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完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

Ancient Cosmologies and mutual science thereof

清,例如希腊东正教以及希伯来卡巴拉数术),从而揭示古代自然哲学的智慧以及传统方术的科学理性基础。 其次,
1. 阴阳五行之中央土究竟是代表了什么以及他的实际运用体现;
2. 远古度量衡的基础以及他的意义;
为更好地理解河图洛书之 ( 玄 ) 理做一些力所能及的,从而理性清晰的传承经典,使其免受因为不明而被不

As the title of this presentation suggests, and for those who are inspired by the stories of our youth, the
purposes of this presentation are two folds; firstly, by combining at least 2 prominent anceint schools of
thoughts, namely the oriental Chinese Daoist and occidental Greek Classical and thus unveiling the merit
and validity of the foundation that they rest upon. Secondly, in so doing, to introduce clarity to some of the
obscured esoteric teachings for better understanding of 河图洛书 (Glyph of Yellow River and Matrix of Luo
Water/ Sky Glyph & River Matrix) and thus protect its reputation from persons of less noble characters who
profit from the lack of clarity otherwise.


河图 洛书
Sky Glyph River Matrix
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
我引用相对流行的维基百科作为对现代科学定义的参考: " 作为经验科学,自然科学使用正式科学的工具,
如数学和逻辑,将有关自然的信息量化,从而可以清楚的对 " 自然法则 " 的进行明确阐述 " 。

It is perceived that the Modern Natural Science is different compares to that of Natural philosophy of the
ancients and thus better in some way than the ancient method of investigation of our universe. I quote
readily accessible popular source wikipedia: “As empirical sciences, natural sciences use tools from the
formal sciences, such as mathematics and logic, converting information about nature into measurements
which can be explained as clear statements of the "laws of nature"”.

这句话本身就有很大的错误 . 把数学和逻辑分开就像把太阳系和太阳分开一样,后者是前者不可分割的一部
分。 说古人的自然哲学与现代自然科学不同,因为后者使用数学意味着前者没有。

This statement itself is composed with much error. To separate Mathematics and Logic is much the same
like to separate the solar system and the sun, the latter is an integral part of the former. And to say Natural
philosophy of the ancients is different compares to the Modern Natural Science because the latter uses
mathematics is implying that the former does not.


Thus, let's further examine what is composed of the Natural Philosophy of the ancients, if the modern
Natural Science claims that it has advantages over the former. The Natural Philosophies of the Ancients we
examine here consisted with 2 schools of importance as we addressed previously, the oriental and the
occidental; in other words, the Chinese Daoist Cosmology and the Greek Platonic Cosmology.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

在刨析西方希腊的自然哲学是基于什么的同时 ( 尽管它本身也有一定神秘色彩 ), 来回穿插於道之阴阳五行的
思想,以便取古代东西方自然哲学高深科学之“长”以注解玄理精易神秘之“短”。神秘不意味着荒谬 ; 秘
为隐藏 , 示申为申示 , 而申为⨁ , 亦为十 ¹, 象征太阳 , 象征天象,玄理即是如何理解天象所示的秘密。

Since the Natural philosophy of the Dao is considered to be extremely esoteric, even domestically, the
terminology of 玄学 somehow has a derogatory connotation; hence, we will examine what the occidental
Greek Natural philosophy is based upon first albeit its own obscure way of disclosure, and this of course is
the beginning to which we will return to, for establishing the point that the Dao school of Natural philosophy
is no less mathematical and scientific if not sprung from the same origin, and 玄 does not in anyway mean
ridiculous, but to mean carrying on an hidden astronomical message much the same as its western
counterpart preserved from an even older global traditions.

¹ 周易真原- 中国最古老的天学科学体系, 69 页
田和禄, 田峰著
2004 年一月修订 再版
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
Who better defines the concept of Philosophy and ways to achieve it than the noble philosopher of the
classical period of Ancient Greece, the founder of the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first
institution of higher learning in the western world, Plato.

在柏拉图的着作《共和国》中,一个受教的哲学家需要全面掌握 7 门学科。
In Plato's work The Republic, what defines a learned philosopher requires the profess of 7 liberal arts.

