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c. how long will be this plane d. that how long this plane will be Did you remember to tell Marge she should bring to the meeting tomorrow? a. that b. what cif d. that what saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen. a. What the woman was b.‘That the woman was ¢. The woman was d. What was the woman ). Somebody forgot this bag. I wonder a. whoseisthisbag b. whose bag is c. whose bagthisis d. is this whose bag CLAUSES) Ménh dé quan hé (relative clauses) con duge goi la ménh dé tinh ng (adjective clauses), 14 ménh dé phy duge dung dé bé nghia cho danh ti ding truéc. Ménh a@ quan hé diing ngay sau danh tif ma n6 bé nghia va duge bat dau bang cdc dai tit quan hé (relative pronouns) who, whom, which, whose, that hoae cdc trang ti quan hé (relative adverbs) when, where, why. Ex; The man who lives next door is very friendly. (Ngubi dan éng sng 6 nha bén canh rat than thién.) Cach ding dai ti’ quan hé va trang tif quan hé trong ménh dé quan hé (Uses of relative pronouns and relative adverbs in relative clauses) Dai tit quan hé (Relative pronouns) Khi céc dai tit who, whom, whose, which, that duge ding dé gidi thigu ménh dé quan hé, chang duge goi 1a dai tir quan hé (relative pronouns). a, Who: duge ding lam chi ngi (subject) hoac tan ngif (object) thay cho danh tit chi ngudi. Ex: The man who is standing over there is Mr. Pike. (Nguéi ching 6 kia la 6ng Pike.) That is the girl who has won the medal. (D6 la c6 gdi da doat huy chwong.) They are visiting the woman who they met on holiday. (Ho sé dén tham ngudi phu ni ma ho da gap trong chuyén di nghi.) The girl who you saw at the concert is John’s sister. (C6 gai ma ban gap trong buéi hoa nhac 1a em gai cla John.) b. Whom: 06 thé duge ding lam tan ngit thay cho who. Nhung Whom thudng chi duge ding trong 16i van trang trong. Ex: The boy whom/ who we are looking for is Tom. (Cau bé ma ching toi dang tim tén la Tom.) Do you know the girl whom/ who Tom is talking to? (Ban co biét 26 gai Tom dang ndi chuyén khong?) ¢. Which: dugc ding lam chi ngit hodc tan ngi thay cho danh tit chi dé vat, con vat hoe su viée. Ex: This is the book which I like best. (Déy 1a cuén sdch toi thich nhdt.) The cat which I recently bought is a tri-colored cat. (Con méo t6i vita mua 1a mét con méo tam thé. The car which won the race looked very futuristic. (Chiée xe thdng cu6e dua cé vé rat hién dai.) The accident which Daniel saw wasn’t very serious. (Tai nan Daniel da ching kién khong nghiém trong idm.) d. That: duge ding thay cho cA danh ti chi ngudi va danh tit chi vat. That c6 thé thay thé who, whom, which trong ménh dé quan hé xéc dinh (defining relative clauses). Ex: The architect who/ that designed this building is very famous. (Kién tric su thiét ké toa nha nay rdt noi tiéng.) That is the bicycle which/ that belongs to Tom. (Dé la chiée xe dap cia Tom.) My father is the person who(m)/ that I admire most. (Cha t6i la nguéi t6i nguéng m6 nhat.) The movie which/ that we saw last night wasn’t very good. (B6 phim ching t6i xem toi qua khong hay ldm.) e. Whose: duge ding dé chi su sé hitu cho danh tif chi ngudi hode vat ding truéc. Whose due ding nhv tit han dinh ding truéc danh tit thay cho cdc tinh tu sé hitu his, her, its, their. Whose + noun cé thé lam cha ngiv hoac tan ngi trong ménh dé quan hé. Ex: The boy whose bicycle you borrowed yesterday is Tom. (Cau bé ma hém qua ban mugn xe tén la Tom.) John found a cat whose leg was broken. (John da tim thd@y m6t con méo bi gay chan.) Round the corner was a building whose windows were all broken. (Gén day c6 mé6t toa nha ma tat cd cita s6 déu bi vd.) It was a meeting whose purpose I did not understand. (Dé la budi hop ma téi khéng hiéu duge mue dich ciia n6,) oe Litu y: — Diing that sau tién 16 hn hop (gém cd ngudi lin vat, sy vat); sau céc dai tir bat dinh nothing, everything, something, anything; sau all, little, much, none duge ding nhu dai ti va sau dang so sinh nhat (superatives). Which cing cé thé duge dung kam chii ng sau something va anything, nhung it ph6 bién hon. Ex We can see farmers and cattle that are going to the field. (Ching ta 6 thé thdy néng dan va gia sic dang trén dung ra déng.) He just said anything that came into his head. (Anh ay chi ndi ra nhing gi minh nghi) (rather than ... which came into his head] These walls are all that remain of the city. (Mhiing bifc tuéng nay la tat cd nhing gi con lai cla thanh phé nay.) (NOT ...