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so SANH TINH TU VA TRANG TU (COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES & ADVERBS) C6 3 cap d6 so s4nh tinh ti va trang ti: so s4nh bang, so s4nh hon, va so sdnh nhat. 1. So sanh bang (Positive form) Hinh thie so s4nh bang dugc thanh lap bing cach thém as vao truéc va sau tinh tir (adjective) hoae trang tit (adverb). Tc My glean feces tango laa om aves allan iraaca) Jane sings as well as her sister. (Jane hat hay nhu chi cd dy.) Is the film as interesting as you expected? (Phim 6 hay nhu ban mong dgi khéng?) Trong c4u phi dinh so c6 thé duge ding thay cho as: Ex: This flat isn’t as/ so big as our old one. (Can h6 nay khong lon bang can h6 cit cia ching t6i.) I can’t run as/ so fast as him. (or:.. as he can) (T6i chay khong nhanh bing anh dy. Tom isn’t as/ so intelligent as he looks. (Tom khong thong minh nhut-vé 68 ngoai.) * So sénh bang nhau hoae nhu nhau cing co thé duge dién dat bing edu tric the same as. Ex: My house is high as his. = My house is the same height as his. Or The height of my house is the same as his. (Nha t6i cao-bdng nha anh dy.) Tom is as old as Mary. = Tom is the same age as Mary. Or Tom’s age is the same as Mary's. (Tom citng tuéi véi Mary.) Anne's salary is as much as mine. = Anne gets the same salary as me. Or Anne’s salary is the same as mine. (Luong ctia Anne béng luong ciia t6i.) Luu y: = Ching ta ding ‘the same as’ chit khong ding ‘the same like’ Ex. What would you like to drink? ~ I'll have the same as you. (Anh muén uéng gi? ~ T6i uéng giéng nhv anh.) (NOT #he-saretike] - — Less... than = not as/so... as Ex. This dress is less expensive than that one. (C4i do dém nay kh6ng dét nh cdi do kia.) [= This dress isn’t as/ so expensive as... ] The city center was less crowded than usual. (Trung tém thanh phé'it d6ng hon thuéng ‘ngay.) [= The city center wasn’t as crowded as usual. } Nhung trong I6i n6i than mat not as/ thudng dude ding hon /ess...than. ~ — Khi n6i gp bao nhiéu lan, ta ding edu tric twice as... as, three times as... as, etc. Ex Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago. (Gid xang bay gid dat 940 ai gid xang cdch day vai nam.) Their house is about three times as big as ours. (Nha ho 16n khoang gap ba nha ching t6i.) IL. So sanh hon (Comparative form) Hinh tht so sénh hon cila tinh ti va trang ti duge thanh lap bang cdch: Thém -er vao sau tinh tif hoac trang tit c6 mét dm tiét (short adjective/ adverb) va mét sé tinh tit cé hai Gm tiét tan cing bing -er, -ow, -y, -le. Ex: big (to, ln) fast (nhanh) quiet (yén lang) happy (hanh phiic) clever (thong minh) narrow (hep) simple (don gidn) htt bde bigger (to hon, lon hon) faster (nhanh hon) quieter (yén Iding hon) happier (hanh phuic hon) cleverer (thong minh hon) narrower (hep hon) simpler (don gidn hon) * Thém more vao truéc tinh tit hodc trang ti cé hai dm tiét (trir ede tinh tir tan cing bang -er, -ow, -y, -le) hoc c6 tit ba am tiét tré lén (long adjec- tive/ adverb). Ex: useful (hid ich) boring (t8 nhat) tired (met) quickly (nhanh) quietly (yén tinh) beautiful (dep) interesting (thi vi) bbb bd more useful (hitu ich hon) more boring (té nhat hon) more tired (mét hon) more quickly (nhanh hon) more quietly (yén tinh hon) more beautiful (dep hon) more interesting (thu vj hon) Ex: The giraffe is taller than the man. (Huou cao c6 cao hon ngubi.) ‘The exam was more difficult than we expected. (Bai kiém tra khé hon ching t6i nghi.) We've been waiting longer than them. (Chiing t6i da dgi ldu hon ho.) Jane speaks Spanish more fluently than Martin. (Jane néi tiéng Tay Ban Nha luu lodt hon Martin.) = So sénh hon cé thé duge nhdn manh bang céch thém much hode far truéc hinh thie so sanh. Ex: Harry’s watch