year by shutting off our household appliances when
they are not in use. Unlike the majority of home automation systems on the market. The system
is compatible with a broad variety of home automation devices, including power management
and security components (Lawal, K.; Rafsanjani; 2020)

Lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and security, as well as household appliances,
are all controlled and automated. Wi-Fi is often used for remote monitoring and control. Home
gadgets that can be remotely monitored and controlled through the Internet are considered to be
part of the Internet of Things. Modern systems are typically made up of switches and sensors that
are linked to a central hub known as a gateway, from which the system is controlled via a user
interface that interacts with mobile phone software, tablet, computers, or a web interface, often
but not always through internet cloud services. Between 2010 and 2017, global power
consumption increased by 85%. This rise is more than the entire power used in India, the United
States, Japan, and Australia today. We cannot reduce the total amount of power wasted each year
by turning off our household equipment when they are not in use. Between 2010 and 2017,
global power consumption increased by 85%. This rise is more than the current total usage of
power in India, the United States, Japan, and Australia combined. We can't slow down the pace
of power growth, but we can reduce the amount of energy wasted each year by shutting off our
household appliances when they're not in use. Unlike most home automation systems on the
market, the proposed system is expandable, and a single server may handle several hardware

interface modules as long as they are within the Wi-Fi network range. The system is compatible
with a broad variety of home automation devices, including power management and security
components ( Chankdak, N. 2021).

1.2 Statement of the Project

The integration of smart gadgets and the Internet of Things (IoT) into homes has offered ease,
but it has also presented difficulties. Because these devices lack a consistent control interface, the
user experience is fragmented, forcing users to traverse different programs and controls. This
intricacy is especially intimidating for non-tech-aware users and may impede accessibility for
people with physical disabilities. Furthermore, the incorporation of voice assistance technologies
raises security and privacy problems, possibly jeopardizing critical user data. Standardization
and interoperability difficulties hamper the integration of disparate technologies, reducing
automation's efficiency and efficacy. This project tackles these issues by presenting a system that
blends home automation with voice help smoothly. It hopes to do this by providing a consistent
and accessible user experience, improving security, and optimizing energy efficiency, eventually
converting contemporary homes into more intelligent and user-friendly settings.

1.3 Aim & Objectives of the Project


The "Home Automation with Voice Assistance Integration" project aims to design and build a
seamless and user-friendly system that combines voice recognition technology with home
automation technology, enabling effortless control of smart devices through natural language
commands and improving overall convenience and accessibility in contemporary homes.


1. Integrate precise speech recognition for easy control of smart devices.

2. Create a unified interface for controlling many devices, simplifying user interaction.
3. Use context-aware automation to optimize energy consumption and workloads.

1.4 Significant of the Study
The research is noteworthy since it tackles major difficulties in contemporary life. It provides
simple and effective home control using natural language commands by seamlessly combining
speech recognition and smart devices. Hands-free operation offers universal accessibility, while
intelligent automation improves energy efficiency and sustainability. The single control interface
improves user-friendliness and bridges the technological divide for a wide range of users.
Privacy safeguards foster trust, while standardized communication protocols promote device
interoperability. The scalability of the study enables flexibility to change technologies, and user
manuals enable users to maximize system utilization. The research also helps technical progress
by providing a better, more accessible, and more efficient way of life that improves the quality of

1.5 Scope of the study

The scope of the study includes the integration of speech recognition technology with a variety
of smart home appliances to provide a smooth and user-friendly interaction experience. It entails
creating precise voice interaction algorithms, constructing a user interface that is easy to use, and
implementing automated scenarios for energy efficiency and ease. Security measures will
address privacy issues, while inclusiveness initiatives will assure accessibility for all users. The
research investigates device interoperability using standardized communication protocols. User
education materials will be created, with performance optimization as a primary goal.