-which-remain-of-the-city] She's one of the kindest peaple (that) | know. (Ba Ay [8 mOt trong nhitng nou’ t6t bung nhat ma t6i quen.) [NOT ... who-t-know] = Trong ménh dé quan hé xéc dinh (defining relative clause), cdc dai ti lam tan ngt Who(m), which va that thudng duoc bd, nhat la trong I6i van than mat Ex. The boy we are looking for is Tom. [= The boy who(m)/ that we are...] The cat | recently bought is a tri-colored cat. [= The cat which/ that |...) ~ Thay vi dung whose, ta cé thé ding of which dé chi sy s8 hdu cia vat (of which kém trang trong hon whose). Ex He's written a book whose name I've forgotten. = He's written a book the name of which I've forgotten. (Ong ta da viét m6t cuén séch ma toi khong ahd tén cla nd.) 2. Trang ti quan hé (Relative adverbs) Cac trang tif when, where va why c6 thé duge ding dé gidi thigu ménh dé quan hé sau cc danh tif chi thdi gian, noi chén va ly do. a. Where (= in/ at which): duge ding thay cho danh tif chi noi chén. Ex: This is the place where the accident happened. (Day 1a noi tai nan da xdy ra.) [= at which] We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years. (Sau dé chung t6i chuyén dén Paris, chung t6i da séng 6 dé séu nam.) { = in which] b. When (= on/ at/ in which): duge ding thay cho danh tiv chi théi gian. Ex: I'll never forget the day when I met her. (T6i sé khéng bao gid quén cdi ngay ma t6i gap c6 dy.) [= on which) That was the time when he managed the company. (D6 la hie éng ta quan ly cong ty.) [= at which] Spring is the season when flowers of all kinds are in full bloom. (Mua xudn la mia muén hoa né rg.) [= in which] c. Why (= for which): thudng duge ding chi ly do, thay cho the reason. Ex: Please tell me the reason why you are so sad. (Hay cho téi biét ly do tai sao ban buén dén thé.) The reason why I didn’t phone you was that I didn’t know your phone number. (Ly do t6i khéng goi dign cho ban la vi t6i khong biét 86 dién thoai ctia ban.) & Liu y: = Trong ménh dé quan hé xéc dinh, when va why c6 thé dugc bd, hodc thay bang that. Bc I'll never forget the day (when/that) | met her. The reason (why/that) | didn’t phone you was that | didn't have your phone number. ~ Where c6 thé bé hoac thay bang that khi where ditng sau cc tit somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere, va place (khong duge bd Khi where ding sau cac tis khdc). Ex Have you got somewhere (where/that) | can lie down for an hour? (Ban c6 ché nao cho t6i nga lung mét tiéng déng hé khéng?) We need a place (where/that) we can stay for a few days. (Ching t6i cén mt noi d8 d lai vai ngay.) [NOT We needa house -{thal)-we-can stay fora fow-days.] = Kh6ng ding gidi tir (prepositions) trong ménh dé quan hé bat ddu bang cdc trang tir quan hé where, when va why. The building where he lives is very old. [ ives or whers-he-lives-in] But: The building in which he lives is very old. "il never forget the day when | met you. (NOT ...on-whea-+met-you orwhen-tmet you-on] But: ll never forget the day on which | met you. — Where c6 thé duge ding ma kh6ng c6 danh ti chi noi chén di truéc. Ex: Put it where we can all see it. (Hay dat nd d nol ma tat cd chung ta déu nhin thay.) Il. Gidi tir trong m@nh dé quan hé (Prepositions in relative clauses) ‘Trong ménh dé quan hé (relative clauses), khi dai ti quan hé lam tén ngit (object) cia gidi ti thi gidi tir thutmg cé hai vi tri: truée cdc dai tir quan hé whom va which hoc sau déng tit. 1. Trong 1di van trang trong, gidi ti dimg true cde dai ti quan hé whom va which. Ex: The man to whom my mother is talking is my form teacher. (Nguoi dan dng ma me t6i dang ndi chuyen la gido vién chit nhigm ctia t6i.) ‘The restaurant to which we normally go is closed today. (Nha hang ma ching t6i thusng dén hom nay dong cia.) Mr. Carter, to whom I spoke on the phone last night, is very inter- ested in our plan. (Ong Carter, ngudi ma t6i da noi chuyén dién thogi t6i qua, rdt quan tam dén ké hoach cua ching ta.) Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost. (May thay ching t6i cé mét tém ban dé, khéng c6 né che han chiing téi da bi lac dutng.) 2. Trong 16i néi than mat, gidi ti thudng dimg sau dong tit trong ménh dé quan hé. Ex: That’s the man who(m)/ that I was talking about. (D6 la nguei ma toi thing ndi dén.) The picture that/which she was looking at was famous. (Bite tranh ma cb Gy dang xem rét néi tiéng.) Sandra, who(m) we had been waiting for, finally arrived. (Cuéi cing thi Sandra, ngudi ma ching tj dang dgi, cing da dén.) Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which I'd never been to before. (Hém qua ching t6i di tham quan Nha bdo tang thanh phé, noi ma truée day t6i chuta bao gid dén.) Trong ménh dé xe dinh, cdc dai ti quan hé lam tan nga cia gidi tit (who(m)/ which/that) thudng duge bé va gidi tix luén ding sau dong tit. Ex: That’s the man I was talking about. The picture she was looking at was famous. Was that the restaurant you normally go to? (Cé phdi kia la nha hang ma ban thuang dén én?) Luu y: — GiGi tly khng duge d&t trudc that hoa who. Ex. She is the woman who | told you about. (Ba &y 18 ngudi ma t6i di ndi véi ban.) {NOT ... the-wornan-about-whe ..] The bus that I'm waiting for is late. (Chuyén xe bujt ma t6/ dang dgi dén tré.) [NOT Fhe-bus-for-that ..] Mr. Jones, who | am working for, is very generous. (Ong Jones, t6i dang lam vic cho Ong ta, rat t6t bung.) {NOT ... for whe-+--working,..] = Vi cum dong ti (phrasal verb) thi gidi tW.khéng duge ding truéc whom va which Ex Did you find the word which” that you were looking up? (Anh da tim ra ti’ ma anh mudn tra chua?) [NOT ... the-word-up-which-you-were-tooking] The child who(m)/ that | have looked after for a year is very naughty. (Bua bé ma t6i da chim sée m6t ndm nay rét buéng binh.) [ NOT The child-after whom-t have looked] - — Gi6i tir without khéng dude ding 6 vi tri sau dong ty. Ex The woman without whom | can't live is Jane (Ngudi phy nf ma t6i khong thé sdng thiéu c6 ay chinh [a Jane.) [NOT The-wornan-who(m}-t-can'ttive-without...] 