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Magic of Grounding

Chapter 1

As human beings, we are connected to many energy Sources.

The main 2 ones are Heaven & Earth, aka Source/God and the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth.
These are the biggest, our main power sources of life energy.
We are all like batteries and a lightbulb combined. If we are plugged into the energy grid of
Source and Earth, we recharge and burn brightly. Then we are LIGHT and powerful.

Connected to this, we are on endless energy.

When only connected to Source, one is clear of mind, and see things clearly, but don't feel so
much at home in the body or at home on this planet. We often see where we need to go, but
have no energy to go there.

The ones that are connected to the Earth are at home in their body and on the planet, but often
leads to primitive behaviour, and no clarity or insight. They have no clue there is anything higher
in existence.

We’re going to focus on connecting with Earth. Later we combine this with the Source energy as

Our universe consists of 12 dimensions, and 3 more dimensions that are light and sound fields of
living consciousness, but we cannot go there unless we melt back with Source/Creator.

Instead of wanting to connect with all the dimensions by going there, if we focus on going to
dimension 1, a single point, that is in the centre of the Earth, then we connect with every
dimension in an overview.

So connecting to the crystalline core of the Earth is a gateway to all dimensions, in a balanced

Connecting our bodies to the Earth’s crystalline core makes us harmonise with Mother Earth, and
thus our bodies become positive organisms for this planet.

This is what these exercises are for. To Ground, which means to Anchor Light into the Earth Core
from Source, and to other way around, to bring the Earth’s energy all the way up into Source.
Thus connecting the highest to the lowest and the lowest to the highest. And with this we feed
also the body in between, making it a powerful conductor, a powerful battery, that shines like a
light bulb.
The exercises are divided into 2 aspects, the physical aspect, and the visualisation aspect.
Later these 2 will merge and you will see there is no real separation, but for now, let’s split things

The physical aspect:

Squeeze the sexual organs and anus, like having to go to the toilet but you hold up.
This holding up is an upward motion, it pulls energy upwards (by breathing in).

This is in yoga also called Mula Bhanda, or Rootlock. But we do it bit differently.

(For women, please do not do this while not in moon cycle, or only lightly, for in the
menstruation time the energies should only flow downwards).

The male energy grounds deeply, vertically, the I and the feminine grounding is wide, like a – and
seen from above it is like a disk, a circle. O.

So the 2 combined gives the +

But because our rooting was distorted by religion, we have unbalanced cross in Christianity, the
cross of the church, and we need to bring our grounding deeper again, so that our roots are not
above the ground, and form the perfectly balanced + again.

We have male and female grounding exercises, but first we have a pre-breathing technique.

Pre-breathing Technique: Start with 3 deep breaths, inhale through the nose and exhale through
the mouth, with a sound of letting go. Breath out completely and pull in the navel and pelvic area.
The deeper you exhale and let go the air, the deeper you can breathe in and thus draw in more

The male grounding is squeezing the rootlock heavily, breathing in deeply and hold as
deeply as you can! Squeeze as hard as you can, then even harder, and even harder! Aaaaand then
let go! (And release breath). Do this 3 times.

It should exhaust you. Especially in the beginning. If it does not tire you, you’re not doing it well!
�There is no such thing as too much grounding, so no worries you won’t hurt yourself =)

These muscles need to be trained, and by squeezing them heavily you bring your consciousness
in these parts, and after a while you will sink more into your body, and start to think and breathe
from your root, and then in the middle from your heart, you’ll be a lot more calmer and anchored
in existence.
To train it faster, you can also do it fast and quick. Usually, I squeeze hard in 1 set of 3 squeezes,
and fast in 3 sets of 9 squeezes.

In beginning do this only while sitting, and after a little while also while standing.

While waiting for the bus, sitting behind your computer or driving, whenever you can. The more
you sink yourself in the ground by squeezing your root lock, the faster this becomes a habit.

The better this is trained, the more you will be able to feel with your rootlock, the energies below
from the Earth, and how stable you are.

The female grounding is squeezing more softly, more effortless, breathe in softly.
Most people can do this more easily, but it won’t have effect until we have grounded deeper by
the male grounding, and trained our pc muscles.