is much/ far more expensive than mine. (Déng hé cia Harry dét hon nhiéu so vdi déng hé cia toi.) Her boyfriend is much/ far older than her. (Ban trai ctia cé ta lén tudi hon cé ta nhiéu.) - A lot, a bit, a little, rather, slightly cig c6 thé duge ding truée dang so sénh. Ex: I got up a little later than usual. (Téi thite day tré hon thubng ngay mét chit.) I'm feeling a lot better today. (Hém nay t6i thy khée hon nhiéu.) * Dai ti sau as hoae than (Pronouns after as or than) ‘Trong Idi van than mat, dai tiv nhan xung lam tan ngu (object pronouns) thutng duge ding sau as hoae than. Ex: Harriet’s husband isn’t as tall as her. (Chéng ctia Harriet khéng cao bang cé dy.) He's older than me. (Anh dy lén tudi hon t6i.) They have more money than us. (Ho cé nhiéu tién hon chting t6i.) Trong 10i van trinh trong, dai tit nhan xung lam cha ngit (subject pro- nouns) duge ding (thutng di véi dong tit hoae tro dng tw). Ex: She doesn’t sing as well as I do. (C6 ta hat khéng hay bang t6i.) I'm two years older than she is. (T6i én hon c6 Gy hai tuéi.) They have more money than we have. (Ho cé nhiéu tién hon chuing t6i.) So sanh nhat (Superlative form) Hinh thie so sénh nhét cita tinh tir ho&c trang tif duge thanh lap bang céch: © Thém -es¢ vao sau tinh tit hode trang tif ngén (short adj/ adv) hoae tinh tit cé hai Am tiét tan cing bang -er, -ow, -ly, -le. Ex: hot (néng) > hottest (néng nhdt) cheap (ra) > ~~ cheapest (ré nhdt) clever (théng minh) > cleverest (théng minh nhdt) early (sém) + earliest (sém nhdt) shallow (néng) + shallowest (néng nhdt) © Thém most vao truéc tinh tit hodc trang tif dai (long adj/ adv). Ex: expensive (dt) + most expensive (ddt nhdt) boring (t8 nhat) > most boring (té nhgt nhdt) famous (néi tiéng) > most famous (néi tiéng nhdt) slowly (chém) > most slowly (cham nhdt) fortunately (may mdn) > most fortunately (may mdn nhdt) short adj/ adv + @: See Vit Re 4 re ae nan Ex: I'm the happiest man in the world. (Toi la ngubi hanh phiic nhat tren dei.) Love is the most important thing. (Tinh yéu la diéu quan trong nhdt.) He worked the hardest of the three workers. (Trong ba céng nhén, anh ta lam vige cham chi nhdt.) Jane speaks Spanish the most fluently in her class. (Trong lép, Jane noi tiéng Tay Ban Nha luw lodt nhét.) = So sénh nhét c6 thé duge bé nghia bing much hoac by far. Ex: Amy is the smartest by far. (Amy théng minh nhdt, hon moi nguéi nhiéu.) Nikolai’s English was much the worst. (Tiéng Anh cua Nikolai t@ nhét, t@ hon moi ngusi nhiéu.) * Hinh thiic so sénh bat quy tée (Irregular comparision) ‘Mot sé tinh tix va trang tif c6 hinh thife so sinh hon va so sénh nhat bat quy t&c (khong theo quy luat -er/-est; more/most) good/ well = better el best bad/ badly a worse > worst many/ much —> more =. most little > less a least far > farther/ further — farthest/ furthest old > older/ elder oe oldest/ eldest = Ca farther/ farthest va further/ furthest déu c6 thé duge ding dé chi Khoang céch. Khong 6 sy khdc nhau vé nghia. Ex: The way from here to the subway station is farther/ further than to the bus stop. (Tit day dén tram xe dign ngdm xa hon dén tram xe bust.) York is the farthest/ furthest town of the three. (Work la thi trén xa nhdt trong ba thj trdn.) + Further con c6 nghia ‘thém nita; hon nita’ (farther khong c6 nghia nay) Ex: Let me know if you have any further news. [= any more news] (Néu ban c6 thém tin tte gi thi hay cho toi biét nhé.) - Elder, eldest c6 thé duge ding lam tinh tit (dimg truéc danh tit) hode dai tit (Ichéng c6 danh tix theo sau) thay cho older/ oldest dé chi sy nhiéu tuéi hon. Ching cha yéu duge ding dé so sdnh cdc thanh vién trong cing mot gia dinh. Ex: My elder/ older brother is a pilot. (Anh t6i la phi céng.) He’s the elder (son) of