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Cau digu kién gém c6 hai ménh dé: © Ménh dé chinh (Main clause) 1a ménh dé chi két qua. © Ménh dé If (If- clause) 1a ménh dé phy chi diéu kién. 1. Cac loai cau diéu kién (Types of conditional sentences) C6 3 loai cau diéu kién chinh 1, Diéu kién c6 that trong hién tai hodc tuong lai (Real condition in the present or future): cé thé thuc hién duge trong hién tai ho&e tuong lai vi hanh dong trong ménh dé If hoan toan cé thé xdy ra, 2. Diéu kién khong c6 that trong hién tai (Unreal condition in the present): khéng thé thuc hién duge trong hién tai hode tuong lai vi hanh dong trong ménh dé If khong thé xay ra (gid dinh trdi nguge véi thuc té trong hién tai). 8. Diéu kién khong c6 that trong qué khit (Unreal condition in the past): khéng thé thye hién duge trong qué khif vi hanh déng trong ménh dé If da khong xay ra (gia dinh trai nguge véi thyc té trong qué khi). IL. Thi ciia d6ng tiv trong cau diéu kigén (Verb forms used in conditional sentences) + Loai 1: Real Condition a. Dé néi vé tinh hudng c6 thé xdy ra trong hién tai hodc tuong lai, ching ta ding thi hién tai don (present simple) trong ménh dé if va will + dong tir nguyén mau (will + infinitive) trong ménh dé chinh. IF-CLAUSE. MAIN CLAUSE Present simple | will + infinitive Ex: If it doesn’t rain, we will have a picnic. (Néu troi khéng mua, chuing ta sé di dé ngogi.) The cat will scrateh you if you pull her tail. (Con meo sé cao ban néu ban kéo dubi n6.) b. Thi hién tai don (present simple) duge ding trong cd hai ménh dé dé chi mét sy that hién nhién, mt quy ludt ty nhién ho&c m§t hanh dng xdy ra thung xuyén. Ex: If you heat ice, it turns to water. (Néu ban dun néng nude dé nd sé tan thanh nuée.) If you press this switch, the computer comes on. (Néu ban nhdn vao nit nay, may tinh sé bét.) If Daniel has any money, he spends it. (Néu Daniel cé tién anh ta sé tiéu xai hét.) c Céc dOng ti tinh thai can, may, might, should, ought to, have to, must,... 6 thé duge ding trong ménh dé chinh (main clause) dé noi dén kha nang, sy chdc ch&n, sy cho phép, sy bat budc hoat su cdn thiét. Ex: If it rains, we are going to stay home. (Néu troi mua, ching t6i sé 6 nha.) If you need a ticket, I can get you one. (Néu ban cn vé t6i c6 thé mua cho ban mét tdm.) If Matthew goes to a job interview, he should wear/ ought to wear a tie. (Néu Matthew di phéng van xin viéc, anh dy nén deo ca vat.) If you want to see clearly, you must wear your glasses. (Néu ban mudn thy rd, ban phdi mang kinh.) If Henry jogs regularly, he may/ might lose weight. (Néu Henry chay bé thuéng xuyén, anh dy 6 thé gidm can.) Doi khi ching ta c6 thé ding should trong ménh dé diéu kién (If-clause) 48 ggi ¥ mot diéu gi d6 khong chéc chén. Ex: If you should change your mind, please phone me. (Hay goi dign cho t6i néu ban déi ¥.) If anyone should call, please take a message. (Néu cé ai goi dén, vui long ghi Iai loi nhdn.) Luu y: Khong ding will trong ménh dé diéu kign ({f-clause). Ex. If we hurry, we'll catch the bus. [NOT }-we'-hurry, we'll eateh the bus] (N&u v6i, chuing ta sé d6n xe buyt.) Nhung will cé thé duge ding trong ménh 48 digu kign khi ta dua ra loi yéu cu. Ex: If you'll just wait a moment, !'Iifind someone to help you (Vui long doi m6t lat, 161 sé thm ngudi dén gidp.) {= Please wait.a moment ..] + Logi 2: Present Unreal Condition a. Dé néi vé tinh hu6ng khOng cé that ho&e khong thé xay ra trong hién tai hodc tuong lai, ching ta dung th) qua khit don (past simple) trong ménh dé if va would + dong tit nguyén mu (would+ infinitive) trong ménh dé chinh. IF-CLAUSE | MAIN CLAUSE Past simple _| would + infinitive Ex: If I knew her name, I would tell you. (Néu téi biét ten cé dy, t6i sé ndi cho anh biét.) — but I doesn’t know her name. If we didn’t have a car, we