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1. According to Erikson, what is the major developmental task during this stage of Dartella’s life? Answer: b.

Learning a sense of initiative

2. What would be the best way to help Dartella achieve this developmental task? Answer: a. Encourage her to
work with creative materials.
3. According to Erikson, if preschoolers do not complete their preschool developmental task, they will likely
develop a sense of: Answer: d. Guilt
4. Based on the incidence of unintentional injuries in preschoolers and the QSEN competency of safety, what
would be the most important precaution for a parent to teach a preschooler? Answer: b. Cross a street only
at the corner.
5. When you take a health history from Dartella, she adamantly tells you she has 100 brothers when you know
she has none. Your best response to this would be: Answer: c. “That’s a neat story. How many brothers do
you really have?”
6. Dartella’s parents tell you that she is afraid of the dark. In planning care for her, you would teach them which
of the following? Answer: a. Fear of the dark is common with preschoolers.
7. Dartella has sometimes awoken at night screaming from a nightmare. This type of behavior: Answer: c. Is not
uncommon in preschoolers because their imagination is so acute.
8. Dartella has all of her deciduous teeth. How many new teeth usually erupt during the preschool period?
Answer: c. Four
9. You are teaching Dartella’s father about the typical language patterns of a preschooler. You should assure
that which of the following statements is true? Answer: d. Preschoolers ask many “how” and “why” questions.
10. Dartella’s mother tells you her daughter is often reluctant to accept her mother’s views on various matters.
This is because preschoolers: Answer: a. Are egocentric or cannot “decenter” to see other’s views.
11. A common type of play of a child of Dartella’s age is: Answer: c. Imitating adults such as playing “keeping
12. If Dartella were busy playing and you told her you needed her to stop because you must clean up, what
would you expect as a typical preschool action? Answer: c. Continue playing and singing so she cannot hear
you anymore
13. Dartella’s mother gives her a child’s vitamin pill daily. Advice you would give her mother regarding this is:
Answer: c. That she should be sure to give it with a meal so it is absorbed well
14. Dartella tells you, “I-I-I go to play-play-play.” This language pattern is termed: Answer: a. Primary stuttering.
15. A way Dartella’s parents could reduce this language pattern is to: Answer: d. Reserve space for her to talk so
she doesn’t have to hurry.
16. Dartella’s mother asks you when would be the best time to tell Dartella that she is pregnant. What is your
best recommendation? Answer: d. Preschoolers don’t understand time, so that makes timing unimportant.
17. Dartella insists her mother to set a place at the table for her imaginary friend Zulu. Her mother asks you if it
is all right if she does this. Your best answer would be: Answer: d. “You should agree to set a plate but
acknowledge that you know Zulu is pretend.”
18. Dartella cried because a piece of candy she received was small and flat when she wanted one that is the
same size but round. Dartella can’t tell the pieces are actually the same because she has not yet mastered
the concept of: Answer: c. Conservation.
19. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, preschool children do good things because: Answer:
b. They worry their parents will be unhappy with them.
20. Dartella’s father drives her to preschool every day. An important topic to discuss with him about this would
be: Answer: b. Preschoolers should use car seats or booster seats in automobiles.