1.6 Definition of Terms

1. Home Automation: The process of controlling and managing various household devices
and systems, such as lighting, heating, security, and entertainment, through centralized or
automated control mechanisms, often enabled by IoT technology.
2. Voice Recognition: The technology that converts spoken language into written text or
digital commands, allowing users to interact with devices and systems using natural

3. Voice Assistance: A software-based system that utilizes voice recognition to interpret
and respond to user commands, often providing information, performing tasks, or
controlling devices.
4. IoT (Internet of Things): A network of interconnected physical devices and objects
embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity, enabling them to collect and
exchange data and perform automated actions.
5. Smart Devices: Physical objects or appliances that are equipped with sensors,
processors, and communication capabilities, allowing them to connect to the internet,
communicate with other devices, and be controlled remotely.
6. Automation: The process of creating predefined rules or scenarios that enable devices or
systems to perform tasks automatically based on specific conditions or triggers.
7. Natural Language Processing (NLP): A field of artificial intelligence that focuses on
enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that
is both meaningful and contextually relevant.
8. User Interface (UI): The visual and interactive elements through which users interact
with software applications or devices, encompassing graphical elements, menus, buttons,
and controls.
9. Accessibility: The design and implementation of products, services, or environments that
cater to the needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring equal access and usability for
10. Interoperability: The ability of different devices, systems, or software to communicate,
exchange data, and operate seamlessly together, often achieved through standardized
communication protocols.
11. Energy Efficiency: The optimization of energy consumption by utilizing technology and
practices that reduce energy waste while maintaining desired levels of performance.
12. Privacy and Security: Measures taken to protect user data and ensure that information is
kept confidential and secure from unauthorized access or breaches.
13. Context-Aware Automation: Automation that takes into account the surrounding
environment, user preferences, and specific situations to execute tasks intelligently and

14. Device Intercommunication: The ability of different smart devices to communicate with
each other, allowing them to share information and coordinate actions for a cohesive user
15. Mobile App Integration: The incorporation of a dedicated mobile application that
serves as a central control hub for managing and interacting with various smart devices
and automation scenarios.
16. Energy Monitoring: The capability to track and analyze energy consumption patterns of
devices, providing insights for users to make informed decisions on optimizing energy
17. Natural Language Understanding (NLU): The AI-based process of comprehending
and interpreting the meaning of human language, enabling accurate understanding and
response to user voice commands.
18. Multimodal Interaction: The combination of different modes of communication, such
as voice, touch, and gestures, to enhance user interaction and control within the smart
home environment.
19. Geofencing: A technology that uses GPS or RFID to define geographical boundaries,
triggering predefined actions when a user's device enters or exits a specified area.
20. Voice User Interface (VUI): The auditory interaction between users and devices,
including voice commands, responses, and prompts, facilitating intuitive communication
and control.
21. Remote Monitoring: The ability to access and monitor the status of smart devices and
systems from a distance, often through a mobile app or web interface.
22. Data Analytics: The process of examining and interpreting data collected from smart
devices to derive meaningful insights, patterns, and trends for informed decision-making.
23. Machine Learning: A subset of AI that enables systems to learn from data and improve
their performance over time, potentially enhancing the accuracy and responsiveness of
voice recognition.
24. Firmware Over-the-Air (FOTA) Updates: The ability to remotely update device
firmware and software to ensure devices remain up-to-date with the latest features,
improvements, and security patches.

25. Customizable Automation Rules: The flexibility for users to define and tailor
automation scenarios according to their specific preferences, routines, and needs.
26. IoT Ecosystem: The interconnected network of smart devices, platforms, and services
that collectively contribute to creating a unified and intelligent living environment.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Home Automation System

When most people think of home automation, they imagine living in a smart home: one remote
controller for every household appliance, rice cooking automatically, air conditioner starting
automatically, bath water heating automatically, and window shading automatically when night
falls. To some degree, home automation is synonymous with smart houses. They both create
smart living circumstances and make our lives easier and faster.