would find it’s difficult to get about. (Néu ching ta khéng cé 6 t6, chiing ta sé thay khé khan trong viée di Igi.) > but we have a car. If my dog had six legs, it would run very fast! (Néu con ché ciia toi c6 sdu chén, né sé chay rét nhanh.) b. Could va might cing 6 thé duge dig trong ménh dé chinh dé néi dén kha nang c6 thé xdy ra. Ex: If she had a camera, she could take some photos. (Gia. nhu cé méy anh, c6 dy cé thé chup vai tém hinh.) [could take = would be able to take) If Rachel worked harder, she might do even better at her studies. (Gié nhu Rachel hoc chdm hon thi két qua hoc tap cia c6 dy co thé con t6t hon nia.) c. Were thutng duge ding thay cho was (véi céc chi tir I, he, she, it) trong ménh dé if. Cau trie If I were you thutng duge ding dé dua ra loi khuyén. Ex: If Nick were rich, he would have a yacht. [OR ... If Nick was rich, (Néu Nick gidu c6, anh dy sé mua mét chiée du thuyén.) T'd go out if it weren’t raining. [OR ... it wasn’t raining] (Gid nhu trai khéng mua thi t6i sé di choi.) If I were you, I would accept their invitation. (Néu toi la anh, t6i sé chdép nh@n loi mdi cita ho.) Luu ¥: Khong ding would trong ménh dé didu kign (if-clause) Ex. If | ate cake, I'd get fat. [NOT #+would-eat-cake, (Néu t6i 4n banh, 161 s8 bj map.) Nhung would cé thé dugc ding trong trong ménh dé if khi ching ta dua ra Idi yéu cu. Ex If you'd like to come this way, the doctor will see you now. (Vui l6ng di 161 nay, béc si sé khdm cho ba.) [= Please come this way ...] + Logi 8: Past Unreal Condition a. Dé néi vé mot tinh hudng da khong xdy ra trong qué khd, ching ta ding thi qué khit hoan thanh (past perfect) trong ménh dé if va would have + qué khi phan tit (would have + past participle) trong ménh dé chinh. TRCLAUSE | MAINCLAUSE Past perfect sound ebay peak patie TS | Ex: If he had studied hard, he would have passed his exam. (Gid nh anh ta hoc hanh cham chi thi anh ta dé dau réi.) — but he didn’t study hard so he failed. If I had known of your arrival, I would have met you. (Gid ma t6i biét anh dén thi ti da di dén anh réi.) — but I didn’t know so I didn’t come. b. Could have va might have cing c6 thé duge ding dé chi kha nang da c6 thé xdy ra. Ex: If I had had my cellphone yesterday, I could have contacted you. (Gié nhu hém qua toi cé dem theo dign thogi thi t6i da cé thé lién lac vdi anh.) [could have contact = would have been able to contact] We just caught the train. If we had stopped to buy a paper, we might have missed it. (Chung ta vita kip tau. Néu nhw chiing ta ditng lai mua bdo, thi cé thé chung ta dé bj Ie tau.) Liu yf: — Khéng ding would trong ménh dé diéu kién (if-clause). Ex Ifyou hadn't made that mistake, you'd have passed your test. [NOT i-youwould-have-made-that mistake, ...] (Gia ma ban khong bj I6i d6 thi ban da qua duoc ky thi réi.) = Dang rat gon 'd co thé ding cho ca had va would. Ex If you'd asked me, I'd have told you. (Gia ma ban hdi t6i thi t6i di ndi cho ban biét réi.) * Khai quat cdc thi co ban duge ding trong cau diéu kién (Overview of basic verb forms used in conditional sentences) TYPE MAIN CLAUSE Re CLAUSE will , can 1.Real inthe | soulg eo aut eresen) may/ migh Wore Present simple: chi sy tht, quy Jud hotic théi quen. 2. Unreal in the | would eat present could } ieee ast simple might 3. Unreal in the | would past could } + have + Vipes par) Past perfect might : (had + Vyast part) + Cée thi duge néu trong bang trén day 1a phén cin ban cia nhing thi trén thyc t& dang duge sit dung, nhung theo quan diém ngi phép méi ching ta cé thé bién déi thi trong cau diéu kién nhu sau: a. Ding céc thi tiép dién (progressive tenses) dé dién ta hanh dong dang xdy ra, mot sy s&p xép trong tugng lai hode gid dinh mét hanh dong dang xay ra trong hién tai ho&c qué khi. Ex: If you are waiting for a bus, you should