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MLS 050 – Health Information System

Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

Lesson Title: Overview of Health Informatics Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Student Activity Sheets
At the end of the lesson, you shoud be able to:
1. compare the different healthcare software systems; References:
2. explain the advantages and disadvantages of health PASMETH MODULE SYSTEM
informatics in the cloud;
3. interpret the issues that hampers the progress of health
informatics in the Philippines.

Productivity Tip:
“Eat a healthy breakfast”


1) Introduction
Have a brand new day. Today, our lesson is about Overview of Health Informatics. The advent
of information age has resulted into the generation of huge amounts of routine data, particularly in
healthcare, which can become perplexing to process and analyze. This is the challenge for health
informatics to make sense of large amounts of data while insuring the processes are valid and secure.
It is very important for us to know about health informatics as health professional because HIT often
involves electronic transactions of health information. Thus, maintaining privacy and security during
transmission is now considered as necessity. With this, at the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. identify the different healthcare software systems;
2. explain the advantages and disadvantages of health informatics in the cloud;
3. understand the issues that hampers the progress of health informatics in the Philippines.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1

I am writing three questions on the second column related to the topic for the day. I would like
you to write in the first column whay you know about the question. Just left the third column blank at
this time.
What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)
1. It is the area of IT involving the
design, development, creation, use,
and maintenance of information
systems for the healthcare industry.
2. It is person's official, digital health
record and is shared among multiple
healthcare providers and agencies.
3. Exact appellation of the acronym

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________


1) Activity 2: Content Notes

Health Information Technology

Rouse (2016) defines Health Information Technology (HIT) as "the area of IT involving the
design, development, creation, use, and maintenance of information systems for the healthcare
industry. Automated and interoperable healthcare information systems are expected to improve
medical care, lower costs, increase efficiency, reduce error and improve patient satisfaction."
Because HIT often involves electronic transactions of health information, it is important to
maintain privacy and security during transmission. Health information technology promises to
modernize and streamline healthcare and to connect different users and stakeholders in the e-
health market. Systems such as electronic health records, decision support systems and personal
health records are promising and are becoming widely deployed worldwide (Kushniruk and
Borycki, 2017).

Healthcare Software Systems

Rouse (2016) enumerates the following types of health information technology:
The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is the central component of the health IT
infrastructure. An EHR or electronic medical record is a person's official, digital health
record and is shared among multiple healthcare providers and agencies. Other key
elements of the health IT infrastructure are the personal health record (PHR), which is a
person's self-maintained health record, and the health information exchange (HIE), a
health data clearinghouse or a group of healthcare organizations that enter into an
interoperability pact and agree to share data between their various health IT systems.
Implementations of EHR systems have increased dramatically in the past few years since
the inception of the HITECH Act in 2009, which introduced the EHR meaningful use
program. Physicians and hospitals that prove their use of government-certified EHR
systems meets meaningful use criteria -- created and overseen by the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT
(ONC) -- are eligible to receive incentive payments. Meaningful use is changing to a new
value-based reimbursement system under a law passed by Congress in 2015 called
MACRA, the Medicare Access and CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Plan)
Reauthorization Act. However, ONC continues to certify approved health IT technology
used under federal reimbursement programs.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

Healthcare Software Systems

Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and vendor neutral archives
(VNAs) are two widely used types of health IT that help healthcare professionals store and manage
patients' medical images. In the past, radiology departments have been the primary repositories of
medical images, but PACS and VNAs are integrating radiology into the main hospital workflow, and
other specialties such as cardiology and neurology have also become large-scale producers of
clinical images. In some instances, VNAs have been installed as a way to merge imaging data stored
in separate departments' image banks in a multi-facility healthcare system.

Healthcare Information Ecosystem

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (2017) defines a health
interoperability ecosystem as a composition individuals, systems and processes that want to
share, exchange, and access all forms of health information, including discrete, narrative and
multimedia. Individuals, patients, providers, hospitals/health systems, researchers, payors, suppliers
and systems are potential stakeholders within such an ecosystem. Each is involved in the creation,
exchange and use of health information and/or data.
An efficient health interoperability ecosystem provides an information infrastructure that uses
technical standards, policies and protocols to enable seamless and secure capture, discovery,
exchange and utilization of health information.