3. Trong ménh dé khéng xéc dinh, cdc cum tit chi s6 lugng all of/ most of/ neither of/many of... c6 thé duge ding v6i whom, which va whose. Ex: Mary has three brothers, all of whom are married. (Mary c6'3 anh em trai, tat cd déu da lép gia dinh.) (NOT all-of- who] Tom tried on three jackets, none of which fitted him. (Tom thit 3 chiée do vét, khéng chiée nao vita vdi anh dy.) {NOT ‘Two men, neither of whom I had ever seen before, came into my office. (Hai ngusi dan ong; nhiing ngudi ma trude déy t0i chia bao gid gdp, bude vdo van phéng cia tdi.) She had a teddy-bear, both of whose eyes were missing. (C6 dy c6 mét con géu nhdi bong, cd hai con mat cia n6 déu bi mat.) Ill. Cac loai ménh dé quan hé (Kinds of relative clauses) C6 hai loai ménh dé quan hé: ménh dé quan hé xAc dinh (defining relative clause) va ménh dé quan hé khong xAc dinh (non-defining relative clause). 1. Ménh dé quan hé xdc dinh (Defining relative clauses) Ménh dé quan he xéc dinh la ménh 48 duge ding 48 xéc dinh danh ti ding truée né. Ménh dé xéc dinh la ménh dé can thiét cho ¥ nghia cia cau, khong c6 né cau sé khong di nghia. Ex: The man who robbed you has been arrested, (Ngusi dan éng lay trom dé cia ban da bj bdt.) The woman who(m) you met yesterday works in advertising. (Nguai phu nit ma anh gdp hém qua lam viée trong nganh quang cdo.) ‘The river which/ that flows through Hereford is Wye. (Con séng chdy qua Hereford la séng Wye.) ‘The book which/ that you lent me was very interesting. (Cuén séch ma anh cho ti mugn rdt hay.) Which is the European country whose economy is growing fastest? (Nude nao 6 chau Au cé nén kinh té tang truéng nhanh nhdt?) Do you remember the day when we met each other? (Anh c6 nhé edi ngay ma ching ta gap nhau khong?) - Trong ménh dé quan hé xac dinh, ching ta c6 thé bé cdc dai tif quan hé lam tan ngit who(m), which, that va cdc trang tit when, why, nhat 1a trong Idi van than mat. Ex: The woman you met yesterday works in advertising. The book you lent me was very interesting. Do you remember the day we met each other? 2. Ménh dé quan hé khong xdc dinh (Non-defining relative clauses) Ménh dé quan hé khéng xéc dinh 1a ménh dé cung cp thém thong tin vé mét ngudi, mét vat hodc mét su viée da duge xAc dinh. Ménh dé khong xéc dinh la ménh dé khong nhat thiét phai c6 trong cau, khéng c6 n6 cau van da nghia. Ménh dé quan hé kh6ng xéc dinh duge phan ranh gidi voi ménh 48 chinh bing cdc dau phdy (,) hode déu gach ngang (-). Ex: That man, who lives in the next flat, looks very lonely. (Ngusi dan éng dé, ngudi séng trong can hé ké bén, c6 vé rt c6 don.) Sarah, who(m) you met last night, is my colleagué at the university. (Sarah, ngudi ma ban da gap thi qua, la ban déng nghiép cia toi 6 truang dai hoc.) The book “Jane Eyre”, which I was reading, is really good. (Cuén “Jane Eyre”, cu6n stich ma toi dang doc, rat hay.) This is George, whose sister is my best friend. (Day la George, chi-ciia cau dy la ban than ciia t6i.) We went to the Riverside Restaurant, where I once had lunch with Henry, (Ching toi dén Nha Hang Riverside, noi ma true day t6i da dn true vdi Henry.) - Khdng ding dai tir quan hé that trong ménh dé quan hé khong x4c dinh (non-defining relative clause). Ex: Ms Smith, who(m) you met at our house, is going to marry next week. (C6 Smith, ngudi ma anh dé gap tai nha ching 16i, sé két hon vao tudn tdi.) (NOT .. Harry told me about his new job, which he’s enjoying very much. (Harry ké cho t6i nghe vé céng viée mdi ma anh ta rat thich.) (NOT .., that-he's-enjeying-verymueh] - Khong thé bé cée dai tir quan hé lam tan ngit who(m), which, va cdc trang tit where, when, why cia ménh dé quan hé khéng xéc dinh (non- defining relative clause). Ex: Peter, who(m) everybody suspected, turned out to be innocent. (Peter, nguvi bi moi ngudi nghi ng’, héa ra khong cé 16i.) [NOT Petereverybedy-suspeeted, ...] We stayed at the Grand Hotel, which Ann recommended to us. (Ching toi 6 tai khdch san Grand ma Ann dé gidi thigu.) (NOT ... the-Grand-HetelAnn-reeommended-to-us] - Trong ménh dé quan hé khong xéc dinh (non-defining clauses), which cd thé duge ding dé bé nghia cho ca cau, Ex: It rained all night, whieh was good for the garden. (Mua suét dém, diéu dé t6t cho khu vubn.) (which c6 nghia ‘the fact that it rained all night’) Max isn’t home yet, which worries me. (Max chia vé nha, diéu nay lam t6i lo ldng.) IV. Dang riit gon ciia ménh dé quan hé (Reduced forms of relative clauses) Ménh dé quan hé c6 thé duge rit gon bang cdéch ding cum phan tir (participle phrases), cum danh tit (noun phrases) ho&e cum d6ng tit nguyén miu (infinitive phrases). 