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Nama : Ni Kadek Astini

Kelas : A2 Denpasar
Jurusan: PGSD
Absen : 38
Nim :2211031274
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Ni Nyoman Yunike Kurniarini , M.Pd

Ujian Akhir Semester

A. Fill the blank to complete the sentences with suitable verb.

1. Play
2. Travel
3. Meeting
4. Not watch
5. Are
6. Eat
7. Are speaking
8. Is working
9. Are read
10. Are not sleep
B. Arrange these words into right sentence
1. it has rained for three days
2. we have learned english since 2005
3. he has never driven a car before

4. Melindaen two times to Australia this year

5. She has drunk three cups of coffee today.
C. Write down negative and question form from these sentences!
1. She has been asking the same question since yesterday
(-) She has not been asking the same question since yesterday
(?) Has She been asking the same question since yesterday
2. Mr. James has been calling me since last night
(-) Mr. James has not been calling me since last night
(?) Has Mr. James been calling me since last night
3. They have been taking selfie for hours
(-) They have not been taking selfie for hours
(?) Have they taking selfie for hours
4. We have been craving for pizza for days
(-) We have not been craving for pizza for days
(?) Have we been craving pizza for today?
5. Ms.Yuli has been teaching Math for 10 years
(-) Ms.Yuli has not been teaching Math for 10 years
(?) Has Ms. Yuli been teaching Math for 10 years

D. Change these direct speeches below into indirect speech!

1. They said, “We Will visit your country next month”.
- They said that they would visited your country next month
2. He said to me, “I am looking for you today”.
- He said to me that he was looking for me that day
3. Tantri said, “ Amalia is fine”
- Tantri said that Amalia is fine
4. Tom Askes Benny, “Do you want to go to Surabaya?”
- Tom Asked Benny that do you want to went to Surabaya?
5. She said l, “ Yon have studied English in Bali last year”.
- She said that you have been study English in Bali last year

E. Change these active sentences into passive sentences!

1. Beautiful short stories written by intan
2. The assigment is completed by the teacher
3. The room has just been cleaned by Frans
4. They read some popular books this morning
5. In my house we fixing the bycicle

F. Complete the sentences with the suitable adjective

1. I am the youngest in my family
2. A pillow is soffer than a basketball
3. This book is more important than that one
4. This is the badest monent I have ever had
5. Algebra seems to be the most difficult lesson for me
6. To stay at home is better than to go out in this pandemic
7. I can cook as well as you
8. Danny is the most clever boy in the class
9. A lion can run faster than a tortoise
10. Who is the youngest person in this room?

G. Explain the differences between conditional sentence type 2 and 3! Give two

In short, conditional sentence type 2 uses the past simple + past future
sentence. Meanwhile, conditional sentence type 3 uses the past perfect +
past future perfect tense sentence structure. From these two structures, it
becomes a clear differentiator when we want to form sentences in English.

Example :
Conditional type 2
1. If i won the competition, i would get the thropy
2. If Shinta could sing, she would join the singing event
Conditional type 3
1. If Angga had had great skill, he could have gotten job so easily
2. If they had told me the exact wayt, I would have already come to your

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