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Activity 1

Please answer each question/statement as honestly as possible. It should be short, simple,

and clear.

What are personal values?

It is good to know what personal values are. Personal values are what people consider important in
life. Affect our choices and can say a lot about ourselves.


Why is knowledge of your personal values so beneficial?

Life satisfaction depends on the integrity of our daily decisions with our values.


What Are Your Values?

List your top 10 personal values.


Define them and how to live with them.


Why is it important to be aware of your values?

Values are the embodiment of your beliefs, ideals, and standards for living.

Module 2: Importance of Values
Why values are important?

1. Values guide our words, and actions.

2. Values help us to grow and develop.

3. Values help us to shape our character.

Values guide our words, and actions.

It becomes a standard for determining what is good and just. Knowing your values helps develop
strong opinions about important subjects.

Values help us to grow and develop.

It suggests what is beautiful and ugly, sought, or avoided. It brings confidence a sense of stability and
safety to your life.

Values help us to shape our character.

What we get is what we are. The values we choose to instill in our minds today determines
tomorrow’s character.

Values act as a motivator because it strongly influences the emotional state of mind.

List of Personal Values

To help you, here’s a shortlist of personal values.

1. Achievement 17. Security

2. Adventure 18. Simplicity
3. Courage 19. Sincerity
4. Family 20. Wealth
5. Friendship
6. God
7. Health
8. Honesty
9. Independence
10. Integrity
11. Intelligence
12. Justice
13. Kindness
14. Learning
15. Love
16. Peace
Values - are defined broadly as ‘the principles and fundamental convictions which act
as general guides to behavior, the standards by which particular actions are judged as
good or desirable’ (Halstead and Taylor, 2000).

Values - beliefs, ideals, or principles that are considered worthy and held in high regard.
Determine what is important.

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