1, Cum phan ty (Participle phrases) Ménh dé quan hé c6 thé duge rit gon bing cum phan tit hién tai hodc qua khi (present/ past participle phrases). a. Hién tai phan ti (present participle) c6 thé duge ding khi: = Dong ti trong ménh dé quan hé 6 thi tiép dién. Ex: That man, who is sitting next to Mandy, is my uncle. That man, sitting next to Mandy, is my uncle. (Ngudi dang ngéi canh Mandy la chi cuia t6i.) A lorry which was carrying pipes has overturned. — A lorry carrying pipes has overturned. (Chiéc xe tdi cho dng da bj lat.) - Dong tii trong ménh dé quan hé dién dat hanh dong hoac sy viée 6 tinh thudng xuyén, lau dai. Ex: The road that joins/ joined the two villages is/ was very narrow. > The road joining the two villages is/ was very narrow. (Con dung néi lién hai ngéi lang rét hep.) Boys who attend/ attended this school have/ had to wear uniform. ~ Boys attending this school have/ had to wear uniform. (Nam sinh hoc truang nay phai mac déng phuc.) = Dong tit trong ménh dé din dat ude muén, hy vong, mong dgi, v.v. Ex: Fans who hope to buy tickets have been queuing all night. + Fans hoping to buy tickets have been queuing all night. (Nhitng nguéi ham mé hy vong mua duge vé da xép hang sudt dém.) Bill, who wanted to make an impression on Ann, took her to the Portrait Gallery. Bill, wanting to make an impression on Ann, took her... (Bill, ngubi muén gay dn tugng vdi Ann, da dua co dy dén phong trung bay anh chan dung.) %* Luu j: Khéng ding hién tai phan tis dé dign dat hanh dong don trong qué Kh x The police wanted to interview the people who saw the accident. (Canh sét muén thm van nhitng ngudi ching kién vy tai nan.) [NOT ... the people seeing the accident] b. Qué khit phan tif (past participial) duge ding khi dong tir trong ménh dé quan hé dang bi déng (passive form). Ex: The boy who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. + The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. (Cau bé bj thuong trong vy tai nan dé duge dua téi benh vién.) Most of the goods which are made in this factory are exported. > Most of the goods made in this factory are exported. (Phan lon hing héa duge sén xuéit tai nha may nay déu duge xudit khéu.) Some of the people who have been invited to the party can’t come. + Some of the people invited to the party can’t come. (Mét sé ngusi duge moi dy tige khéng dén duge.) 2. Cum danh tit (Noun phrases) Ménh dé quan hé khong xéc dinh (non-defining relative clause) c6 thé duge rét gon bang cum danh tir. Ex: George Washington, who was the first president of the United States, was a general in the army. George Washington, the first president of the United States, was a general in the army. (George Washington, téng thing ddu tien ctia Hoa Ky, ting la mét vi tuéng trong quan déi.) We visited Barcelona, which is a city in northern Spain. We visited Barcelona, a city in northern Spain. (Chung t6i dén tham quan Barcelona, mét thanh phé & mién bic Téy Ban Nha.) 8. Cum dong ti nguyén mdu (Infinitive phrases) Ménh dé quan hé xdc dinh (defining relative clause) c6 thé duge rit gon bang cum déng tit nguyén mdu (to-infinitive ho&c for + object + to-inf). To-infinitive c6 thé duge ding: - Sau cdc tir first, second... (superlatives). Ex: The captain was the last man who left the ship. The captain was the last man to leave the ship. (Thuyén truéng la ngudi cudi cing roi tau.) New Zealand was the first country which gave women the vote. — New Zealand was the first country to give women the vote. (New Zealand la quéc gia dau tien cong nhén quyén bau cit cia phi nit.) The guest on our show is the youngest golfer who won the Open. + The guest on our show is the youngest golfer to win the Open. (Khdch mdi cia chuong trinh la vén d6ng vién choi gén tré tui nhat vita dogt gidi mé rong.) last, next; only; va dang so sénh nhat - Khi mu6n dién dat mue dich (purpose) ho&e sy cho phép (permission). Ex: The children need a big yard which they ean play in. >The children need a big yard to play in. (Bon tré cdn mét cdi san rong dé choi dia.) Here is a form that you must fill in. Here is a form for you to fill in. (Bay la mdu don dé anh dién vao.) I don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden that he could play in. +1 don’t like him playing in the streets; I wish we had a garden for him to play in, (Toi khong thich n6 choi dia ngoai dueng; tbi ube gi ching #0i cd mét khu vudn dé né choi dia trong san.) > EXERCISES 1. Complete the sentences. Put in relative pronouns only if you have to. If the sentence is correct without relative pronouns, write @. Also add commas where necessary. 1. The man paid for the meal was a friend of Tom's. 2. The meeting we had to attend went on for three hours. 