The Home Automation System is not a new concept, and the notion of constructing smarter
houses has been growing in popularity for over 40 years. Using a remote control to operate
gadgets was an old innovation by Nikola Tesla, who was the first person to have a patent in the
technology of remote control devices. The use of remote control technology was not ingrained
until the early twentieth when the electrical system became widely used. Karel Capek, a
Czechoslovakian-born writer, released his book (Russum's Universal Robots) in 1920, and it was
staged as a play at Prague's National Theatre on January 25, 1921. In the play, two miniature
manufactured creatures with human forms completely obey their creator's directions, however,
they eventually revolt against him. These individuals were referred to as robots by the author, a
term borrowed from the Czech word "robot," which means "slave." The word "robot" today
applies to both physical mechanisms and virtual software systems (Anant Maind, 2018).

The current household Automation System idea was initially presented when it was displayed at
18 World Fairs in Chicago (1934) and New York (1939) to control electrically based household
gadgets. Engineers conducted much investigation and thinking on this topic between the late
1960s and the early 1970s. In 1966, Jim Sutherland, one of Westinghouse Electric's top
engineers, created the brilliant "ECHO IV" Home Automation System. It was a non-commercial,
private initiative that aided individuals by giving technological solutions in their everyday lives.
Furthermore, creating a comprehensive home automation system in 1966 was still challenging

due to a lack of required computational power. The Home Automation System emerged in the
1970s and late 1980s with the expansion of capabilities and high-performance computers, as well
as the first structured cabling systems aimed at connecting peripherals and terminals with a
standard cable (Ch Hasitha, N Sai Chinmayi; 2017).

The first networked technology in a home automation system was established in 1975 utilizing
the x10 protocol, which is a communication protocol for electrical appliances. It first employs a
power transmission cable for electrical signals and regulates electricity, with the signals
consisting of short radio frequency impulses of digital data. By 1978, the X10 protocol had
produced a 16-channel order console, an appliance module, and a light module. Following that,
the wall switch module and the first X10 timer arrived. Even if the number of individuals
interested in Home Automation Systems rose in the 1990s, the majority of them were exclusively
from wealthy families. The grounds behind this were the configuration's high cost and
convoluted procedure. With the introduction of the microcontroller, these arguments altered
dramatically. The cost of electrical components has been greatly decreased by the use of
microcontrollers, allowing for future growth in the home automation system.

Motion sensing, intelligent thermostat control, adaptive lighting, RFID, biometrics, IR

technology, RF technology, and CCTV security are all part of the Home Automation System.
Nowadays, modern Home Automation System technology is quite popular, and it uses intelligent
speech recognition to advise on everyday life activities and aid in planning. The popularity of
home automation residents is rapidly increasing. According to an ABI estimate, around 1.5
million Home Automation Systems were installed in the United States in 2012. According to
research by Cisco CEO John, the rate of Home Automation System deployment would grow by
2020. Google helped the Home Automation System's expansion in 2014 by purchasing Nest
Labs for $3.2 billion. This California-based startup manufactures Fadell-designed smart home
products. Voice commands combined with intelligent software incorporated with sophisticated
microcontrollers and processors have made it even easier to build and manufacture low-cost
automation systems (B Sravya, and VK; 2014).

As a result, home automation is becoming more popular among software businesses such as
Google and Amazon. Commercial voice recognition systems are protected by patents and
business secrets, which limit the replication, adaptation, and expansion of their features based on

the developer's or researcher's demands, whether for educational or commercial use. This
restricts the number of advancements in the field of speech recognition that may be used to
operate campus surroundings, as well as its adaptability to home automation systems other than
those permitted by the manufacturer (Ishan Krishna and K Lavanya; 2017).