The feminine grounding is squeezing more effortlessly, more fluidly, breathing in the energy
from Mother Earth with the lower chacras. In this grounding the visualisation aspect is more

The visualisation Aspect:

While squeezing the pc muscles, imagine yourself sinking into the Earth, pulling yourself into the

Imagine the centre of Mother Earth as a crystalline core, and that you connect with it in some
ways that feels good to you. Some use roots, others feel themselves as a rock sinking deeper in
the Earth, others feel spirals coming from their feet and root, others have a cord or lightpillar.

But for this example imagine having roots starting at your feet and root, going deeply into the
Earth and go around this Crystalline core.

You pull this energetical core and its energy upwards, towards you, and since the Earth is a lot
bigger than you, you should feel yourself being pulled down into the Earth. This is what is
important, pulling yourself down into the Earth, anchoring yourself deeply as a fortress.

You could also imagine having an upside-down anchor inside your hips area, that comes from
this crystalline core, and each time you squeeze, this anchor pulls you down.

If you’re a woman you could even engulf this Crystalline core of Mother Earth by opening the
yoni and pulling it inside. Then even a yoni egg could be used attuned to this crystalline core
practice, and the exercise & movement would also train these muscles.
The first dimension we live in, the dot, lies in this core, and from connecting to the first dimension,
we get overview to ALL dimensions, including the 12th where everything is Light.
So, by connecting to this Core, we protect ourselves in all dimensions. Energetical attacks will
always try to distort or disconnect one from the Earth and Source. So keeping those channels
clear, and grounding a lot, we will protect ourselves as much as we can, by releasing the attacks
into the Earth.

We gain Light, we calm down, we gain strength, release emotions, we absorb energy, we purify

With visualisation, comes INTENTION.

For the male grounding, you could use an intention as:

‘I am ALWAYS grounded DEEPLY around the Crystalline Core of Mother

The female grounding is the gentle effortlessly one. The one that after a while you will do
continuously, without even noticing it anymore.

Visualise yourself as a candle in a bowl. The bowl is as wide as you can imagine.

Imagine that the candle would melt at the underside, and would fill the bowl, as wide as the bowl

The intention could be for the female grounding:

‘I am a candle and my feet and root are candlewax.’

So, the male grounding goes DEEP and the feminine grounding goes WIDE.

So in order for your feminine grounding to work best, you already need to have experienced
deep masculine grounding. So that the horizontal feminine grounding happens under the
ground and not above.

Whenever you feel confused, emotional, are in a tricky or rushed situation, ground once heavily,
and then start to breath/squeeze slowly in the feminine grounding/centring, and you will notice
that you, and everyone around you will calm down.

If you give a hug to someone while squeezing hard, (which after a while will become quite easy)
you will notice that you are grounding the other person as well, and they feel relaxed, because
they feel protected. Cause grounding yourself, or anchoring yourself, is sinking into the
protective arms of Mother Earth.

So, in a nutshell, you have male grounding, which is vertical and deep, requires effort and tires
you, but makes you sink deeply into the Earth.

Use this, when feeling not yourself. When feeling afraid, uncomfortable, unstable, chaotic, out of

Practice this more by squeezing heavily, and also by doing this fast.

The other grounding is the feminine, which is the horizontal centring, the candle, which is not as
deep, but very wide, effortless, softly, lovingly, and when developed well one can feel with the
lower chacras the energy of the Earth like a pulsing under you, around you, like a golden nest in
which you are safe.

Chapter 2:

All magic has its basis in grounding, for when not anchored into the Earth, then your magic
simply does not get a hold of reality. All energy work is there to affect reality, and it needs to be
grounded in reality, in order to stay permanently. So, the male grounding needs to be done in
order to generate force to make the change, and the feminine grounding needs to be done in
order to generate love to fixate the change.

Effort + love.

Ground deeply + make intention/command/wish + ground lovingly.

In order to advance in this, the energy that we have pulled upwards from the centre of the Earth
should be pulled more upwards, through Root, the sexual organs (Creative centre), through the
belly (emotional centre) and into the heart (consciousness centre). From there it will over time
raise even more, through the throat, head, into Source, but for now let’s focus on getting it into
the Heart, for where the physical heart is the pump of all the blood in the system, the energetical
heart is the pump of love that pumps all the energy through your entire system.