3. My office, is on the second floor of the building, is very small. 4. Jane works for a company makes shoes. 5. The woman I was sitting next to talked all the time. 6. 1. 8. 9. . This school is only for children first language is not English. . Laura had a wooden box, she kept her photos in. I don’t know the name of the woman to I spoke on the phone. . Towns attract tourists are usually crowded in the summer. 10. Somewhere I’ve got a/photo of the mountain we climbed. 11, The sun, is oné of millions of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light. 12, I thought I recognized the assistant served us. 13. Which is the European country economy is growing the fastest? 14. John, speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide. 15. The detective lost sight of the man __he was following. 16. She told me her address, I wrote down on a piece of paper. 17. Sarah, you met yesterday, works in advertising. 18. I'm afraid the numbers__I chose didn't win the prize. |. Electronics is a subject about I know very little 20. Mark, car had broken down, was in a very bad mood. of the sentences. If the relative Ss Il. Use a relative pronoun to combine each ps pronoun can be omitted, write it in brackets. . Professor Wilson is an excellent lecturer. He teaches Chemistry. The man is a famous actor. You met him at the party last night. There are some words. They are very difficult to translate. . The student writes well. I read her composition. Ree Jim’s sister is a famous architect. You met her yesterday. I received two job offers. I accepted neither of them. I was looking for a book this morning. I've found it now. Mrs Smith does volunteer work at the hospital. She is a retired teacher. live in a dormitory. Its residents come from many countries. |. Lake Prespa is a lonely beautiful lake. It’s on the north Greek border. The little girl ate candy the whole way. She sat next to me on the coach. . The police blocked off the road. That caused a traffic jam. . Felix Reeve is a journalist. His tape recorder was stolen. . This famous picture is worth thousands of pounds. It was damaged during the war. . The village has around 200 people. The majority of them are farmers. . I don't know the name of the woman, I spoke to her on the phone. . We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. It is only 30 miles away. . [have to call the man. I accidentally picked up his umbrella after the meeting. |. Louis knows the woman. The woman is meeting us at the airport tomorrow. |. The scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet. . The river is the Wye. It flows through Hereford. . We climbed to the top of the tower. We had a beautiful view from there. . A few days ago I met Diana. I hadn't seen her for ages. . This is a photograph of our friends. We went on holiday with these friends. . This famous painting was damaged during the war. Its value is inestimable. Choose the correct explanation of the meaning of each sentence. ‘The students, who attend class five hours per day, have become quite proficient in their new language. a. All of the students attend class for five hours per day. b. Only some of the students attend class for five hours per day. The students who attend class five hours per day have become quite proficient in their new language. a. All of the students attend class for five hours per day. b. Only some of the students attend class for five hours per day. The orchestra conductor signaled the violinists, who were to begin playing. a, All of the violinists were to begin playing. b. Only some of the violinists were to begin playing. The orchestra conductor signaled the violinists who were to begin playing. a. All of the violinists were to begin playing. b. Only some of the violinists were to begin playing. I put the vase on the top of the TV set, which is in the living room. a, [have more than one TV set. b. [have only one TV set. I put the vase on the top of the TV set which is in the living room. a, [have more than one TV set. 10. 11. 12 WV. b. [have only one TV set. ‘Trees which lose their leaves in winter are called deciduous trees. a, All trees lose their leaves in winter. b. Only some trees lose their leaves in winter. Pine trees, which are evergreen, grow well in a cold climate. a. Ali pine trees are evergreen. b. Only some pine trees are evergreen. ‘The teacher thanked the students, who had given her some flowers. a. The flowers were from only some of the students. b. The flowers were from all of the students. ‘The teacher thanked the students who had given her some flowers. a. The flowers were from only some of the students. b, The flowers were from all of the students. Roberto reached down and picked up the grammar book, which was lying upside down on the floor. a. There was only one grammar book near Roberto. b. There was more than one grammar book near Roberto. Roberto reached down and picked