7 个文科包括基层三科的 Trivium(3) ,高层四科 Qudrivium(4) 的基础。 Trivium 正如单词所示 tri-via , " 三

条(道路)相遇的地方 "; 基层三科包括语法,逻辑,修辞。 注意所需的逻辑研究,这是语法和修辞学的基
础。 我们继续,由 Quadrivium 组成的是算术 ( 数字作为抽象概念 ) ,几何 ( 空间中的数字 ) ,音乐 ( 时间中
的数字 ) 和天文学 ( 空间和时间中的数字 ) 。
The 7 liberal arts composed of, basic tier of Trivium (3) which is the foundation of the higher tier of
Qudrivium (4). Trivium as the words discloses, “the place where three (roads) meet”, tri-via; the 3 include
Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric. Note the required study of logic, which is the foundation of both grammar and
rhetoric. We continue, what consists of Quadrivium are arithmetic (numbers as abstract concepts),
geometry (numbers in space), music (numbers in time), and astronomy (numbers in space and time) – the
combination of the disciplines that enables a perfect path for discovering esoteric teaching of the ancient

现在,随着对 7 门学科的重点的分析,我们可以看到数学的两个最重要的元素出现了,逻辑和数字。 -- 这样
Now with emphasis established on the 7 liberal arts, we can see that the two most important elements of
Mathematics emerge thusly, Logic and Number.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

古希腊继承古埃及传统,柏拉图将数学天文学融会贯通於 7 门学科之中,又将天文学置为 7 门学科的总结,

这异曲同工之妙的的诠释了河出图(天垂象)洛出书(数之理 ** )。

Ancient Greece inherited the ancient Egyptian tradition. Plato integrated mathematics and astronomy into 7
liberal arts, and placed astronomy as a summary of the 7 disciplines. This is a wonderful interpretation of
the Picture out of the River (Astronomical imagery) Scripture out of the Matrix (Logic of mathematics)

** 笔者认为洛又通络 - 络即代表数的逻辑性矩阵。
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
总结柏拉图的著作 Timaeus, "... 我们可以说, Timaeus 用毕达哥拉斯术语表带了的创世纪,即宇宙秩序是数
学比例与和谐的结果 " 。我强烈推荐卢央教授和田和禄教授关于古代天文学於易学的作品。同时还值得我们
注意的是,柏拉图曾提到,他所传承的知识来源於距今 11600 年的古埃及牧师的传授。 ²

In summary of Plato's work, The Timaeus, “... we could say that the Timaeus gives us a creation account
presented in Pythagorean terms that cosmic order is the result of mathematical proportion and harmony.”¹
And I strongly recommend works of Professor 卢央 and 田和禄 regarding 易理on the basis of ancient
astronomy. Note Plato addressed he has received his learning from much older source passed on by Solon
after his time with Egyptian Priest.²

¹ Performing Cosmic Music: Notes on Plato’s Timaeus, pp15

Ian Leask
REA: A Journal of Religion, Education and the Arts, Issue 10, ‘Sacred Music’, 2016

² Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson
((Solon (638–558 BC) and the Egyptian priests of Neith.))
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
人面像严重水侵蚀的降雨量出现于公元前 12000 年
的日期可以推算之公元前 10500 左右。狮子座明亮
的 Regulus/ 王子星亦是中国古天文之重要的轩辕第
十四星 / 皇后。那么如果古代中国希腊埃及等文明在
10500 年左右。

International researchs and scholars' evaluation on

the age of the construction of the sphinx is mainly
based on the degree of erosion/ weathering and
the relative position of the constellations Leo with it.
Relying on the former, it is inferred that the rainfall
that can cause severe water erosion of the sphinx
appeared around 12,000 BC, and since the sphinx
can basically be agreed upon that it was designed
to be based on the idea of the constellation of Leo,
and for the Sphinx to be facing where Leo is
situated, it can be estimated to be around 10,500
BC. The bright Regulus/Prince star in Leo is also
the fourteenth star/Queen of Xuanyuan, an
important star in ancient Chinese astronomy; also.
So if ancient Chinese, Greek, Egyptian and other
civilizations still have many similarities in astronomy
and mathematics, then Chinese civilization may
also date back to at least 10,500 BC in connection
with the pre-flood global civilization.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