join the queue. (Néu ban dang doi xe buyt, thi ban nén xép hang.) [present action] If you are staying for another night, I'll ask the manager to give you a better room. (Néu ba d lai mét dém nila, t6i sé xin gidm d6e cho ba phong tét hon.) (future arrangement] We are going by air and I hate flying. If we were going by boat I would feel much happier. (Chiing toi dang di mdy bay va ti ghét di may bay. Gid nhu ching toi dang di tau thily thi t6i sé théy thich thu hon.) If I were on holiday, I might be touring Italy too. (Gia nhu dang trong ky nghi thi cé thé t6i cing dang di du lich 6 Y.) I was wearing a seat belt at that time. If I hadn’t been wearing one I would have been seriously injured. (Vado luc dé t6i dang thdt déy an toan. Néu toi khéng mang day an todn thi t6i dé bi thuong nang réi.) At the time of the accident I was sitting in the back of the car because Tom’s little boy was sitting beside him in front. If Tom’s boy hadn’t been there I would have been sitting in front. (Luc xdy ra tai nan toi dang ngéi 6 bang ghé sau vi cau con trai nhé cia Tom dang ngéi canh anh dy 6 phia truéc. Néu cau con trai cia Tom khong ngéi 6 dé thi toi sé dang ngéi 6 phia truéc.) b. Dang thi hién tai hon thanh (present perfect) trong ménh dé diéu kién (if-clause) dé dién ta hanh déng hoan tat. Ex: If he has written the letter, I'll post it. (Néu anh ta da viét xong 1d thu thi t6i sé giti nd.) If they haven’t seen the museum we'd better go there today. (Néu ho chula tham quan vién bdo tang thi hom nay ching ta nén dén dé.) c. Ding be going to dé dién dat hoaic dy dodn mét sy viée sé xdy ra trong tuong lai. Ex: If it’s going to rain, I’d better take an umbrella. (Néu troi sdp mua thi t6t hon hét la t6i nén mang theo di.) If they try to cut down the trees, there’s going to be a big protest. (Néu ho cé dén bé nhitng cdy nay thi sé bi ching d6i kich ligt.) d. Néu thai gian trong ménh dé diéu kién (if-clause) va thei gian trong ménh dé chi két qua (main clause) khéng giéng nhau: m@t ménh dé 6 hién tai va ménh dé kia 6 qué khd, thi ta c6 thé két hop diéu kién loai 2 va diéu kign loai 3. Ex:I didn’t eat breakfast this morning, so I am hungry now. — If I had eaten breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now. (past) (present) (Néu séng nay t0i an diém tam, thi bay gid tdi sé khéng doi bung.) He is not a good student. He did not study for the test. — If he were a good student, he would have studied for the test. (present) (past) (Néu né la mét hoe sinh ngoan thi n6 da hoc bai cho bai kiém tra.) If he had taken my advice he would be a rich man now. (Gid nhu anh dy nghe theo loi khuyén cua t6i, thi gid anh dy da trd thanh ngubi gidu cé.) [But he didn’t take my advice and now he isn’t rich.] If I didn’t have all this work to do, I would have gone out for a picnic yesterday. (Gid nhu t6i khéng phdi lam tat cd nhitng viée nay, thi hém qua t6i dé di dé ngogi.) [But I have all this work to do, so I didn’t go out for a picnic yesterday.] ‘ec Lutu §: Mnh d@ chi digu kign (If-clause) 06 thé ding truéc hoge sau ménh dé chinh (main - clause). Néu muén nhdn manh digu kign, ta dat /Fclause & ddu cdu va o6 du phdy (,) gia hai ménh dé. Néu mudn nh&n manh két qua, ta dit main clause 6 d4u va ida hai ménh dé khong c6 dau phdy. . Ex If | don't practise my golf, | won't get any better. Or. I won't get any better if | don't practise my gott. Ill, Nh@ng cach khéc dé dién ta diéu kign (Other ways of expressing conditions) 1, Unless (trit khi; néu ... khong) — Trong cau diéu kien c6 that (real conditjonals), ta c6 thé thay lién ti if bang unless. Unless tuong duong vdi ‘if ... not’ ho&e ‘except if (tri khi). Ex: Unless you study hard, you'll fail in the exam. (Néu ban khéng hoc hanh cham chi, ban sé thi rét.) [= If you don’t study hard, you'll fail