up the grammar book which was lying upside down on the floor a. There was only one grammar book near Roberto. b. There was more than one grammar book near Roberto. Complete the sentences. Use the sentences in the box to make relative clauses with where or when. he was born there people are burried there Ican buy some postcards there the weather Is usually the hottest then I first met youthen. we had the car repaired there we spent our vacation there you phoned then the revolution took place then people can have a really good meal there I can’t remember the name of the garage July is the month Til never forget the day : A The restaurant is Martin’s. Unfortunately I wasn’t at home the evening ‘The old man wants to go back to the village ‘The cemetery is a place 1960 is the year Hawaii, , is a famous vacation spot. |. Is there a shop near here? Combine the sentences by using relative adverbs. This is the place. The accident cecurred there. 7:05 is the time. My plane arrives at that time. Tl show you the second-hand bookshop. You can find valuable books in this shop. |. The reason is to invite you to my party. I'm phoning you for this reason. Mark likes to travel at night. The roads are quiet at that time. ‘The Riverside Restaurant is very beautiful. I once had lunch with Henry in this restaurant. She doesn’t want to speak to the cause. She divorced her husband for this cause. |. The days were the saddest ones. | lived far from home on those days. A café is a small restaurant. People can get a light meal there. 10. You didn’t tell us the reason. We had to cut down our daily expenses for that reason. VI. Complete the advertisement. Put in who, whom, whose, which, where or why. ‘The town of Keswick, (1) lies at the heart of the Lake District, is the per- fect place for a holiday, and the Derwent Hotel, (2) overlooks the town, is the perfect place to stay. Robin and Wendy Jackson, (3) bought this small hotel three years ago, have already won an excellent reputation. Robin, (4), cooking is one of the reasons (5)___ the Derwent is so popular, was ones Young Chef of the Year. The comfort of the guest, (6), the owners treat almost as members of the family, always comes first. Peter Ustinov, (7) once stayed at the hotel, de- scribed it as ‘marvellous’. And the Lake District, (8)_____ has so much wonderful scenery and (9) the poet Wordsworth lived, will not disappoint you. VI. Use a relative pronoun or relative adverb to combine each pair of sentences. 1. The student is from China. He sits next to me in the English class. 2. ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ is an interesting novel. It was written by Ernest Hemingway. 3. The professor is excellent. I'm taking his course. 4. Mr. Smith said he was too busy to speak to me. I had come to see him. 5. The man is my father. I respect this man most. 6 7 8 9 SPraaee }. Do you know the reason? Marta left for this reason. . Tom has three sisters, All of them are married. 3. I recently went back to Paris. It is still as beautiful as a pearl. . Lrecently went back to Paris. I was born in Paris nearly 50 years ago. 10. Laura couldn’t find the box. She kept her photos in that box. 11. Art Golding was a famous actor. He played the ship's captain in ‘Iceberg’. 12. The police want to know the hotel. Mr Foster stayed there two weeks ago. 13, I've sent him two letters. He has received neither of them. 14, That man is an artist. I don’t remember the man’s name. 15. Do you still remember the day? We moved to this town on that day. 16. The reason hasn't been told yet. The President will come to that city for this reason. 17. Vicky didn’t get the job. It’s made her very depressed. 18. My uncle usually goes to work by bus. You met him at the bus stop this morning. 19. That car belongs to Dr. Clark. Its engine is very good. 20. He gave several reasons. Only a few of them were valid. 21, Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. His films amused millions of people in the world. 22, The taxi driver is friendly. He took me to the airport. 23, I ran into a woman. I had gone to elementary school with her. 24. The house is empty now. I used to live there. 25. Do you remember the year? The First World War ended in that year. 26. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. 27. Mrs. Bond is going to spend a few weeks in Sweden. Her daughter lives in that country. 28. We stayed at the Grand Hotel. Ann recommended it to us. 29. My sister was looking after a dog. Its leg had been broken in an accident. 30. The street I live in is very noisy at night. This makes it difficult to sleep. VIIL. Put in the relative clause. Sometime there is more than one possible answer. 1. Someone knows all about it - the secretary. The person is the secretary. 2. Vicky’s name was missed off the list, so she wasn’t very pleased, Vicky, , wasn't very pleased. 3. Laura painted a picture, and it’s being shown in an exhibition. The picture is being shown in an exhibition. 