毕宿五 / Tascheter 轩辕十四 / Venant 心宿二 **/ Satevis 北落师门 Haftorang

(Aldebaran- α Tau/ 金牛 ) (Regulus - α Leo/ 狮子 ) (Antares - α Sco/ 天蝎 ) (Fomalhaut – α PsA/ 双鱼 )
- 春分 - 夏至 - 秋分 - 冬至

琐罗亚斯德 /Ζωροάστρης 教既是波斯查拉图斯特 /Zaraθuštra 教

/ 波斯名 ( 括号内是拉丁名以及对应星体)。
Zoroastra/ Ζωροάστρης is the Greek translation of the Persian
Zarathustra/ ZaraθUštra and respective religions thereof.
Therefore the obvious mutual influences must be examined when
studying and using Greek natural philosophy as a reference for
the study of the natural philosophy of YinYang in the East. It can
be seen here examples, namely, the stars in the sky, the sources
of mathematics and science are of the same interest. - Chinese
name/Persian name (Latin name and corresponding star body in
第十屆漢代文學與思想暨創系六十週年國際學術研討會論文集, 2017 年 8 月
297-344 頁
《大易象數鈎深圖》與《周易圖》一系圖說之漢《易》象數本色 *
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

心宿二 / Satevis

** 心宿之所以称为心,笔者认为是因为古人知道它是一个双星体,因为他双星运动所形成的射电波正如心跳。

It is the author's opinion that the reason why Antare is called heart of the Scorpio is because the ancients
knew that it is a binary star (perhaps even artificially so, meaning it is an artificial construct*), because the
radio frequency it formed by the revolving movement of the said binary stars is like a heartbeat.
*For more detail see Dr. Paul Laviolette's work; Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Bear & Co. April 21, 2006.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
柏拉图的宇宙学将毕达哥拉斯宇宙秩序概括为数学比例与和谐的结果( 12 音阶的毕达哥拉斯音程),用他自己的观
点来描述称是一个“巨匠造物主” * ( 宇宙意识 / 太易 )** 组合三个基本原则 ( 相同 / 太初、本质 / 太始、不同 / 太素 )**
成为世界灵魂 ( 太极 )** 的过程。莱斯克博士描述这个“宇宙灵魂”是 "' 具有数学基础的天象”。 4

Plato' cosmology summarizes Pythagorean cosmic order as the result of mathematical proportion and harmony
(Pythagorean interval of 12-tone scale), and can be described in his own view that “The Demiurge 太易 (cosmic
consciousness) combines three basic principles, Same ( 太初 ), Essence ( 太始 ) and Different ( 太素 ), into a world
soul (Timaeus 35a). This world soul ( 太极 )/ described by Dr. Leask is a “'mathematical infrastructure of the
astronomical description'”³.
Performing Cosmic Music: Notes on Plato’s Timaeus, pp17
Ian Leask
REA: A Journal of Religion, Education and the Arts, Issue 10, ‘Sacred Music’, 2016
第十屆漢代文學與思想暨創系六十週年國際學術研討會論文集, 2017 年 8 月 297-344 頁
《大易象數鈎深圖》與《周易圖》一系圖說之漢《易》象數本色 *

** 笔者所作诠释。

Demiurge Dao/ The Way

巨匠造物主* Of the stars in Heaven*
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