her two sons. (Anh dy la con trai lén trong hai con trai cia ba ta.) His eldest/ oldest daughter got married last year. (Con géi-ddu cua ong ta da lép gia dinh nam ngodi.) Are you the eldest/ oldest (person) in your family? (Anh cé phdi lé con déu trong nha khong?) + Elder khéng duge ding véi than trong cu tric so sénh hon, vi vay chi dang older. Ex: He’s two years older than me. (Anh Gy lén hon t0i hai tuéi.) {NOT ... % MOT SO DIEM CAN GHI NHO a. So sénh nhat dugc ding khi so s4nh tit ba d6i tugng tré 1én. Khi trong nh6m chi cé hai déi tugng, ta thutmg ding so sdnh hon. Ex: I like Betty and Maud, but I think Maud is the nicer of the two. (Téi thich cd Betty va Maud, nhung t6i cho rdng trong hai ngudi Maud dé thuong hon.) b. More va most duge ding cho céc trang tif tan cing bing -ly. Ex: more slowly, more quietly, more easily, more seriously, more carefully... © Nhung véi trang tu early, ta khong dang ‘more early/ most early’ ma phai dang ‘earlier/ earliest’. Ex: This morning I got up earlier than usual. (Sang nay t6i thite déy sém hon thudng ngay.) . MOt sé tinh ti c6 hai Am tiét c6 thé cé ca hai hinh thtic so sénh (-er/ more va -est/ most): clever, common, cruel, gentle, narrow, pleasant, polite, quiet, simple, stupid. Ex: It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter/ more quiet? (G day én quad. Ching ta di noi nao dé yen tinh hon nhé?) He is the cleverest/ the most clever in his class. (Anh y thong minh nhdt lép.) More va most duge ding cho tinh tit c6 3 am tiét tré lén, ngoai tri nhiing tit phan nghia cia nhiing tinh tit c6 2 van tan cing bang -y. Ex: unhappy — unhappier > unhappiest untidy — untidier + — untidiest + Mot s6 tinh tir ghép nhu good-looking hoe well-known 6 thé c6 hai céch so sdnh, Ex: good-looking -> better-looking ~» ~ best-looking more good-looking. -» most good-looking well-known > better-known > best-known more well-known -— most well-known . Less va least 1a cdc tit phan nghia cia more va most, duge ding a6 dién dat su khéng bang nhau 6 mic 46 it hon, hodc it nhat. Ex: He's got less enthusiastic than he used to have. (Anh ta kém nhiét tinh hon truéc.) ‘The least expensive holidays are often the most interesting. (Nhitng ky nghi it ton kém nhdt thudng thi vi nhét.) ‘Tinh tix hodc trang tif so sénh nhat 6 thé duge ding ma khéng c6 danh ti theo sau khi danh tir da hoac sé duge dé cap dén. Ex: This room is the warmest in the house. (Can phong nay la can phong dm nhdt trong nha.) It’s the warmest of three rooms. (D6 la can phong dim nhét trong ba can phong.) Sau hinh thife so sénh nht, ching ta thuéng ding cdc gidi tit in hoa of. In duge ding véi danh tit dém duge s6 it dé chi m6t noi chén (coun- try, city, town, building, ete.), mt té chtfe hoc m6t nhém ngudi (class, team, family, company, etc.); of dugc ding dé chi khoang thai gian hodc ding truée danh ti dém duge sé nhiéu chi m6t sé lugng xdc dinh ngudi hode vat. Ex: Who is the best player in the team? (Ai la edu thit choi hay nhdt doi?) It's the most expensive hotel in Oxford. (Dé la khéch san dat nhat 6 Oxford.) August is the wettest of the year. (Thang Tém la thing cé mua nhiéu nhdt trong nam.) She is the most beautiful of the three sisters. (C6 dy xinh nhdt trong ba chi em.) h, Trong 16i van than mat, dai ti lam tan nga (me, him, us, them,... thudng dugc ding sau than va as. Dai tif lam chit ngit (1, he, we, they,..) va dong tit duge ding trong Idi van ‘trang trong hon. Ex: She’s older than me. > informal Or: She's older thanIam. -> formal i. Mao tix the ding truéc tinh tit 6 vi tri vi ngi (predicative adjectives) va truéc trang tif (adverbs) trong hinh thtic so sénh nhat doi khi duge bé di trong 16i vin than mat. Ex: Which of the boys is (the) strongest? (Trong cde