in the exam.] My grandma can’t see unless she wears glasses. (Ba 16i khong thé nhin thdy néu khong mang kinh.) [= My grandma can’t see if she doesn’t wear glasses.] Tuy nhién, ching ta ding if... not chit khong ding unless + khi sy viée trong ménh dé if 1a nguyén nhan chinh gay ra tinh hung ma chting ta dang ndi dén. Ex: She'd look nicer if she didn’t wear so much make-up. (Tréng c6 dy sé dé thuong hon néu cé dy khéng trang diém dam thé.) [NOT ) My wife will be very upset if I don’t get back tomorrow. (Néu ngay mai tdi khéng vé thi vo t6i sé rat lo ldng.) (NOT—unless_t_get_backtomerrow.] + trong cau héi. Ex: What will you do if you don’t pass the test? (Néu thi rét ban sé lam gi?) - Ching ta thudng ding unless Kkhi dua ra Idi cénh bao. Ex: You will be late unless you hurry! (Néu ban khéng-khdn truong lén thi ban sé bi muén déy.) — Ta thudng khéng ding unless trong cu diéu kién khong c6 that (unreal conditionals). Tuy nhién, unless e6 thé duge ding khi ménh dé chinh & thé phi dinh. Ex: I don’t like fish. 1 wouldn’t eat it unless I was extremely hungry. (T6i khong thich cd. Téi sé kh6ng an cd trit khi qué déi.) She wouldn't have gone to university unless her parents had insisted. (Néu cha me c6 dy khéng nhdt quyét thi cd dy da khong hoc dai hoc.) ok Litu §: = Ménh dé c6 unless ludn & thé Khang dinh. Ee Come tomorrow unless | phone. (NEU t6/ khéng goi dién thi ngay mai ban dén nhé.) [NOT Gometomorrow-untess-+ don't phone, | = Khng ding thi tuong lai trong ménh dé c6 unless; thi hién tai thudng duge ding 4é chi tuong lai Ex I'll be in all day unless the office phones. (Néu cOng ty khéng goi dén thi toi sé A nha cd ngay.) (NOT ...unless-the-office-will phone) 2. Dao nguge chu ngif va trg dong tw (Dao nga) ‘Ta fing cé thé dién dat cau didu kién ma khong cdn ding if hay unless bing c&ch do chu ngif ra sau cdc déng tif were, had va should.trong ménh dé diéu kién (if-clause). Ex If I were rich, I would buy that’villa. = Were I rich, I would buy that villa. [(NOT-Was-trieh;...] (Néu t6i gidu thi t6i sé mua ngoi biét thy dé.) If they had asked me, I could have given them some advice. — Had they asked me, I could have given them some advice. (Gid nhu ho héi t6i thi t6i da cé thé cho ho vai lai khuyén.) If anyone should call, please take a message. — Should anyone call, please take a message. (Néu cé ai goi didn, xin hay ghi lai tin nhén.) ‘HeLuu §: Khong ding dang rit gon (contracted forms) trong ménh dé dao ngit phil dinh. £x: Had the plane not been diverted, they would have arrived early. (Néu may bay khéng bay tréch huéng thi ho da dén sém.) [NOT-Hadetthe-plane-been-diverted=. | 3, Imagine (that), provided/ providing (that), on condition (that), as/ so long as, (mién la, véi diéu kién la), suppose/ supposing (that) (gid si! nhu), only if (chi véi diéu kién la), otherwise (néu khong thi), but for + noun (néu khéng), ...c6 thé ding thay cho If trong cau diéu kign. Ex: I will come only if nothing is said to the press. (Toi s@ dén voi diéu hign la khong duge n6i gi véi béo cht.) ‘You can use my car provided that/ as long as you drive carefully. (Anh c6 thé ding 6 #6 cila t0i mién la anh Idi cdn than.) We must be back before midnight; otherwise we'll be locked out. (Chiing ta phdi vé truéc 12 gid dém, néu khong ching ta sé bi nhét & ngoai.) [= If we are not back by midnight, we'll be locked out.] Suppose the plane is late? (Néu chuyén bay bi tré thi sao?) [= What iff What will happen if the plane is late?] But for the storm, we could have arrived earlier. (Néu khong bi béo thi chiing ta da dén sém hon.) [ = If it hadn't been for the storm,...] >» EXERCISES L._ Put the verbs into the correct form. 1. Ifyou (find) a wallet in the street, what would you do with it? 2. I must hurry. My friend _* (be) annoyed if I (not/ be) on time. 3, If1____ (be) a bird, I (not/ want) to live my whole life in a cage. 4, I didn’t realize that Gary was in hospital. If I (know) he was in hos- pital, I (go) to visit him. . Ifyou (pour) oil on water, it (float) . If the phone (ring), can you answer it? Il (have) wings, I (not/ have to) take an airplane to fly home. ._Ken got to the station in time to cateh his train. If he (miss) it, he (be) late for his interview. 