True/False: 26. False

27. True
28. True
29. True
30. True

Fill in the Blank: 31. Oedipus

32. Obese
33. 1,000
34. Authority
35. Time-out

1. According to Erikson, the developmental task of children who are Warren’s age is to gain a sense of: Answer:
c. Initiative
2. The best way Warren’s mother could help him achieve his developmental task would be to: Answer: a. Give
him jobs that he can successfully complete.
3. A Mission staff member tried to help Warren join a Boy Scout program. Why does an organization like Boy
Scouts remain so popular with school-age children? Answer: c. Belonging makes children feel more
4. Warren has gained 12 lb in the past year. The usual weight gain per year during school age is approximately:
Answer: b. 3.5 lb.
5. Warren tells you that a bully taunts him at school because he is obese. How should you best follow up
Warren’s statement? Answer: d. Encourage him to think of potential solutions to this problem.
6. You are working with Warren’s mother to brainstorm ways that she might help him to lose weight. What
action should you recommend? Answer: c. Combine eating fewer calories and increasing exercise.
7. Warren tells you his breasts are bigger than the girls’ in his classroom. Thinking of the QSEN competency for
patient-centered care, you would explain to him: Answer: a. This is a normal phenomenon in preadolescent
8. Warren has six tooth cavities. Between 6 and 12 years of age, how many new teeth does the average child
develop? Answer: b. 14
9. What would be the best advice to help Warren avoid more dental caries? Answer: a. “Try to save candy for
special occasions instead of eating it every day.”
10. Suppose Warren shows you his treasure box of things he saves and you discover a few dozen tattered
baseball cards. Your best response to this would be to: Answer: c. Respect this as being a normal school-age
11. Warren tends to play by himself with his action figures. At what age are children typically ready to play
competitive board games? Answer: b. 8 years
12. Which of Warren’s statements would alert you he is following mid school-age moral development according
to Kohlberg? Answer: d. “We should consider each person as to what he or she deserves.”
13. Warren’s mother is concerned with keeping him safe. Based on the most frequent unintentional injury that
occurs during school-age, what would be the most important safety precaution to teach him? Answer: c.
Only use crosswalks when crossing the street.
14. Which statement by Warren would alert you to the fact that he needs more education about identifying
strangers? Answer: d. “A stranger is anyone who my parent or I do not know.”
15. Many children in Warren’s class at school spend independent time alone in their home after school. What is
priority advice for such children? Answer: c. Memorize the phone number of a responsible adult you can call.
16. Warren had a history of stealing small items when he was 7 years old. This often occurs in early school-age
children because: Answer: c. They confound acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
17. Although Warren has no history of substance abuse, a common substance abused by school-age children is:
Answer: d. Glue.
18. Warren enjoys school, but school phobia, or avoidance of school, can occur in this age group. When a child
has an aversion to school, parents are usually advised to take what action? Answer: d. Take measures to help
the child attend school, perhaps in increments.
19. Warren’s mother tells you Warren has had trouble sleeping at night this week because he is afraid a terrorist
will bomb the mission. How should you encourage her to respond to his fears? Answer: b. Help her assure
Warren that, although bad people exist, he is well loved and protected.
20. What if Warren asks you what is the best way for him to lose weight? What are suggestions you would
make? What is a possible consequence of telling school-age children they are overweight? Suggestion: You
can recommend that Warren adopt a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and engage in
regular physical activity. It's important to emphasize the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices
rather than focusing solely on weight loss.

Consequence: Telling school-age children they are overweight can have both positive and negative consequences.
On the positive side, it may motivate them to adopt healthier habits. However, it can also lead to issues with body
image and self-esteem, so it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and a focus on overall health.

21. What if Warren tells you he spends time after school every day talking to a friend he just met on a social
networking Web site? Would you want to ask him some questions about his new friend or congratulate him
for making a new friend so quickly? Response: It would be advisable to ask Warren some questions about
his new online friend to ensure his safety. Inquire about how he met this friend, what they talk about, and if
he knows this person in real life. It's important to educate him about online safety and the potential risks of
interacting with strangers online. While it's positive that he's making new connections, ensuring his online
interactions are safe is paramount.


22. During school age, children are able to view situations from other people’s viewpoint. This is termed
_________________. Answer: Egocentrism
23. The type of prescription drug that school-age children may take from parents’ medicine cabinets for
recreational use and are associated with suicide in children are _________________. Answer: Opioids


24. What are typical characteristics of clubs that are established by 9-year-olds? (Select all that apply.) Answers:
a. They are single sex (either boy or girl) clubs. c. They are both formed and dissolve easily. d. They have
secret passwords for membership.


25. False
26. False
27. True
28. False
29. False

Fill in the Blank:

30. Empathy
31. Conservation
32. Dental caries
33. Pituitary gland
34. Competence

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