壹 壹

贰 贰

壹 壹

“ 由此产生的聚合体 ( 汞合金 )( 世界灵魂 ) 形成两个条带(壹於贰),条带彼此铺设以形成一个类似于 Χ( 炁 )**

的形状(古希腊文 X 发音 chi ,应该源于某个上古文明的符号与发音,再由古埃及传到古希腊;而中国黄老道之
炁有可能同源与上古文明的称呼) ** ,然后在它们的末端连接并呈现为相交的圆 ( 体 )(T36c) 。这种球形结构,
反过来,被作为一个天体标志解释七个已知的星体 ( 七政 )** 的运动和周期的规律性,太阳的运动轨迹,月亮的晦
朔,冬夏至与春分等等。” 6
“The resultant amalgam(the world soul) is then formed into two strips which are laid over each other to form a
chi-like shape (Χ) and then linked at their ends and rendered as intersecting circles (36c). This spherical
structure, in turn, is taken to provide a celestial logos: it explains the regularity of the (seven known) planets’
motions and cycles, the course of the sun, the different faces revealed by the moon, the nature of solstices,
equinoxes, and so on...” 6
Performing Cosmic Music: Notes on Plato’s Timaeus
Ian Leask
REA: A Journal of Religion, Education and the Arts, Issue 10, ‘Sacred Music’, 2016
** 笔者所作诠释。
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
柏拉图认为(在 T35b–36b 提到), " 世界灵魂 " 的两个基本条带中的每一个都是根据精确的几何比例制作
各条带的划分 ... 第一条,偶数序列通过双倍进行 ( 一生二 )**:1 (x2) = 2 (x2) = 4 (x2) = 8 ;第二条,奇数序
列通过三倍进行 ( 二生三 )**1 (x3) = 3 (x3) = 9 (x3) = 27...”7 。注意这里 27 也可以用 Gematria 字母代码的众
数法来计算 2+7=9( 三生万物 )** ,众数法将在适当的时候显而易见。

“'...What Plato suggests (at T35b–36b) is that each of the two basic strips of ‘world soul’ that go on to
provide the order of the heavens is crafted according to precise geometric ratios: his astronomy is rooted in
Pythagoreanism. The division of each strip...The first( 一生二 )**, even, sequence proceeds by doubling: 1
(x2) = 2 (x2) = 4 (x2) = 8. The second( 二生三 ),** odd, sequence, proceeds by trebling: 1 (x3) = 3 (x3) = 9
(x3) = 27...”.7 Note here 27 can also be summed up with the reduced number method of Numerology in
Gematria* as 2+7=9( 三生万物 )**, the significance of such reduction will be obvious in due time.
Performing Cosmic Music: Notes on Plato’s Timaeus
Ian Leask
REA: A Journal of Religion, Education and the Arts, Issue 10, ‘Sacred Music’, 2016
* 字母代碼(英語: Gematria ;希伯來語: ‫; גימטריה‬希臘文: γεωμετρία )是一種源於希腊语的數密術,字母與相对应數字可相互替
GEMATRIA, Preliminary Investigation of The Cabala contained in the Coptic Gnostic Books and of a similar Gematria in the Greek
text of the New Testament
Frederick B. Bond, F.R.I.B.A. AND Thomas S.Lea, D.D. First Published 1917
** 笔者所作诠释。
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

柏拉图的 Lambda

Oera Linda* 一书中记载类似于柏拉图拉姆达(亦是毕达哥拉斯比例法)以夏冬至以及春秋分衍生出的字母表

Oera Linda*- This book has records of how alphabets were formed on the basis of Plato's Ramda (as
aforementioned, Pythagorean proportional method- the 2 strips of world soul) derived from the summer
and winter solstice and spring and autumn.

*Oera Linda 书是一部以 13 世纪旧弗里斯兰 (8-16 世纪西德语系 ) 形式写成的手稿,称涵盖了从公元前 2194 年到公元 803 年的遥远古
代的历史,神话和宗教主题。 1872 年 Jan Gerhardus Ottema 出版了一本荷兰语译本 , 并为其真实性进行辩护。
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
太易 (cosmic consciousness) 太初 (Same/ 先天 ) 太始 (Essence) 太素 (Different/ 后天 ) 太极 (world Soul)
8 5 9
虚 频率 信息 物质 / 量化 无
(无) (Frequency) (Information) (Quantized frequency/ Standing Wave ) (虚)

1 (x2) = 2 (x2) = 4 (x2) = 8. 1 (x3) = 3 (x3) = 9 (x3) = 27 → 2+7= 9.

完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

7 和音 ( 谐波 ) → As a result of their
respective ratio of the Factors between 2
and 3.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