cau bé do dita no manh nhdt?) He can run (the) fastest. (Anh ta chay nhanh nhét.) Tuy nhién khi dang so sénh nhat 6 vi tri vi ngit duge ding véi m9t nhém tif xdc dinh thi khéng dugc bé the. Ex: This dictionary is the best I could find. (Cuén tit dién nay la cuén hay nhdt ma téi tim duge.) (NOT J] She was the quickest of all the staff. (Co Gy la nguai nhanh nhen nhdt trong tét cd cde nhdn vién.) [NOT She-was-quiekest--] Khong ding the khi so sénh cing mOt ngu’i hay mét vat 6 nhing tinh hhuéng khéc nhau. Ex: He’s nicest when he’s had a few drinks. (Anh dy tit té nhdt khi dé uéng vai ly.) (NOT He's the-nieest- when] She works hardest when she’s doing something for her family. (C6 dy lam viée tich cue nhdt khi c6 dy lam vite gi dé cho gia dinh.) (NOT She-werks-the-hardest-whea-.] j. Most + adjective d0i khi dugc ding véi nghia ‘very’ Ex: The book you lent me was most interesting. [= very interesting] (Cu6n sdch ban cho toi mugn rét hay.) IV. Cach thém dudi -er va -est (Spelling rules for the -er and -est ending) © Tinh tit hodc trang ti tan cing bing e: thém -r va -st. Ex: large (réng) > larger > largest late (tré) > later ap latest © Tinh tir hode trang ti c6 hai am tiét tan cing bang phu dm + y: déiy thanh i va thém -er hode -est. Ex: happy (hanh phic) +> happier > happiest pretty (dep) > prettier > prettiest e Tinh ti hoe txrang tif c6 mOt am tiét tan cing bing nguyén dm + phy 4m (trit w): gp 46i phu Am. Ex: big (to) > bigger +> - biggest thin (mdng) > thinner 2 thinnest new (mdi) > newer > newest V. Hinh thiic so sénh dac biét (Special comparison) 1. So sanh kép (Double comparatives) a. So sénh déng tién (cang ... cang) Dang so sénh déng tién véi the ... the .. duge dimg dé dién dat sy cing thay déi (tang thém hoac gidam bét vé sé lugng ho&e mute d6) cia su vide. Ex: The older I get, the happier I am. (Cang lon tuéi toi cang théy hanh phiic.) The more dangerous it is, the more I like it. (WViée cang nguy hiém toi cang thich.) The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel. (Troi cang néng, t6i cang edm thdy khé chiu.) The more I know him, the less I like him (Cang biét ro anh ta, toi cang khong thich anh. ta.) - More cé thé duge ding véi danh ti. Ex: The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be. (Dung dién cang nhiéu, hoa don tién dién-cang cao.) - Dang ngan cia edu tric nay duge ding trong thanh ngit The more the merrier (cang déng cang vui) va trong cau trie The + comparative + the better Ex: What time shall we leave? ~ The sooner the better. (May gia ching ta di? ~ Cang sém cang tot.) How do you like your coffee? ~ The stronger the better. (Anh thich ca phé nhu thé nao? ~ Cang dam cang tét.) ‘The less luggage you have to carry the better. (Mang cang it hanh ly cang t6t.) . So sdnh liy tién (cang ngay cdng) Dang so sanh lay tién duge ding dé dién dat su viée dang tang dan hoaic giam dan mét cach lién tuc. = and va more and more duge ding dé dién dat sy ting dan. shortadjadv + af + and + shoitadi/adv. + more andmore + long adj/adv ad : Ex: Betty is younger and younger. (Betty cang ngay cng tré ra.) It’s becoming harder and harder to find a job. (Cang ngay cang khé tim vite.) Her story was more and more attractive. (Cau chuyén ciia ba ta cang ngay cang hdp dan.) We're going more and more slowly. (Ching t6i di cang lic cang cham.) (NOT more-slowly-and-more-slowly] - Less and less duge ding dé dién dat su gidm dan, Ex: He became less and less interested in politics. (Cang ngay anh ta cang it quan tam dén chinh tri.) e He played the piano less and less as he grew older. (Cang In né cang it choi duong cém.) 2. So sénh hanh d6ng (Comparison of actions) Danh dong tit (gerund) hoac dong tir nguyén mau (to-infinitive) theo sau ti so sanh. Ex: Riding a horse is not as easy as riding a motorcycle. (Cuai ngua thi khong dé nhu chay xe mdy.) It's sometimes cheaper to buy a new one than to repair the old one. (Déi khi mua edi moi gi ré hon sia Iai cdi ca.) p EXERCISES Complete the sentences using 2s .. as. Choose one of the following words. expensive comfortable fast long quietly soon ‘often quickly much strong exciting 1. I don’t earn as much as I'd like. 2. Oh, don’t sit there. The stool isn’t _______ the armchair. 