9. A: What shall we do tomorrow? B: Well, if it (be) a nice day, we 10. A: You look tired. B: Well, if you (not/ wake) me up in the middle of the night, I (not/ be) tired. 11. This soup isn't very good. It (taste) better if it (not/ be) s0 salty. 12, Unfortunately, I didn’t have my address book with me when I was in New epraaga (go) to the beach. York, If I (have) your address, I (send) you a postcard. 13. I think there are too many cars. If there (not/ be) so many cars, there {not/ be) so much pollution. 14. A: I think J left my watch at your house. Have you seen it? B: No, but I'll have a look. If I (find) it, 1 (tell) you. 15, Mark and Carol are expecting us. They (be) disappointed if we (not/ come). 16. The accident was your fault. If you __ (drive) more carefully, it (not/ happen). 17) Why do you read newspapers? B: Well, ifI (not/ read) newspapers, I (not/ know) what was happening in the world. 18. Ifyou (have). enough money to go any where in the world, where —_____ (you go? 19. This box has got to be in Chicago tomorrow. I’m sure if I (send) it today by express mail, it (arrive) in time. 20. People _ (be) able to fly if they __ (have) feathers instead of hair. 21. Last night Alex ruined his sweater when he washed it. Ifhe (read) the label, he ___(not/ wash) it in hot water. 22, A: Is Trevor a practical person? B: Trevor? No, he isn’t. If he a bit quicker. It took him ages. : United didn't play very well today. We were awful. But if Hacker Why are you sitting in the dark? Let's just say that if 1 (pay) my electricity bill last month, I be) in the dark now. 25. A: Would you like a cup of coffee? B: No, thanks. If 1 (drink) coffee late at night, I (sleep). (be) practical, he (put) those shelves up (take) that easy chance, we (win). (not/ I. Complete the conversation. Choose the correct form of the verbs. Adam is a music student. He rents a room from Mr Day. Mr Day: Can’t you stop playing that trumpet? You're making an awful noise. Adam : Well, if I (1) don't practise/ didn't practise, I won't pass my exam. Mr Day: But why at night? It’s half past twelve. If you (2) plaved/ had played it in the daytime I (3) couldn't hear/ couldn't have heard you because I'd be at work. Ifyou (4) told/ had told me about this trumpet when you first came here, I (5) wouldn't let/ wouldn't have let you have the room. I’m afraid it’s becoming a nuisance. If you (6) don't play/ didn’t play so loud, it (7) may not be/ might not be so bad. Adam : I’m sorry, but you can’t play a trumpet quietly. Mr Day : If I (8) realized/ had realized a year ago what you were going to do, then I (9) would throw/ would have thrown you out long ago. If you (10) go/ went on mak- ing this noise at night, I (11) will have/ would have to complain to your college. Ill. Write a sentence with /f for each situation. 1. You should take more exercise because that’s the way to get fit. 2. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly. 3. Thaven't got akey, so I can't get in. 4, Throw a stone into water and it sinks. 5. I didn’t have any breakfast, and now I'm hungry. 6. Road travel is cheaper than rail travel in this country, so we have lots of traffic jams. 7. Martin failed his driving test last week. He was very nervous and that’s why he failed. 8. You may want a chat, so just give me a ring. 9. I didn’t finish my report yesterday, so I can't begin a new project today. 