As a result, the absence of quality knowledge and defined methodology in this field, which
specifies how to establish this system, makes developing standards in this area difficult. The
researchers used voice recognition technology such as "Bitvoicer" to control home automation
environments using easily accessible technologies, providing a procedure for the integration of
the technologies involved, and achieving integration between a voice recognition system and a
home automation environment. This advancement resulted in the creation of open-source
software that interested individuals or researchers may change and examine, as well as firms who
want to make their home automation advancements compatible with this specific system.

2.2 Essential steps to implement Home Automation with voice Assistance

The smart home automation system enables users to operate a variety of technological and
electrical gadgets. Home Automation Systems are becoming more popular as a result of their
ease of use and broad operating capabilities. By incorporating speech recognition technology
into the smart Home Automation System, this system becomes more user-friendly for in-home
gadgets (Sumit Patel, Amit Bramhecha; 2017). In general, there are three critical phases to
implementing a Home Automation System based on voice commands, which are as follows:

1. Front-end user input Appliance: any mobile device having a microphone and speech
recognition technology, such as a smartphone or laptop. The hardware utilized in this
study is a Windows 7 PC with built-in Speech Recognition Software.
2. Home Server: Any computer or laptop that has a Windows operating system and a Wi-Fi
adapter may be used as a home server.
3. End-User Device; this consists of two parts: a microcontroller to handle incoming voice
instructions and household appliances.

2.3 Voice Recognition Technology
Voice Recognition Technology, also known as voice recognition technology, is constantly
expanding as a sort of technology that has undergone tremendous development in the
commercial business industry. The speech recognition process is described as a process that turns
sound waves into electrical signals, which are subsequently translated into precise coding
patterns with given meaning (N. Harum, Z. Abidin; 2018).

When a person's hands and eyes are occupied, this technology comprises speech terminals that
may be utilized for technological applications. As a result, data may be recorded in real-time.
Users of technology often wear a microphone or speaker headset connected to a device that
recognizes spoken human words, which are turned into analog electrical impulses, which are
translated to digital patterns deciphered by feature analysis or template-matching. The output
data is then entered into a program or may begin with a variety of computer-based devices, such
as programmable logic controllers, scales, or printers.

This process is aided by the development of programs such as Bitvoicer and Bitvicer servers.
Language models (voice schemas) are used in this method to identify speech instructions, which
are already preceded by maps in these programs. The capacity to arrange words to construct
sentences that are recognized and matched with comparable words in the speech schema is a
benefit of this technology.

2.3.1 Types of Voice Integration

There are two main types of voice integration systems for home automation:

1. Cloud-based systems process voice instructions and operate smart devices via a remote
server. This system is usually more costly, but it has more features and capabilities.
Cloud-based solutions may also be accessible from any location with an internet
2. Locally-based systems use a local device, such as a smart speaker or hub, to process
voice requests and operate smart devices. This sort of system is usually less priced, but it
has fewer features and functions. Locally-based systems can only be operated through the
home network and are therefore inaccessible from outside the house.

For home automation, voice integration solutions are becoming more popular. These systems let
you manage your smart home devices with voice commands, allowing you to automate your
house while remaining hands-free.

There are several speech integration solutions on the market, each with its own set of advantages
and disadvantages. Among the most common voice integration systems are:

1. Amazon Alexa is one of the most popular voice assistants on the market. It is compatible
with a wide range of smart home devices, including lights, thermostats, locks, and
security cameras. You can use Alexa to control your devices with voice commands, such
as "Alexa, turn on the lights" or "Alexa, set the thermostat to 72 degrees."
2. Google Assistant is another popular voice assistant that works with a wide range of smart
home devices. Google Assistant is known for its natural language processing capabilities,
so you can give it more complex commands, such as "Hey Google, turn on the living
room lights and set the temperature to 68 degrees."
3. Apple HomeKit is a voice assistant that is only compatible with Apple devices, such as
the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. However, HomeKit is a very secure platform, and it
is easy to set up and use. You can use HomeKit to control your smart home devices with
voice commands, such as "Hey Siri, turn on the lights."
4. Samsung SmartThings is a versatile voice integration system that can be used with a wide
range of smart home devices. SmartThings is also compatible with Alexa, Google
Assistant, and Apple HomeKit, so you can use whichever voice assistant you prefer.
5. IFTTT is a powerful automation platform that can be used to connect different smart
home devices and services. You can use IFTTT to create custom automation that is
triggered by voice commands. For example, you could create an automation that turns on
your lights when you say "good morning" or locks your doors when you say "goodnight."