3. I didn’t want to wake anybody, so I came in _____I can. 4, We can’t do crosswords you do. 5. T'msorry I'ma bit late. I got here T could. 6. We like to keep fit, so we go swimming we can. 7. It was a difficult question. I answered it __I could. 8. prefer surfing to swimming. Swimming isn’t _____surfing. 9. How long can we stay with you? ~ You can stay you like. 10. Why don’t you buy a motorbike? A motorbike isn’t acar. 11. I need the information quickly, so please let me know possible. 12. I don’t like these plastic screws. Plastic isn’t metal. Il. Complete the sentences using a comparative form. It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter? ‘The dining room is so small. I like it a bit ‘The exam was surprisingly easy. I expected it to be The weather is too cold in this country. I'd like to live somewhere ‘You were a bit depressed yesterday but you look today. ‘You're standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit away? ‘Your work isn’t very good. I’m sure you can do You're driving too fast. Could you drive 2 My job is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something . You hardly ever phone me. Why don't you phone me . Don't worry. The situation isn’t so bad. It could be 12, The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be 13. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit 14. You're talking very loudly. Can you speak a bit 2 15. I was surprised how complicated it was to use the computer. I thought: it would be ; me soapepe HORN SAA ew ll, Write the comparative form of the adjective or adverb in brackets. Use than where necessary. . They've made these chocolate bars smaller . (small) . Sport is more interesting than politics. (interesting) We could have found the place with a map. (easily) I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed usual. (early) ‘The weather is getting (bad) Health and happiness are money. (important) . You need to draw it (carefully) . I like living in the country. It’s living in the town. (peaceful) }. We can’t hear. Could you speak a little slowly) 10. I can’t stay half an hour. (long) 11. A cellphone would be a present. (useful) 12. It’s along way from here to the station - I thought. (far) 18. Can’t you think of anything to say? (intelligent) 14, It was usual in town today. (busy) 15. Unfortunately her illness was we thought at first. (serious) IV. Comment on these situations. Write sentences with a comparative and than. Use these adjectives: big, fast, expensive, long, old, popular, strong, tall, cold, far, bad, early, frequently, busy, high. 1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees. Today it’s only six degrees. It’s colder today than it was yesterday. 2, The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train. ‘Travelling by car is 3. Chris and Joe both did badly in the exam. Chris got 20% but Joe only got 15%. Joe did 4, Iexpected my friends to arrive at about 4 o'clock. In fact they arrived at 2:30. ‘My friends 5. The film lasts two and a half hours, but the videotape is only two hours long. The film 6. The cassette is $11.000, and the CD is $18.000. The CD 7. Dave and I went for a run, Iran ten kilometers. Dave stopped after eight kilometers. Tran 8. The castle was built in 1878 and the church in 1925. The castle 9, Mike is 1.7 meters tall, but Harriet is 1.8 meters. Harriet 10. Andrew hasn’t many friends. Claire has lots of friends. Claire 11. Mark's car has room for five people, but Sandra’s has room for only four. Mark’s.cor 602 02 RE TS hh Nc oee ae sail 1 hae ene es et TE 12, Sears Tower in Chicago is 442 meters high. Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur is 452 meters high. PSASapRwnwe Petronas Twin Towers 13. We were very busy at work today. We're not usually as busy as that. We 14. Youcan go by bus or by train. The buses nm every 30 minutes. The trains run every hour. The buses 15. Daniel can lift 90 kilos, but Matthew can lift 120 kilos. Matthew V. Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most) and a preposition (if necessary). 1. This room is nice. It’s the nicest room in the hotel. 2. Susan is very beautiful. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met. 3. It was a very happy day. It was my life. 4. She's a very intelligent student. She’s the class. 5. The speech was very boring. It was I’ve ever heard. 6. It’s a very large company. It’s___—__the town. 7. August is very wet. It's________ the year. 8. The meal was delicious. That was_____ I've had for a long time. 9. Matthew always drives carefully. He drives all the drivers. 10. She is a very good player. She is one of the team. 11. Manchester United is a very famous football team. They're one of. the world. 12. Melanie is a quick child. She reacts the three sisters. 13, It was a very bad experience. It is one of. my life. 14. It’s a very valuable painting. It’s the gallery. 15. Spring is a very busy time for me. It’s the year. VI. Write the sentences from the notes. Use the superative form of the adjective. 1. Melanie/kind person/I know > Melanie is the kindest person I know. 2. Friday/ busy day/ week 3. This watch/ one/ expensive/ the store 4, This Beatles album/ good/ they ever made 5. Alan/ successful salesman/ company 6. That/ funny joke/ I've ever heard 7. Mary/ patient person/ my daughters 8. Ten kilometers/ far distance/ he’ve ever run VIL. Complete the sentences, using the structure and or more and more. 1. This subject gets harder and harder all the time. (hard) 2. I’m just getting more and more confused . (confused) 3. It's becoming for me to keep up. (difficult) 4. The textbook just gets . (complicated) 5. Ispend time on my work. (much) 6. My list of things to do gets (ong) 7. As 1 waited for my interview, I became _____. (nervous) 8 My problem is just getting (bad) 9. Since she has been in Britain, her English has got__. (good) 10. My bags seemed to get as I carried them. (heavy) 11. 12. Travelling is becoming (expensive) ‘That hole in your pullover is getting (big) VIII, Complete each sentence using the information in brackets and the structure with BeEPAMAPE YER pewrag ewe L 15. . (The product is reliable) The higher the price, = two comparatives. (The rent is high.) ‘The bigger a flat is, the higher the rent is. (You learn quickly.) The younger you are, (The roads are quiet.) ‘The earlier you leave, (The choice is wide.) ‘The bigger a supermarket is, (I get confused.) ‘The more I try to work this out, (You can speak fluently.) The more you practice, (The beaches get crowded.) The better the weather is, (She became impatient.) The longer she wait, (It’s hard to concentrate.) The more tired you are, Complete the sentences. Use the comparison of the word in brackets Mary isn't ____(pretty) as her sister. The steak is (expensive) than the fish. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (well). Nobody is (happy) than Miss Snow. Tt was an awful day. It was (bad) day of my life. John is much (strong) than I thought. They have got three daughters. (old) is 14 years old. Thanks to the progress of science, human life is (good and good). Mr Brown is (delightful) person I have ever known. . The competition makes the price of goods (cheap and cheap). 11. 12. 13. Sam’s conduct is (bad) than Paul's. These boys are (ill-prepared) for employment than my children. What is____"_ (popular) sport in your country? They speak English (fluently) than we do. Of the three boys, Harry is (badly-bred). Complete the conversations, using the correct form of the word(s) supplied and adding any other words needed. Why have you bought a new car? We needed one with a (big) boot, to take our sports gear. Which is (small/ planet) in our solar system? Pluto, isn’t it? I know it’s__ (far) away from the sun. Do you like playing badminton? No. I prefer tennis. I think tennis is (interesting) badminton. Who is (good/ student) in the class? Matthew is___.__ student in the class. He’s ______ other students. (intelligent) What's the weather like in Ho Chi Minh City? It’s getting (bad). Is April (hot/ month) of the year? POPUP EP OP ep 10. 1. 13, 14. Ha Soe ep Yes, itis. Shall we go for a swim? It's lovely and sunny. I'm not sure. There's quite a strong wind. I think you'll find it's (not/ warm) it looks, when you get outside. Which is (high) mountain ih Africa? T’'m not sure. Kilimanjaro, perhaps? Where's that? In Zambia? dial No, it’s (far/ north) that. Kenya I think. Which mountain is (high), Everest or Kilimanjaro? Everest. It’s (high/ mountain) in the world. What is (important) in one’s life? It’s money, isn't it? In my oppion, health and happiness are (important) money. Hurry up! We'll miss the train, Can't you run (fast)? Sorry, I'm going__ (fast) I can already. OK. I guess you're quite a bit (short/ I) after all. I'm very sorry to hear of your mother’s illness. Unfortunately her illness was (serious) we thought at first. Does she feel__"__ (healthy) now? Yes, she’s a little bit (good). ‘Are you still trying to get that stain out of the rug? Yes. I've tried all sorts of soaps and things but it’s still (clean) when I start. PU DP DPPUPEPP OD BPOPTP > EP Eb Ub D> D> We'd better go to the bank this morning. Can't we go (late)? No. They shut (early/ here) they do at home. How was your driving test? Oh, not so bad really, It was (much/-easy) I'd expected, in fact. So, you've passed? Yes, Ihave Congratulations! That's (good) news I’ve heard for ages! Is your new car as big as the old one? No, it’s (small), so it uses (little) petrol. They tested some small cars, and this one costs (little) to run of all the cars in the test. I hear you were having problems with your business last year. Is it (good) this year? No, P'mafraid it’s__(bad) if anything. I suppose people just aren’t spending (much/ money) they used to. Complete the sentences with tham or 2s. Tean't reach as high as you. You're taller than me/ Lam. He doesn’t know much. I know more I don’t work particularly hard. Most people work as hard We were very surprised. Nobody was more surprised She's not a very good player. I'ma better player ‘They've been very lucky. I wish we were as lucky 7. You speak English very well. We can’t speak as well 8. I didn't spend as much money as you. You spent more money XIL. Some of these sentences are correct, and some are incorrect. If a sentence is correct, put a tick (~). If it is incorrect, cross the wrong word and correct it. You're the luckiest person I know. v The situation is getting difficulter. ‘more difficult Silver isn’t as expensive as gold. This is the quicker way to school. Is Rachel elder than Vicky? Who is the cleverest student of the class? This month has been weter than last month. The weather is getting more and more hot. 9. The telephone is one of the most useful inventions ever 10. You and Luke are both better than I. 11. This game is more exciting as the last one. 12, The piano is heavier than the sofa. 13, She is the rich woman in the world. 