Health Informatics in the Cloud

The role of cloud technology is undeniably significant in our everyday lives. Currently, 83%
of healthcare organizations are making use of cloud-based applications, and it is changing the
landscape of the healthcare system and health informatics. However, both benefits and threats exist,
and this is discussed below (University of Illinois, 2014).
Advantage: Integrated and Efficient Patient Care
Cloud technology offers a single access point for patient information, and this allows multiple
doctors to review lab results or notes on patients. Physicians can spend more time deciding and
performing patient treatment instead of waiting for information he needs coming from different

Disadvantage: Potential Risks to Personal Information

The strength of cloud technology is also the very same characteristic that makes it vulnerable
to data breaches. The information contained within medical records may be subjected to theft or
other violations of privacy and confidentiality. Fortunately, safeguards may be put in place in order
to minimize such threats, such as encryption, proper data disposal, and other security features.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

Health Informatics in the Cloud

Better Management of Data

The accumulation of electronic health records will allow more meaningful data mining that can
better assess the health of the general public. More data can mean more opportunities to identify
trends in diseases and crises.
Disadvantage: Cloud Set-up Seems Cumbersome

The transition from a traditional to an automated system might be difficult to some members of
healthcare organizations, particularly for smaller or older practices that may not be familiar with
cloud technology. This technology, however, has nowhere to go but up, and more and more
institutions will be adopting it in the future. With proper education and illustration of its function,
hesitant practitioners may be able to see its advantages.

Health Informatics in the Philippines

Health informatics had been loosely practiced in the Philippines as early as the 1980s.
Practitioners who had access to IBM compatible machines were already using word processors to
store patient information by then. Since then, significant milestones in health informatics have also
occurred over the years, one of which is the Community Health Information Tracking System
(CHITS), a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP-based system released under the general public license
(GPL). CHITS was named finalist at the Stockholm Challenge 2006 and one of top three e-
government projects in the Philippines by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Digital
Opportunity Center.
CHITS is an electronic medical record (EMR) developed through the collaboration of the
Information and Communication Technology community and health workers, primarily designed for
use in Philippine health centers in disadvantaged areas. It is currently utilized in 111 government
health facilities. What used to be manually done before, taking up 4 to 5 minutes, can now be
executed within a couple of seconds.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

Health Informatics in the Philippines

The implementation of CHITS has indeed resulted to heightened efficiency among health
workers, since more time can be spent on providing patient care (Department of Science and
Technology, 2012).
Despite the developments in health informatics in the Philippines, the nation still suffers
from various issues that hamper its progress, one of which is the lack of human resource interest in
the field. Health informatics is seen more as a novelty rather than as a profession. When
professional and economic constraints come into play, priorities shift towards clinical responsibilities
at the expense of health informatics as a discipline.
Another issue is that benefits of information technology do not seem apparent to many
decision-makers in the healthcare sector. The large initial expenditure for a health information
system remains another barrier to the integration of IT in Philippine healthcare (Marcelo, 2012).


 Health Information Technology (HIT) as “the area of IT involving the design,
development, creation, use, and maintenance of information systems for the healthcare
 The electronic health record (EHR) is the central component of the health IT infrastructure.
 Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and vendor neutral archives
(VNAs) are two widely used types of health IT that help healthcare professionals store and
manage patients' medical images.
 An efficient health interoperability ecosystem provides an information infrastructure that uses
technical standards, policies and protocols to enable seamless and secure capture, discovery,
exchange and utilization of health information.
 The advantages of Health Informatics in the cloud are Integrated and Efficient Patient Care and
better management of data.
 Despite the developments in health informatics in the Philippines, the nation still suffers from
various issues that hamper its progress, one of which is the lack of human resource interest in
the field. Another issue is that benefits of information technology do not seem apparent to many
decision-makers in the healthcare sector.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities

Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

1. It is person's official, digital health record and is shared among multiple healthcare providers and
A. Health Information Exchange
B. Electronic Health Record
C. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems
D. Vendor Neutral Archives

2. The following are advantages of health informatics in the cloud EXCEPT:

A. Better management of data
B. Integrated Patient Care
C. Potential Risk to Personal Information
D. Efficient Patient Care