2.3.2 Factors to consider for using Voice Integration System for Home Automation

When selecting a voice integration solution for home automation, keep the following
aspects in mind:

1. The following devices are compatible: Check that the speech integration system you
choose is compatible with the smart home devices you currently possess or want to
2. The Simplicity of use: The voice integration system should be simple to configure and
utilize. Simple voice commands should be able to operate your gadgets.
3. Security features include: Your personal information should be safe using voice
integration technology.
4. The price is: The voice integration solution should be reasonably priced.

2.4 How Does Voice Control Work with Home Automation?

You've probably seen or heard of voice assistants by now, either online or via a friend. These
devices have been available since 2014 and have grown in popularity, swiftly becoming a device
found in most houses and the primary driving factor behind smart home adoption owing to their
simplicity of use. Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are the two primary participants in the
voice assistant field. These virtual assistants employ cloud computing over the Wi-Fi network to
execute tasks and requests started by your voice, including the ability to operate your house via
connected smart home devices. ( Jasco, 2019).

The virtual assistants' voice control function maximizes convenience by enabling you to
automate your home and operate your smart devices hands-free rather than solely utilizing smart
home applications on your phone or computer. Integrating virtual assistants with smart items
creates the ideal smart home setup by providing "everywhere" control without the need for
physical contact. When selecting your smart home gadgets, keep in mind which virtual assistants
operate with which protocols so that your complete smart home network works flawlessly
together ( Jasco, 2019).

All variants of the Echo Plus and the second generation of the Echo Show, as well as the latest
generations of Amazon smart speakers, include built-in Zigbee hubs that effortlessly connect and
operate Zigbee smart devices straight out of the box. According to Parks Associates, the number
of virtual assistants that also function as a gateway for other smart devices is increasing, with
53% of US broadband homes having a smart speaker with a personal assistant as well as a smart
home device. More and more apps and tools (such as Samsung's Bixby or Microsoft Cortana)

are being created over time. Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant provide a practical solution
and significant value to all protocols, including Z-Wave, Zigbee, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth devices
( Jasco, 2019).

2.4.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Automation System ( Nithin Thypparambil,


Advantages of Home Automation:

1. Convenience: One of the primary benefits of home automation is the convenience it

provides. You may manage many parts of your house with a few clicks on your
smartphone or voice commands to your virtual assistant with home automation. This
includes turning off lights, changing the temperature, and opening doors.
2. Energy Efficiency: Home automation may also help you conserve energy and lower your
ecological impact. You may, for example, program your smart thermostat to change the
temperature depending on whether you're at home or away, or to turn off lights in areas
that aren't in use.
3. Security: Home automation may also improve your home's security. You can monitor
your house and get warnings if there is any unusual behavior with a smart home security
system. You may also use your smartphone to operate your security cameras and alarm
4. Cost Savings: Finally, home automation may save you money in the long term. You may
minimize your monthly electricity costs and perhaps even your insurance premiums by
lowering your energy use and automating your home security.

Disadvantages of Home Automation:

1. Cost: The price of home automation is one of its major disadvantages. Smart gadgets and
systems are not cheap, and the costs may rapidly mount up if you want to completely
automate your house.
2. Reliance on Technology: house automation also implies that you rely on technology to
regulate many parts of your house. If there is a power outage or a problem with internet
access, you may be unable to manage your smart devices until the problem is repaired.