14. I don’t have as much tapes as you. 15. You're taller than he is. XIII, Read this part of Tessa’s letter to her friend about her new job. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blank. My new job is great. I like it (1) better than my old one. The people here are @) than I expected. Luckily my new boss isn't as rude (3), my old boss, Mrs Crossley, was. I hate her. She was the (4) friendly person I've ever met. Every- one here is older (5) In fact I’m the youngest person (6) the office. The good thing about the job is that I get a (7) more money. The bad thing is that the journey isn’t (8) simple as it was in my old job, where the bus took me straight there. Now I have to change buses. But I’m allowed to start work early. The (9). Tleave home, (10) the journey because the buses aren’t so crowded. PABA ww HE 1. a. more b. most, ©. much d. very 2. a, more nice b. most nice c.nicer d. nicest 3. aas b. so ¢.than d. that 4. a.least b.lessandless —_. less. d. so 5. aasl b. as me ¢, than I d, than me 6. a. from bin cof d. out of 7. abit b. less «. lot. d. much 8 aas b. less ¢. more d. same 9. a.early b. more early c. earliest 4. earlier 10. a. more easy b. more easier c. the easier d. the easy XIV. Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets. 1. This hotel is more expensive than all the others. (most) 2. The moon isn't as hot: as the sun. (hotter) 3. P'mnotas patient as you. (more) The table and the desk are the same size. (big) Prices just get higher all the time. (and) The dress is cheaper than the skirt. (expensive) This crossword is the easiest. (difficult) Their excitement was increasing all the time. (excited) They were getting 9. T've never read a more romantic story. (most) It’s the 10. A bus is cheaper than a taxi. (less) PAPE (VERBS) I. Dinh nghia (Defi Déng tir (verbs) 1a tiv hodc cum tir duge ding dé dién ta hanh dong (action) hoac trang thai (state). Il. Cac loai dng ti (Kinds of verbs) Dya trén cdc tiéu chi khéc nhau, déng tit c6 thé duge phan thanh nhiéu loai. 1, Ngoai dong ti va nGi déng ti (Transitive and intransitive verbs) 1.1. Ngoai dong ti (Transitive verbs) dién ta hanh dong tée dong true tiép én ngudi nao 46 hodc vat nao d6; néi céch khéc, ngoai dong tit 1a dong tir thuémg duge theo sau béi danh tit hode dai tir lam tan ngit true tiép (direct object). Ex: Let’s invite Sally. (Chuing ta hay mdi Sally di.) [NOT Lets-invite-] You surprised me. (Anh lam tdi ngac nhién.) [NOT You-surprised.] Dong tif invite va surprise sé khong di nghia néu khong cé danh tit Sally va dai tiv me lam tan ngi. 1.2. Noi dong ti (Intransitive verbs) dién ta hanh déng ding lai 6 ngudi néi hoac ngudi thyc hién hanh dong d6; néi cdch khdc, n6i dong tif 1a dong ti khong can cé tan ngit tryc tiép (danh tix hoac dai tit) theo sau. Ex: Do sit down, (Hay ngéi xuéng.) The children are playing. (Bon tré dang choi dia.) Dong tit sit va play khong can c6 tan ngit tru tiép cing da di nghia. weLuu y: = Nhigu dong ti c6 thé vita 14 ngoai déng ti vita 1a n6i d6ng tir (nghia cia ching cé6 thé thay d6i).. Ex We lost. (Chung t6i dé thva.) We lost the match. (Ching t6i da thua tran d4u.) He ran as fast as he could. (Anh ta chay nhanh hét suc.) He has no idea how to run a business. (Anh ay khdng biét cach quan I mét doanh nghigp.) They grow flowers in the garden. (Ho tréng hoa trong vuén.) Flowers grow in the garden. (Hoa mgc trong vuén.)

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