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Table of contents

1. Introduction

►1.01 Objectives of the study……………....…..…….………………………….01

►1.02 Methodology…… …….…………………………………………………..01
►1.03 Scope of the research………... ……………………………...…………....02

►1.04 Limitations of the research…...………………....…………………….…..02

Chapter – 2

2. Literature Review

►2.01 What is Entrepreneurship and Training? .....................................................03

►2.02Relationship of Entrepreneurship and Training…………………………... 03
►2.03 Why Entrepreneurship Training is Important? …………………………. 04
►2.04Types of Entrepreneurship Training Opportunities…………………….... 04
►2.05 Importance of training..………...………………………………………… 05

►2.06 Problems of training ………………………... …………………………… 05

Chapter – 3

3.0 Survey Analysis………………………………………………………………….06-09

Chapter – 4

4.01. Conclusion …………………………………………...………………..…..…….10

4.02. Bibliography …………………………………...………………..…..……………11

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