3. Privacy concerns: There is also the possibility of privacy problems with so many linked
gadgets in your house. Hackers might obtain access to your smart devices and steal
sensitive data or even remotely manipulate them.
4. Learning Curve: Finally, home automation might have a learning curve. Setting up and
setting up your smart devices and systems might be complicated, and learning how to
utilize them successfully may take some time.

2.4.3 Characteristics of Home Automation System

There are several automation systems and architectures to automate a home or building.
According to the characteristics of the system, these can be:

1. Wireless home automation systems: They use radio frequency waves and are simple to
install since no wire is required.
2. Wired home automation system: The signal is transferred through specialized cables,
ensuring its security, efficiency, and stability. Cable installation may need considerable

According to the installation of the home automation system, the architecture may be:

1. Centralized architecture: A central controller is established that receives information,

processes it, and transmits it to each device. This method is often used in wired systems.
2. Distributed architecture: All of the modules in the home that process information and
carry out instructions share the architecture, which is not centralized in one place. It is
often used in both wired and wireless systems.
3. Mixed architecture: Throughout the home, little gadgets process information and transfer
it to the rest of the electronics. This design is often utilized in completely wireless

2.4.5 Applications of Home Automation

Home automation has several useful applications. The most important are:

1. Energy management: One of the most essential uses of home automation, energy
management is built on three pillars:

➢ Energy savings: It allows you to lower your energy use by minimizing waste. For
example, when no one is in a room, turn off the lighting.
➢ Energy efficiency: This refers to maximizing the usage of energy consumption.
For example, lowering the temperature set on air conditioning systems depends on
information about the building's thermal inertia, or how the temperature changes
➢ Energy production and storage: It includes any technologies that generate or store
energy, such as solar panels.

2. Comfort: Home automation has a significant impact on people's quality of life. It

enables the automation of repetitive and normal operations in the house, such as lowering
and raising awnings and blinds. Furthermore, it adjusts the room to the tenants' demands,
such as lighting and temperature control.

3. Security: It enables the creation of a security network based on prevention and

detection that protects people and their property. Controlling the state of doors, windows,
or sensors within or outside the house, for example.

4. Communication: house automation technology allows the house to be connected to a

wide range of media, making it a more engaging place. You may access the various
controls and perform activities remotely using a mobile app.

5. Accessibility: Home automation ensures universal accessibility in every situation.

Voice-activated systems enable actions to be taken to satisfy the demands of home users.

Mohamed S. Musbah adopts a client/server model and is designed to control home
appliances using voice recognition technology. The model consists of three main components

i) Front End User Device: This can be any mobile device such as a laptop or smartphone with a

microphone and voice recognition feature. The device used in this paper is a Windows 7 PC
which contains an inbuilt Windows 7 Speech Recognition Software.

ii) Home Server: This can be any laptop or a computer that consists of a Wi-Fi adapter and a
Windows operating system (Windows XP or higher).

iii) End User Device: This consists of two parts, Arduino Uno to process the incoming
commands and the home devices.

The devices considered are a D.C. fan and LED lights. The front-end device primarily contains
two voice commands namely start listening and on/off. The device application establishes a
connection to the home server via a wireless ad-hoc connection (TCP/IP transmission protocol).
The home server in turn acknowledges the connection and receives commands from the front-
end interface while opening a connection to the microcontroller and then forwards the command
to it. Now the Arduino uno implements the given command according to the target device. The
work is illustrated in Fig [1].

Fig. 1: Working Model

Sushant Kumar approaches home automation through voice recognition and user interface
control. Both functions are carried out using a smartphone. The interfaces interact with each
other using efficient Bluetooth wireless communication.

