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Why do Christians....?

For the teacher

This series of activities aims to demonstrate the connection between what Christians believe and what they
do, whether in Church or in the wider community. There are opportunities for pupils to enquire into Christian
practice and action using both biblical and contemporary visual sources. Opportunities to stimulate more
able pupils with a challenging final discussion are included.
The main visual stimuli gives a window into four different churches and the practices that might be seen in
the buildings; worship through singing, sharing the peace with church members, reading the bible, listening
to a sermon, taking communion and praying. The community notice board shows examples of the type of
activities many Christians choose to spend their time supporting. Whilst we have suggested a series of
activities using this stimulus there are other ways this rich image can be used to enquire into Christian belief
and practice.

See also
The following websites provide additional materials which
may supplement the teaching of this unit and inform the
teacher about variety of practice within and between
1. RE Quest
A variety of short videos showing worship in a What can children do as a result of this unit?
variety of churches can be seen on this site. There
The following pupil-friendly ‘I can…’ statements describe
also examples of Christian community work with
the learning that may be expected of pupils in the 7 – 11
different organisations.
age range.
2. BBC Class clips Level Description of achievement: I can ...
Clip 4155: Sung worship in an Evangelical church
2  ask questions about different aspects
Clip 4458: Communion in a Catholic church of Christian practice and belief
3. Glossary of terms  identify three things that might happen in a Christian Church and suggest a
This glossary provided by the Anglican church reason why they might be important to a
offers explanations of many of the practices seen in Christian
Christian worship.  recognise some Christian values shown
by things done in the church and the
4. Teacher information
3  describe, using appropriate religious
The subject knowledge section of this has a vocabulary, what Christians do in
chapter on Christian practice with links to other Church and suggest why they might take
suitable websites. The teacher resource section part in these activities
provides other website links to extend this work.  make a link between a piece of bible
text and the action of a Christian person
4  describe and link up examples of
Christian worship and Christian action
 suggest reasons, using a biblical quote,
why a Christian might choose to support
a particular community activity.
Activity 1: Looking very carefully Activity 2: Enquiring into Christian Practice
This activity familiarises the pupils with a picture in Cut out each of the four windows from the picture Stick
which a series of Christian practices are seen by each of the windows into the centre of a piece of A3
looking through four different church windows. It also paper.
allows them to look closely at the community notice
Arrange your class into four groups. You may want to use
board which shows Christians in action in the
smaller groups in which case you will need to have two
imaginary community of Yawtown.
copies of each of the windows.
There are strong links to visual learning and pupils
Each group starts off with one of the pre-prepared A3
need to interpret what they are seeing, Pupils should
pieces of paper. The papers are then moved in a
be encouraged to discuss what they think they have
carousel, with each group doing the new activity with a
seen with other members of their group and use
new window, building on the work of the last group.
previous knowledge about Christianity to support
them in their observations and drawing. Ask pupils to:

Organise the class into groups of four pupils a) Write any questions you have about what you can
numbered 1-4 and give each group some felt pens see in the window. Allow about 2 minutes for this.
and a piece of flip chart paper. Move the paper to the next group.
b) Add in any further questions and answer any
Ask the pupils to
questions posed by the first group. Allow about 5
 Take turns: Number One comes to look at minutes for this. Move the paper to the next
the picture (a blow up to double size might group.
be useful) for 10 seconds. c) Research in books or on the internet to clarify
 Return to their group and draw as much as what is happening in the picture and then as a
they can of the picture from memory. group write a paragraph which could be displayed
 When they are ready send Number Two to next to the window to explain what is happening.
come and look, again for ten seconds, and Allow about 30 minutes for this. Move the paper to
take over the drawing. the last group.
d) Receive the finished work and read through it.
Over 15 minutes and 6 to 8 visits to the picture,
Choose 2 people in your picture and draw a
different groups of pupils create a picture similar to
thought cloud. Write what they might be thinking.
the one they are all looking at. The teacher can
praise the efforts of all groups in this impossible task Share the finished pieces with the whole class. What has
– which is very good at making the picture been learnt about Christian practice?
memorable. Now move onto activity 3
Now move onto activity 2

Activity 3: Belief and behaviour- so what?

This activity helps pupils to make links between Christian teaching, belief and practice and the behaviour of
Christians. Christianity is about both belief and behaviour.
Arrange pupils to work in pairs. Each pair needs an A4 colour or black and white copy of the picture and a cut up
set of the bible quotes .
Ask pupils to
 Take each of the bible quotes and try and identify somewhere in the picture where this teaching is being
 Choose 5 of the bible quotes to work with and for each quote respond to these three sentence starters
Christians are taught...
This means they should....
An example of this being acted out in Yawtown is...
Now move onto activity 4
Activity 4: What would Christians do? What would you Making this work accessible for 5-7s
This final activity allows the pupils to consider why people
 Give each pupil a church window outline and
might want to support the different activities displayed on
ask them to draw a picture of what they
the community notice board.
think they might see if they peeped through a
As a class church window on a Sunday morning.
 Discuss their drawing and then show them
 Look carefully at the community notice board.
the picture on p16-17 and see what extra
What projects can you see advertised?
things might happen in a church that they
 Discuss what each of the projects might be about
haven’t noticed.
Ask pupils to work in pairs
 Decide which project would you like to offer to help
 As a class list ten things that are being
at or raise money for
advertised on the Yawtown notice board.
 Discuss which activity a group of 9 and 10 year
 Discuss what these things are and who they
old Christians would support. Why would they
might help.
choose to support it? What Christian teaching
 Do the pupils know of any activities like this?
would encourage them to support it? How would
they support it? Linking
 Write a note from the children to an imaginary
And don’t forget to do good and share with those in
project leader explaining why they want to help
need... Hebrews 13:16
out with the project. Use at least one of the quotes
in your note. Christians read the bible to learn about what they
believe and how they should live their life. Share the
A final task to challenge the most able
quote with the children and ask them to freeze frame
Have a group discussion to answer the question an activity that would show Christians following this
Is a church that only worships God and doesn’t help people
better than a church that only helps people and doesn’t
spend time worshipping God?

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