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Pirooz Educational Center Third month final exam


Part one: Define the following grammar with one example. (35)

1; Simple future tense 10

2; Relative pronouns 5

3; Reflexive pronouns 5

4; Simple past tense 5

5; Ruls of adding (D. ED. ied) 5

6; Distributive pronouns 5
Part two: Translate the following words from English to Dari and Dari to English. (20)

1; Coconut ‫; با ادب‬1
2; Plum ‫ راست‬:2

3; Floral ‫ ادبی‬:3
4; Vivid ‫ شفاهی‬:4
5; Unity ‫ باور نکردنی‬:5
6; Credible ‫ پرهیزگار‬:6
7; Enmity ‫ وحشی‬:7
8; Clumsy ‫ انجیر‬:8
9; Reliable ‫ آلوچه‬:9
10; Capable ‫ کبودی‬:10
Part three: translate the following sentences from English to Dari. (15)

1: No, but something else happened?

2: But it was really weird?

3: No, I share the apartment with an old friend?

4: Oh, they must be very happy there?

5: I stop and asked him where to buy a ticket?

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