End-user control consists of a combination of google voice API and the AMR Voice app which
understands voice commands. The Arduino Bluetooth control serves as a touch-based application
with support for up to 8 devices.

i) AMR Voice:

a) Connect Bluetooth through the app.

b) Tap the mic icon and command.

c) HC05 receives the command and forwards it to the Arduino.

d) Arduino implements the task through relay switches.

ii) Arduino Control Application:

a) Connect Bluetooth through the app.

b) Tap ON/OFF for a specific appliance.

c) The app communicates the specific command to the HC05. Arduino processes and executes
the command.

Fig. 2: System Architecture

2.5 Home Automation With Alexa

Home automation is an important component of automation. Home automation refers to the
intelligent monitoring and management of home electrical equipment for efficient utilization.
Household items should be intelligently integrated and give data for improved operations. Home
automation linked to the Internet of Things (IoT) allows for better control over domestic goods
in a broader sense. This will enable the interconnection of several smart houses for improved
resource utilization across a larger region (N. M. Sai Krishna, 2022).

Many current technologies can be used to do this. To do this more straightforwardly, Amazon
Echo is employed, which is a voice-enabled wireless speaker made by Amazon. The gadget links
to Alexa, a voice-controlled personal assistant service that reacts to the phrase or name "Alexa."
The gadget can respond to voice commands, play music, create to-do lists, set alarms, stream

podcasts, and provide weather, traffic, and other real-time information. It can also operate
multiple smart devices utilizing the various talents it has (R. Priyakanth, 2022).

Controlling smart devices with Alexa is straightforward, but converting non-smart equipment to
smart devices is not for everyone. So, the goal of our solution is to give a low-cost approach to
operating non-smart devices utilizing the power of speech.

Amazon Echo is a smart speaker created by the Amazon Company that can operate a variety of
smart devices. We utilize the Amazon Echo to create a skill that communicates with our circuit
and controls our gadgets (M. Aanjalaa, 2021).

NodeMcu is the automation controller in this project. The user issues a command to Alexa, and
then NodeMcu receives the data through Wi-Fi and chooses the switching action of electrical
equipment linked to it via Relays, acting as a fuse (P. Jahnavi Akhila, 2022).

2.5.1 Circuit and Working

1. NODEMCU: NodeMCU is a low-cost open-source Internet of Things platform. It originally

contained software that works on Espressif Systems' ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC and hardware based on
the ESP-12 module, with support for the ESP32 32-bit MCU added later. The firmware as well
as the prototype board designs are open source (A. Pranava, 2022).

Fig. 3. NodeMCU

2. AMAZON ECHO DOT: Amazon Echo (abbreviated Echo) is a smart speaker brand created
by Amazon. Alexa, the voice-controlled intelligent personal assistant service, connects to Echo
devices and responds when you say "Alexa" (F D. Sri Devi, 2022).

Fig. 3. Echo Dot

3. RELAY MODULE: A relay module is a distinct hardware device that is used to switch distant
devices. It allows you to operate gadgets remotely across a network or the internet. Clock Watch
Enterprise instructions provided over a local or wide area network may remotely turn on or off
devices. Control computers, peripherals, and other powered equipment from anywhere in the
workplace or across the globe.

Fig. 4. Relay Module

Circuit Diagram for Home Automation With Alexa

Fig. 5: Circuit Diagram for Home Automation With Alexa

Connect all of the components as indicated in the circuit diagram above. The digital pins of the
NodeMCU are linked to the input pins IN1, and IN2 of the two-channel relay. Connect the pins
as specified by the code. NodeMCU's ground pin and the relay's Vcc pin are both linked in the
same way; the relay's Vcc pin is connected to NodeMCU's Vin. The NodeMCU's Vcc and GND
pins are linked to an external 5v DC supply. One terminal of the appliance is directly connected
to the relay (usually open), while the other is linked in series with the 220V AC supply and the
relay pin (common).

2.5.2 Software

Flow Chart:

Fig. 6: Flow Chart of Home Automation With Alexa

This makes use of Arduino for the microcontroller and Sinric from the Alexa app to
communicate with the hardware.

