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Governance is the process bu which control their individusl and collective fate.

bank so that he can deposit his

Corruption in Government is one money to the bank. Another
of the serious issue that example is common seen in an
happened in our country. It organization is that a person
involve private and public might want to skip the interview
sector which is related to the section, he might use his
government department. relationship to help him secure
Government officer has abuse the position in that company
their political power to realise
private enrichment. For example,
an illegal acts by government
officer or leader to use their
power and status in the
government department to help or
influences the private sector
businessmen to secure the
government projects is consider
as political corruption.

This will bring the large impact

to the economic development and
affect the health of an
organization. The way to combat
this issue is complicate and it
needs continuous effort to bring
out the result. In addition,
there are many factors will help
the administrative corruption
keep growing in a country or an
organization. The form of
administrative corruption
included bribery, embezzlement,
stealing of document, misuses
the powers and etc. When there
is an administrative corruption,
the individual or business
usually is want to avoid the
rules and regulations in a
country or organization. For
example is a businessman want to
lower his income tax, he will
bribe the accountant and ask the
officer to help him lower down
his taxable income or reduce the
asset in his report. This is a
fraud that common seen in a
country. Some of the people
involve in money laundering, he
might bribe the officer in the

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