But if the heart is not fuelled by Earth and Source, then we have very few energies to distribute,
we receive very few love and light, and thus we have a weakened body, with energetic holes
where dark entities could come. By fuelling ourself with the love from our heart, endless by the
Pulling up of Earth energy and bringing Source White Light down, we fill ourself in such way, that
no darkness could enter us, for the frequency of the love is too high, and the dark beings only
like to feed on lower emotions like fear, despair, hopelessness, sadness, futility, anger, etc.
The rootlocking, squeezing and pulling the energies upwards from the Crystaline Core of Mother
Earth, through the triangle of your feet and root, visualising the energy going to your heart,
might bump into your survival and abundance problems in the root chacra, your sexual traumas
in the sexual organs, and then into the emotional traumas in the belly and then into the love
traumas of the heart (betrayal, etc).

You might get emotional and cry, you might get excited for no reason, you might get shocks
through your body from the energies that are trying to push through the channels to your heart.
Or you might get angry, despair, or feel the inner dramas. These shocks might also be in the legs.
Just let this happen and squeeze more, and pull the energies more upwards. Simply feel the
emotions, they are re-runs from long-past shows of the past, other lives, childhood, ancestor
traumas, etc. Sometimes it is enough to go through these emotions, just to feel and express

If you are not getting through, ask a healer to help remove these blockages.

So here the exercise is to try to pull the energies into the heart.

Chapter 3: Emotions

As soon as you can get past the energies in the sexual organs and get into the belly, here is
where you meet all the emotions.

Emotions are very powerful energies, and planet Earth is a big learning school for this. Emotions
are not that common in the universe, so many beings that incarnate here have no clue how to
handle them in such big quantities. But they are very rich in energies, and when working against
you, can do a lot of harm and suffering and blockages, but when working with you, they can
enrichen your life immensely.

The emotions behave like pets, little cats and dogs. And either you are the boss, or they are.

Emotions can be your playthings, or you can be a plaything in their hands, and then your life is an
emotional roller-coaster.

There are 2 major emotions that need to be seen and controlled. Not controlled in a bad sense as
in suppressed or denied, but more like understood and transmuted into its higher version.

Anger can be devastating when pointed at someone else or at yourself, but can also be used in a
very positive way, a constructive way, a way to set your engine on fire, and then go into another

Like ‘Rawrrrr today I’m gonna do THIS exercise! And THIS aaaaand THIS!

And then hop into the joy of setting yourself into motion, and the anger is satisfied and so are
you. =)
Anger is only destructive when it points at someone, others and yourself.

The feeling of anger, the power of it is amazing. That’s why people when they bottled it up, they
explode and they don’t WANT to calm down, because in this rage, they are feeling amaaazing,
and they are just looking for more ‘justified’ reasons to stay angry. Yet in these 10 minutes they
could destroy entire friend groups and friendships that would take years to repair, if ever.

So best to learn to control anger, by letting the energy course through the body and spending it
on physical exercises, martials arts, heavy dancing, whatever makes the body sweat, and the inner
beast feel happy (in a constructive way).

The second emotion you wish to transmute is Sadness.

There is a lower frequency sadness, and a higher frequency sadness.

The lower one is when you are like a pudding on the floor, feeling sorry for yourself, in a hopeless
and self-pitying state. This is fine for a short while, but it is addictive since you can get used to
people giving you attention and support.

The higher emotion of sadness is the tone you hear in a flamenco singer, who sings of their pain
in great power, where you can feel the hurt and where it strengthens them, empowers them,
where they are glad it happened to them, for it has brought them depth in their lives. The ‘better
to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all’.

Emotions are things we choose, and often we don’t know that we HAVE a choice. Something sad
happens and we feel sad, something joyful happens and we feel joyful.

But what happens if those 2 things happen at the same time, what then? What do we choose?
And it’s in this moment we realise that we have a choice, we always had and always will have.

So many people are just used to surfing on whatever emotions presents itself, or what the mind
says you ‘should’ be feeling.