4, We're all looking forward to a concert. It’s next Saturday. The concert is next Saturday. 5. One week Mike and Harriet went camping. It was the wettest of the year. The week was the wettest of the year. 6, Aunt Joan is a bit deaf, so she didn’t hear the phone. ‘Aunt Joan, , didn't hear the phone. 7. You'll meet Henry tomorrow. He’s also a member of the board. Henry, , is also a member of the board. 8. I'll see you near the post office. We met there the other day. Till see you near the post office, 9. Zedeo has 10,000 employees. It’s an international company. Zedco, , is an international company. 10, I didn’t know your adress, so I didn’t write to you. The reason sass that I didn’t know your address. IX, Change the relative clauses to phrases. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? . The road that joins the two villages is very narrow. ‘Most of the goods that are made in this factory are exported. My grandmother, who is old and sick, never goes out of the house. Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital city of Malaysia, is a major trade center in Southeast Asia. ‘The woman who lived here before us is a romantic novelist. . The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way. ). All students who don’t hand in their papers will fail in the exam. 10. Simon Bolivar, who was a great South American general, led the fight for indepen- dence early in the 19th century. ap eNe PEre Onn 11. Some of the people who have been invited to the party can’t come. 12. Ann is the woman who is responsible for the error. 13, Mr. Jackson, who has been working in the company for over ten years, was nomi- nated as the new director. 14. English has an alphabet that consists of 26 lettérs. 15. We noticed a pile of stones which had been left in the road. X. Change the relative clauses to phrases, using to- {for + O + to-infinitive). We used to have a room in which we could play music. ‘The child will be happier if he has someone tliat he can play with. David was the only person who offered his help. We had to sit on the ground because we hadn’t anything that we could sit on. She didn’t have anyone to whom she could send cards. There is a big yard that your children can play in. Emma Thompson is the most famous actress who will appear on stage here. We have some picture books that children can read. He was the second man who was killed in this way. |. Here are some novels that she should read. Comment on each situation. Use the to-infinitive structure. 1. David offered his help. No one else did. David was the only person to offer his help, 2. Oliva’s daughter swam a length of the pool. No other girl as young as her did that. Oliva’s daughter was 3. The secretaries got a pay rise. No one else did. ‘The secretaries were 4. The pilot left the aircraft. Everyone else had left before him. ‘The pilot was 5. Mrs. Harper became Managing Director. No other woman had done that before. Mrs. Harper was 6. Daniel applied for the job. No other candidate as suitable as him applied. Daniel was 7, Janet solved the puzzle. She did it before everyone else. Janet was 8, Mark wrote a letter of thanks. No one else did. Mark was XII. Complete the sentences, using present pa the verbs in the box. overlook blow call strike live offer read ring sit study work leave fill_survive play block _publish RB Ee wN AME ew 2 : le, past participle or to-infinitive of 1. An obstacle is something your way. 2. Iwas woken up by a bell Baseball is a game __ mainly in the USA. Here is an application form for you___in. Somebody Jack phoned while you were out. Ian has got a brother ina bank in London and a sister economies at the university in Manchester. ‘There was atree____ down in the storm last night. ‘The captain was the last the sinking ship. 9. Life must be very unpleasant for people near busy airport. 10. When I entered the waiting room, it was empty except for a young man by the window a magazine. 11. The photographs in the newspaper were extraordinary, 12. The air-hostess was the only person the plane crash. 13. Two out of three people by lightning survive. 14. We have an apartment the park. 15. A few days after the interview, I received a letter me a job. XIII. Make one sentence from two. Use one of them as a relative phrase. 1, Astronomy is one of the world oldest sciences. It is the study of planets and stars. 2. The vegetables are grown without chemicals: They are sold in supermarkets. 3. People have marched to London. They are protesting against pollution. 4. The police never found the money. It-was stolen in the robbery. 5. There was a big red car. It had been parked outside the house. 6. 7. 8 9. ape 23 . Lybya is a leading producer of oil, It is a country in North Africa. . A chemical company has gone bankrupt. It employed 4,000 people. Anew drug may give us eternal youth. It was developed at a British university. |. Anew motorway is planned. It will cost £500 million. 