3. As defined by Rouse (2016), it is the area of IT involving the design, development, creation, use, and
maintenance of information systems for the healthcare industry.
A. Health Information Exchange
B. Health Information Technology
C. Vendor Neutral Archives
D. Health Information Exchange

4. It refers to a manner in which a health data clearinghouse or a group of healthcare organizations

that enter into an interoperability pact and agree to share data between their various health IT
A. Health Information Exchange
B. Health Information Technology
C. Electronic Health Record
D. Vendor Neutral Archives

5. It is one of the two widely used types of health IT that help healthcare professionals store and
manage patients' medical images.
A. Health Information Exchange
B. Health Information Technology
C. Electronic Health Record
D. Vendor Neutral Archives

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

6. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (2017) defines a health
interoperability ecosystem as a composition of the following EXCEPT:
A. individuals
B. systems
C. data
D. processes

7. The following are disadvantages of health informatics in the cloud EXCEPT:

A. Cloud Set – Up is Cumbersome
B. Integrated Patient Care
C. Potential Risk to Personal Information
D. Vulnerability to Data Breaches

8. It is an electronic medical record developed through the collaboration of the Information and
Communication Technology community and health workers, primarily designed for use in Philippine
health centers in disadvantaged areas.

9. The following are the issues that hampers the progress of health informatics in the Philippines
A. lack of human resource interest in the field
B. benefits of IT do not seem apparent to many decision-makers in the healthcare sector
C. better data management
D. large initial expenditure

10. Statement 1: it is important to maintain privacy and security during transmission of electronic
transactions of health information.
Statement 2: While there are benefits of adopting health informatics in the cloud, the
disadvantages outweighs these benefits.
A. Only statement 1 is correct.
B. Only statement 2 is correct.
C. Statement 1 and 2 are correct.
D. Statement 1 and 2 are incorrect.

When you are done answering the self – assessment, please check your answers against the
Key to Corrections found at the end of this Student Activity Sheets. Write your score on your paper.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart (3 mins)

Let us monitor how far you have learned in this lesson by reviewing the questions in the What I Know
Chart from Activity 1. Please write your answers to the questions based on what you now know in the
third column of the table.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

1. It is the area of IT involving the

design, development, creation, use,
and maintenance of information
systems for the healthcare industry.

2. It is person's official, digital health

record and is shared among multiple
healthcare providers and agencies.

4. Exact appellation of the acronym


4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (70 mins including hands – on + 7 mins checking)

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Compare the different healthcare software systems.


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of health informatics in the cloud?


3. Interpret the issues that hampers the progress of health informatics in the Philippines?

4. Describe an efficient health interoperability ecosystem.

When you are done answering, please check your answers against the Key to Corrections
found at the end of this Student Activity Sheets. Write your score on your paper.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
A. Work Tracker
You are done with this session! Let’s track your progress. Shade the session number you just

B. Think about your Learning

1. What was the most useful or the most meaningful thing you learned on this topic?


2. In today’s lesson, what was least clear to you?



1. What is the difference between Health Information Technology from our subject Health Information

To collect and interpret health information, medical professionals rely on health information
technology (HIT). Health information technology pertains to the digital systems that collect and
organize health information. On the ohter hand, health information systems (HIS) not only
incorporates the data that go into those systems but also analyzes and protects those data. HIT
refers to technologies that are used to develop digital frameworks that enables providers to organize
data more accurately. Without health information management, that advanced framework goes to
waste. And without health information technology, that health information system cannot be as easily
accessed and interpreted to benefit the medical community. When thinking about the differences in
health information technology vs. health information system, it is important to remember that both

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

MLS 050 – Health Information System
Student Activity Sheets Module #1

Name: Class number: _______

_________________________________________________________________ Date:
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________

disciplines are necessary to fully extract the most value from health information.

2. What are examples of HITs?

The following are examples of HITs commonly used in our country at present:

a. Electronic Medical Record Systems (Electronic Health Record (EHR), Electronic Medical
Record (EMR), Personal Health Record (PHR))
b. Electronic prescribing (electronically generating and sending a prescription order)
c. Telemedicine (practice of caring for patients remotely when the provider and patient are not
physically present with each other)

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