2.5.3 Comparing Popular Voice Assistants That Work With Smart Home Devices

It's difficult to envisage a smart home without a voice assistant or turning on the lights without
the use of voice control. Continue reading for a comparison of some of the most popular voice
assistants. Investigate how voice assistants and home automation may work together to improve
the environment.

1. Amazon Alexa

Amazon Alexa is a low-cost voice assistant for smart homes. While it is useful for timers,
recipes, and audiobooks, you may be unaware of its more complex functions. It is compatible
with smart doorbells, security systems, thermostats, lights, and other devices. It learns from your
actions and utilizes "Hunches" to choose what to do next to make your day better (Amazon

Advantages of Amazon Alexa

1. It is compatible with most smart devices (over 7000) and provides the most device
versatility of any voice assistant. A 2000 or fewer other assistance.
2. If you have Amazon Prime, it will make shopping lists and order products for you.
3. It can play music from non-Amazon services like Apple Music, Spotify, and others.
4. You have additional "wake word" choices to activate Alexa.

Disadvantages of Amazon Alexa

1. It won't operate with your phone unless you have the Amazon Alexa app. It does not
currently offer a mobile experience, although this is expected to develop.
2. If your surroundings are loud or full of competing voices, this device may struggle to
complete your voice command duties. This might be a problem if you live in a noisy

2. Google Assistant

Although Google Assistant is the second-best voice assistant, it is catching up to Amazon Alexa
in many areas. When compared to Alexa's Bing searches and Siri's Safari, it leverages Google to
provide the most accurate and relevant answers.

The number of compatible devices with which Google Assistant may interact is expanding by the
thousands, and it supports four languages. You may even modify the accents or customize the
voice of your Google Assistant to sound like your favorite celebrity (such as Elvis). Google
Assistant is altering our perceptions of voice assistants and home automation (Google Assistant).

Advantages of Google Assistant

1. It is constantly expanding its features, customization options, and instructions.

2. It will do many easy actions with a single command. If you say, "Good morning," it may
illuminate the room, play your favorite sounds, and give you the weather.
3. It is improving its power and expanding its list of compatible devices.
4. It works seamlessly with a Google smart speaker.

Disadvantages of Google Assistant

1. It does not yet support as many smart home gadgets as Alexa, but the list is increasing.
2. It cannot be purchased on Amazon as easily as Alexa.
3. Apple Siri

If you use your iPhone or other Apple devices regularly, you're probably acquainted with this
voice assistant. It has a limited capacity to manage non-Apple-branded devices. If you and your
family use a lot of Apple gadgets, depend heavily on your phones, or have an Apple HomeKit,
this is a great speech recognition tool.

Many people use voice commands on their phones to do things like adjust the volume, react to
text messages, and move between applications. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of this
helper (Apple Siri).

Advantages of Apple Siri

1. It works well with other Apple products like iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, and Macs.
2. If you have Apple HomeKit, it will generate several scenarios.
3. Out of all mobile phones, it boasts the best voice command capabilities.

Disadvantages of Apple Siri

1. It is primarily intended for Apple customers and has limited support for third-party
2. It still has trouble recognizing and acting on orders from non-English speakers.
3. Map instructions will only be translated into English by this voice assistant.
4. Other Voice Assistants

While the world considers the three voice assistant programs listed above to be the greatest, there
are more. To compete, major technology firms are developing additional smart home assistant
alternatives. The features and device compatibility vary, and smart plugs may be used to connect
gadgets to your assistant.

Other voice assistant choices for your devices include:

1. Samsung Bixby
2. Microsoft Cortana

Using a voice assistant to control your home has never been simpler, but picking the best one
depends on your requirements. Full Spectrum Technology can assist you in comparing
possibilities in more depth.


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Google Assistant. URL:

Amazon Alexa. URL:

Apple Siri. URL:

Apple’s HomeKit. URL:


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