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Jr .AIIMS S60 – NEET WET-7 Syllabus

Botany Plant Kingdom – From the beginning to Economic Importance of Bryophytes

Animal kingdom: From Class - Cyclostomata to end of chapter and Structural Organisation in Animals: From the
Zoology beginning to Transitional Epithelium. (As per teaching schedule)

Track-1: Motion in a straight line: Vertically projected bodies from the top of tower and relative velocity in one dimension
and Motion in a plane: Vectors, Addition, Laws of Vector Addition, Subtraction, Resolution of the vector and numerical
Track-2: Expansion of solids and Expansion of liquid (Complete chapter)

Track-1: Atomic structure: de- Broglie's theory, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, Wave mechanical model of atom :
Chemistry Schroedinger wave equation , Eigen values & functions, Atomic orbitals , Probability curves & Shapes of orbitals and
Quantum numbers
Track-2: Classification of elements and periodicity in properties: Atomic size, Ionisation potential, electron gain
enthalpy and Electro negativity: Definition, factors affecting and trends in periods and groups.
Name of the Exam: NEET WET-07 Date: 16-08-22(Tuesday) Time: 8.30AM to 11.50AM

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