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San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program

Name: Julie Mae R. Tanoja Date: September 09, 2023


Being a nurse is not an easy job, a great nurse is a great
care provider and it requires a lot of skills, knowledge and most of
all experience. We get our learnings through a comprehensive
teaching from our Class Instructor, and we get the skills by
performing all the laboratory procedures in the class. Experience is
gained when we get to go to the medical field and apply all the
knowledge and skills in the area, to provide a well and appropriate
intervention to our patient.

Experiencing BMC duty was quite awesome experience for we have
not only interacted with our patient but also our clinical
instructor has provided us a hands-on duty, it was truly quite
different from my previous duty for we have not only gain knowledge
in the field but also, we have gain realistic experience with our
patient in public hospital.

But still amidst all of problem being experienced in each situation,
I was glad that our CI are so flexible and patient at the same time
to reply and be able to attend in every concern from her students.
Which helps me to understand that although we students struggle in
our studies and duties, I will still acknowledge all the hard work
our Class Instructor are doing in providing us a quality learning.
The first week duty ended well, even though there are plenty
of tasked that aren’t done due to time constraints, but still we
managed to finish it as a group and as a student learning in the
medical field. There is no such thing could stop us, if we learn to
how to cooperate, understand and adapt in every situation. At the
end all is well.

At first, I was quite nervous specially I haven’t heard any
background of our CI. I was feeling anxious at first during our
interaction with my groupmates specially some of them are new to me
and specially handling patient but then days had passed I felt
relived for I have trusted the process and the processed has paid
off, it was amazing to be in the medical field interacting with my
patient’s needs, giving them medication and charting all the
necessary information given, over all the duty was quite astonishing
and I can’t wait to be deployed in different ward again and to meet
new patient and staff in the field.
In order for me to make the first week duty more successful, I
as a student nurse also need to improve my skill and learning. I
need to learn how to think critically in order for me to be prepared
at different situation, be able to adapt and gain experience
throughout my journey for I believe that skills are the unified
force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation.

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