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Revalan Desko (1910732033)

1. When was the happiest day in your life and why?

The happiest day in my life started from winning a podium in economic

olympiad in my city.I got the third rank that i always wanted to have.Received

the trophy and certificate is like a dream come true.I have imagined it since i

was in elementary school.When i got the winner it is made one of my dream

has been realized.Brought a trophy and certificate are the best happy moment

in my life.

2. When was the scariest day in your life and why?

I have on scary moment in my life.The scary day started when i was in

junior high scholl.One day i went to market by using my motorcycle.I never

obeyed the caution from my mother.i was rode my motorcycle as fast as i

can.On my way i got the accident,i fell on the road.I almost crushed by

bus,when i fell on the road.I am so scared that bus may crushed my

body.After that accident i never rode motorcycle for a whole time.I never

forgot that moment because it was scared me at all.

3. What is your friend most unforgotten lesson at school.

I have a friend that i always done every agenda with me.His name is

Vasko.He is osis chairperson.One day the school held some

competition.Vasko was very confused that his osis member did not came

early.when the member of osis has been arrived and they are going to

gathered in the field.He told them that all of them made him so shy on that

day.He was in anger situation and Shouted all of his anger.He cannot be
stopped.Suddenly he stopped being anger by his self.He told me that he is

realized that being anger can not solved the problem.Being anger may made

the problem be more complicated.

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