10. The wind is blowing hard, so I won't take the boat out for a ride. 11. I'm sorry I disturbed you. I didn’t know you were busy. 12. It might rain. If it does, everyone can eat inside. 13. We don't visit you very often because you live so far away. 14. Margaret wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt. 15. | have to work tomorrow evening, so I can’t meet you. 16. I don’t know anything about plumbing, so I didn’t fix the leak in the sink myself. 17. Is Matthew going to enter the race? He'll probably win it. 18. We should have bought that picture five years ago because it would be quite valuable now. 19. I feel better now because you talked to me about my problems last night. 20. Carol didn’t answer the phone because she was studying. IV. Write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use UNLESS in your sentence. . You don’t get there in time if you don’t hurry. ‘We can't do the job if we don’t get help. ‘You are allowed into the club only if you're member. . I don’t like fish. 1 wouldn't eat it if wasn't extremely hungry. Don’t leave the TV on if you aren’t watching it. shee 6. The doctor will see you today only if it’s an emergency. 7. Lwouldn't have bought the picture if I didn’t like it. 8. You can’t get a driver's license if you're not at least eighteen years old. 9. I'm going to the party only if you go with me. 10. The dog will attack you only if you move suddenly. V. Make sentences with the same meaning by omitting / 1, Ifyou should need more money, go to the bank before six o'clock. 2. If 1 were you, I wouldn't do that. 3. If they had realized the danger, they would have done it differently. 4. If] were your teacher, I would insist you do better work. 5. Ifyou should change your mind, please let me know immediately. 6. She would have gotten the job if she had been better prepared. 7. Your boss sounds like a real tyrant. If I were you, I would look for another job. 8. Ifyou should need to reach me, I'll be at the Hilton Hotel in Seoul. 9. I wouldn't have known about your new job if I hadn’t talked to your mother. 10. If she were ever in trouble, I'd do anything I could to help her. VI. Choose the best correct word or expression for each sentence. 1. Rachel will be pleased if/ unless she passes her driving test. 2. You can use my car unless/ as long as you drive carefully. 3. The bus won't stop unless/ providing you ring the bell. 4. You'd better take a coat if/ in case it gets cold. 5. Don’t bother to ring me unless/in case it’s important. 6. Children are allowed to use the swimming pool unless/ provided they are with an adult, 7. Til make myself an omelette when/if I get home tonight. 8. I don’t mind if you come in late unless/ so long as you come in quietly. 9. You won't have to leave unless/ if you can pay your bill. 10. Write the name down in case/ provided you forget it. VIL. Complete the following sentences with your own ideas, like to walk to work in the morning unless . What would happen if I ‘You can borrow the money providing . Take a sandwich with you in case ‘You wouldn’t have felt ill if you . Ifhe had listened to my advice, he . You won't pass the exam unless 3. Ifyou see Jane, Were I your doctor 10. There would be less pollution if PeENeaponn ‘VIII. Choose the correct answer. 1. If1 were you, I that coat. It’s much too expensive. a. won't buy b. don’t buy c.wouldn’t buy —d. didn’t. buy 2. If I could speak Spanish, I next year studying in Mexico. a. will spend b. had spent c. would have spent d. would spend 3. It would have been a much more serious accident ___ fast at the time. a. was she driving b. she had driven c. had she been driving d. if she drove 4. ‘Can I borrow your car this evening?’ ‘Sure, but Nora’s using it right now. If she it back in time. You're welcome to borrow it.’ a. brought b. would ring . will bring d. brings 5. Ifenergy inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the world would be different. ais b. will be c. would be d. were 6. We____ the game if we'd had a few more minutes. a. could have won b. won c. had won d. will win 7. I____ William with me if I had known you and he didn’t get along with each other. a. hadn't brought b. didn’t bring c. wouldn’t have brought d. won't bring. 8. The lecturer last night didn’t know what he was talking about, but if Dr. Mason 1 would have listened carefully. a. lectured b. had been lecturing c. was lecturing d. would lecture 9. Ifyou to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now. a. listened b. will listen. c. had listened d. listen 10. interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it. a.Iflam b. Should I c. was d. Werel 11. If] the same problems you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as well as you have. 5 a. have b. would have c. had had d, should have 12.1 you sooner had someone told me you were in hospital. a. would have visited b. visited c. had visited d. visit 13. ______ more help, I could call my neighbor. a. Needed 'b. Should I need c.Ihaveneeded d. I should need 14. then what I know today, I would have saved myself a lot of time and trouble over the years. a. If] know b.IfLwouldknow . Did I know d. Had 1 known 15. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people the same language? a, speak b. will speak ©. spoke d. had spoken 16. Ifyou can give me one good reason for your acting like this, ___this incident again. a, I don’t mention b. I will never mention c. Inever mention d. will I never mention 17. I didn’t know you were asleep. Otherwise, I so much noise when I came in. a. didn’t make _b. wouldn'thavemade ec. won't made d. don’t make 18. Unless you all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you. a, answered b. answer c. would answer —_ d. are answering 19. Had you told me that this was going to happen, I it. a. would never have believed b. don't believe c. hadn't believed d. can’t believe 20. If Jake ___ to go on the trip, would you have gone? a, doesn’t agree _b. didn’t agree c.hadn’t agreed — d. wouldn't agree 21. Ifyou , I would have brought my friends over to your house this evening to watch TV, but I didn’t want to bother you. a. had studied b. studied c. hadn’t been studying d. didn’t study 22. If | weren't working for an accounting firm, I in a bank. a. work b. will work c. have worked d. would be working 23, ‘Here's my phone number.’ ‘Thanks. I'l give you a call if ___ some help tomorrow. a. will need b. need c. would need d. needed 24, you, I'd think twice about that decision. It could be a bad move. alfIhadbeen b. Were! c. Should I be 4. Iflam 25. ‘Was Pam seriously injured in the accident?’ ‘She broke her arm. It much worse if she hadn't been wearing her seat belt.’ a. will be b. would have been c. was d. were 26. If my candidate had won the election, I happy now. b. would be c. was d. can be 27. Page 12 of the manual that came with the appliance says, “ any problem with the merchandise, contact your local dealer.” a.Doyouhave _b. Had you ¢. Should youhave d. You have 28. ‘Why didn't Bill get the promotion he was expecting?’ ‘He may not be qualified. If he were, he that promotion last year. : a. would have been given b. was given ©. would be given d. had been given 29. Hurry! We've got to leave the house immediately. Otherwise, the opening ceremony. a. we'd miss b. we'd have missed c. we miss d. we're going to miss 30. If everyone , how would we control air traffic? Surely, we'd all be crashed into each other. a.can fly b. will ly «flies 4. could fly

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