10. Some weapons belong to the IRA. They are found at a flat in Bristol. 11. John Quincy Adams was born on July 11, 1767. He was the sixth president of the United States. 12. There were some children. They were swimming in the river. 13, ‘Tennis fans have been queuing all night at Wimbledon. They hope to buy tickets. 14, Some paintings haven't been found yet. They were stolen from the museum. 15. Two languages, Finnish and Swedish, are used in Helsinki. It is the capital of Finland. XIV. Each of these sentences contains errors in it. Write the correct sentence. ‘There were a lot of people waited in a long line outside the box office. ‘This isn’t the bus on that I normally travel. Baseball is the only sport which I am interested in it. ‘The reason because I didn’t know was that no one had told me. I didn’t know the name of the man helped me. T’ve met many people, some of them are from my country. Hiroko was born in Sapporo that is a city in Japan. aaa e eye 8. Dr. Darnell was the only person to whom I wanted to see. 9, Rupert knows the family who's house is for rent. 10. Students who living on campus are close to their classroom and the library. 11. Einstein who failed his university entrance exam discovered relativity. 12. The person we talked to was very friendly. 13. The bridge building only two years ago has been declared unsafe. 14, It’s the President makes the important decisions. 16. can’t find my diary, what is a real nuisance. 16. Outside the door was a pair of boots covering in mud. 17. Lake Superior, that lies on the US Canadian border, is the largest lake in North America. 18. My favorite place in the world is a small city is located on the southern coast of Brazil. 19. I would like to live in the country which there is plenty of sunshine. 20. The nice couple with who we went on holiday has just moved in next door. XV. Choose the correct answer. 1. What's the name of the man gave us a lift? a. he b. what c. which d. who 2. Were you able to locate the person wallet you found? a. which b. that his c. whose d. that’s 3. My friend Nigel, works in the city, earns much more than I do. a. that b. which ¢. who d. whose 4. Everyone the building was searched by the police. a. enter b. entered c. entering d. enters 5. Yesterday was the hottest day remember. a. that can b. which can. ¢. which I can d.Ican 6. Florida, the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year. ‘b. known as c. is known as d. that is known as 7. There was little we could do to help her. a. which b. what c. that, d. when 8. Atlanta is the city the Olympic Games were held in 1996. a. that b. when c. where d. which 9. Ann quit her job at the advertising agency, surprised everyone. a. which b. that ¢. who d. that it 10. Is this the address you want the package sent? a. that b. to that ¢. to which d. to 11. What was that notice 7 a. at that you were looking b. you were looking at c. you were looking at it d. which you were looking 12. Little Women, in 1868, is my favorite book. a. is a novel published b. anovel published c. anovel was published d, was a novel published 4. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2: 22. 23. 24, 25. ep I have three brothers, are businessmen. a. all of which b. all of those c. all of whom d. all of who The chemistry book was a little expensive. a.that I bought it b. I bought that c.whatI bought d. I bought We passed shops windows were decorated for Christmas. a. the b. their ¢, which d. whose ‘Why do you get up at 4:00 am?’ ‘Because it’s the only time ___ without being interrupted. a. when I can work on my book b. when I can work on my book at c. when I can work on my book then d. at when I can work on my book I didn’t believe them at first but in fact everything was true. a. they said b. that they said to c. what they said _ d. to which they said ‘That book is by a famous anthropologist. It's about the people in Samoa for two years. a. that she lived b. that she lived among them ¢. among whom she lived d. where she lived among them. Do you remember Mrs. Goddard, ____ taught us English composition? a. who b. whom c. that d. which Only a few of movies ____ on TV are suitable for children. a. which show b. showing c. shown d. are shown. Do you have the book ___ the teacher? a. that it belongs to b. to which belongs to c. to which belongs d. that belongs to York, ____last year, is a nice old city. a. I visited b. that I visited c. which I visited d. whom I visited Neil Armstrong, the first person on the moon, reported that the surface was fine and powdery. a. that set foot b. set foot c. setting foot d. to set foot They left me at the bus stop they had met me the week before. a, where b, which c. when, d. that ‘Thanksgiving is a time everyone eats turkey in America. a. at that time b. when ¢, that d. bande

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