I say you can choose to feel whatever you like at every given moment. �

But as I said, emotions are like pets, you need to give them all attention. So you don’t need to be
joyful all day long, it would be fake anyway, it is ok to have different moods, but be conscious of
it, and change it when you feel it is going down a rabbit hole you don’t want to go in.

Controlling emotions is just about being conscious about them, giving them all enough attention
and like pets when they all had something to eat, given space to live and played with, they all are
faithful and satisfied, and they won’t come nagging behind you, colouring every experience with
a feeling of sadness in the background or so.
Accepting that EVERY emotion is valuable, and lower emotions can be transmuted into higher is
the key to a happier life in harmony with your emotions, which you then CHOOSE, and they
become your powers.

Every intention you set, and empower with your grounding/squeezing and your emotions, is like
a blast into the universe, in which you will receive back what you ordered in the same sentiment.
If you order to the universe for example a book, while being angry, then maybe the book will fall
on your head from the first floor. You will have the book, but you will also be angry that it hurt

If you order the book in a grounding and grateful way, the book might come through a person
you would be grateful to see again.

Chapter 4: Thoughts, reprogramming, Intentions

Thoughts are continuously generated by our subconsciousness.

These thoughts are plentiful and at times quite annoying.

They are only annoying because the brain has never been properly trained. It was programmed
by your parents, saying certain things over and over again, often from their own pain

Other people were your teachers, your friends, your countries culture of what is normal and what
is supposedly not.

So, your subconscious is like a garden, but it has already been programmed for years by others,
who are in fact actually not happy either, so what is the value of this?

Your garden will only grow the flowers and fruits you like best if you seed it that way, and not
wait until ‘life gives you a break’ and accidently grows a flower you like.

You could continuously grow the fruits and flowers you wish, if you reprogram your
subconscious, by using INTENTIONS.

Intentions, are like wishes, dedications, how you wish things, and especially yourself to be.

We already gave examples of what intentions could be in chapter 1 visualisations:

‘I am always grounded deep around the crystalline core of Mother Earth’

‘I am a candle and my feet and root are candle wax’

Intentions should always be written in a form that states that it is already like that. If you can
convince yourself that you can do something, and at same time you take steps into that direction,
then you will.

Other examples:

‘I am always closely connected to Source’

‘I am healthy and strong, on the in and outside’

‘Out of softness I fill this heart, with all the love I have inside of me, and all emotions that belong
to it’

By using intentions every day, like meditating and just repeating your intentions, you reprogram
yourself to be the being you wish to be. Repeat every intention 3 times.

After a while it is like these intentions will be running in the background of your mind, and your
reality will be like this.

The mind starts thought trains by itself also. The thing is to become aware of them, and the
choice we have in either jumping on the train, or not. We already know in advance where every
thought train is going. It’s end station. And we know how it will make us feel. Some thought
trains end up in being angry, or spiteful, or sad, or regretful, or self-blaming. Then it is best to
NOT jump on that train, and make it disappear in a cloud, or let it leave without you and go out
of sight, you could imagine the train explodes, whatever, as long as you don’t let yourself be
carried away by it.

Last notes on grounding

All stars and planets are inhabited. Not necessarily in physical forms but usually in higher
dimensional forms, for most of the universe have already passed 3D and moved beyond.
To us, they would appear etherical. But they are there.

They are always connected to their planet or star, and renew their connection at every cycle.
These are done in big ceremonies all over the planet/star. Like a holiday, a holy to re-connect
with the being they live on.

When they re-connect with the heavenly object they live on, they harmonise with it, and they
become like friendly bacteria for it. Friendly bacteria, like in your stomach, help you and they are
protected by you.

If bacteria in your stomach are no longer aligned or harmonised with you, we call them harmful
bacteria and we kill ‘em. Mother Earth has been very patient with us, and not killed us, because
she sees us as children, a race still in its puberty, but with great potential.
We have lost these ways in our culture of connecting with Mother Earth as a race, and this is why
these times are important, for we are re-creating these ceremonies, by coming together, having
ceremonies of all kinds, but this all starts with re-connecting with Mother Earth every day, as
much as we can, so that we automatically bring goodness to her, and to ourselves.

And it all starts with a simple squeeze.

Written by Steven Bruynseraede,

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