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Lesson Check Answers

1. Explain the following statement: The oxygen generated by photosynthesis is
simply a by-product formed during the production of ATP and carbohydrates.
Oxygen is released into the atmosphere during the synthesis of glucose and sucrose
and is not a product formed for use by the autotroph.
2. Relate the structure of a chloroplast to the stages of photosynthesis.
Answers may vary. Chloroplasts contain thylakoids, sites of light-dependent reactions,
and stroma, sites of light-independent reactions.
3. Place the steps of photosynthesis into the correct order from top to bottom.
Light energy breaks down water into oxygen and hydrogen ions.
Electrons move through the electron transport and convert NADP+ into NADPH.
Hydrogen ions move through the ATP synthase converting ADP into ATP.
NADPH and ATP are used in the Calvin cycle.
Carbon dioxide is used to create glucose molecules.
4. Of which wavelength of light do carotenoids absorb the greatest percentage?
500 nm
5. Select all that apply for the following alternative pathway: C4 plants.
sunny, tropical habitats
occurs in sugarcane and corn
fixes carbon dioxide into four-carbon molecules
allows for sufficient carbon dioxide uptake and minimizes water loss
6. Select all that apply for the following alternative pathway: CAM plants.
very hot, dry habitats
occurs in cacti, jade plants, and pineapple
fixes carbon dioxide into organic molecules at night
allows for sufficient carbon dioxide uptake and minimizes water loss

Module 8 • Cellular Energy

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