8 度音阶的重要性:
“ 高合成数( highly composite number )指一类整數,任何 2.
比它小的自然数的因子数目均比这个数的因子数目少。這個 而 12 被运用于八度音阶的分化,是我们还需要进一步的探
詞是由斯里尼瓦瑟 · 拉马努金所創建。但是讓 - 皮埃爾 · 卡汗 索他作为超高合成数所代表的意义 ( superior highly
認為柏拉图已有提出此一概念,柏拉图認為城市理想的人口 composite number )
數為 5040 ,因為這個數的因子數量多過任何一個比小於它的
數 [1] 。 The total of 12 notes implying 12 divisions of the octave;
however, reason behind the choice of using 12 should not
以數字 6 為例,小於 6 的數字中,因子最多的數是 4 ,有 3 be limited to that it is a superior highly composite number
個因子( 1,2,4 ),而 6 有 4 個因子( 1,2,3,6 ),因此 6 是 and this choice is made on the basis of the revolution
period of Jupiter around the Sun, 11.9 years and 12 years
高合成数。” Wikipedia
in approximation.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
“1. 斗指子, ( 則陰氣極 ) ,則冬至 (winter Solstice) ,音比黃鍾 (1)/ 黃鍾 (1) 。
2. 加十五日指癸,則小寒,音比應鍾 (2) 。
3. 加十五日指醜,則大寒,音比無射 (3) 。
4. 加十五日指報德之維,則越陰在地,故曰距日冬至四十六日立春,陽氣凍解,音比南呂 (4) 。
5. 加十五日指寅,則雨水,音比夷則 (5) 。
6. 加十五日指甲,則雷驚蟄,音比林鍾 (6) 。
7. 加十五日指卯中繩 (equinox) ,故曰春分則雷行,音比蕤賓 (7) 。
8. 加十五日指乙,則清明風至,音比仲呂 (8) 。
9. 加十日指辰,則穀雨,音比姑洗 (9) 。
10. 加十五日指常羊 ( 陽 ) 之維,故曰有四十六日而立夏,大風濟,音比夾鍾 (10) 。
11. 加十五日指巳,則小滿,音比太蔟 (11) 。
12. 加十五日指丙,則芒種,音比大呂 (12) 。
13. 加十五日指午,則陽氣極,故曰有四十六日而夏至 (summer Solstice) ,音比黃鍾 (1)/ 黃鍾 (1) 。
14. 加十五指丁,則小暑,音比大呂 (12) 。
15. 加十五日指未,則大暑,音比太蔟 (11) 。
16. 加十五日指背陽之維,故曰有四十六日而立秋,涼風至,音比夾鍾 (10) 。
17. 加十五日指申,則處暑,音比姑洗 (9) 。
Doubling of 12 divisions of octaves
18. 加十五日指庚,則白露降,音比仲呂 (8) 。
yields 24 15-days/degree seasons
19. 加十五日指酉中繩 (equinox) ,故曰秋分雷臧,蟄蟲北向,音比蕤賓 (7) 。
of 12 ying Summer to Winter period
20. 加十五日指辛,則寒露,音比林鍾 (6) 。
and 12 yang Winter to Summer 21. 加十五日指戌,則霜降,音比夷則 (5) 。
period (24*15°=360°). 22. 加十五日指蹄通之維,故曰有四十六日而立冬,草木畢死,音比南呂 (4) 。
The importance of 15° see page 31 23. 加十五日指亥,則小雪,音比無射 (3) 。
of this presentation. 24. 加十五日指壬,則大雪,音比應鍾 (2) 。

加十五日 (15 days) 指子。” 8

1*2 = 2 1*3 = 3
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
→ 2*2 = 4 → 3*3 = 9
→ 4*2 = 8 → 9*3 = 27
→ 2+7 = 9
1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 27; 1+2+3+4+8+9= 27 *see Plato's Timaeus

Linear order cycle as a product (or as factor) of 8

8 1*8
7 1+6 ← 16 = 2*8
6 2+4 ← 24 = 3*8
5 3+2 ← 32 = 4*8
4 4+0 ← 40 = 5*8
3 1+2 ←12 ← 4+8 ← 48 = 6*8
2 1+1 ←11 ← 5+6 ← 56 = 7*8
1 1+0 ←10 ← 6+4 ← 64 = 8*8
9 ← 7+2 ← 72 = 9*8 O* (Octave Transition as a product of 8 and 9
8 ← 8+0 ← 80 = 10*8 In Pythagorean terms a Diapason – cross all) .**
7 1+6 ←16 ← 8+8 ← 88 = 11*8 ** Author's interpretation of Pythagorean Term of Diapason
6 1+5 ←15 ← 9+6 ← 96 = 12*8 in mathematical form
5 ← 1+0+4 ← 104 = 13*8
4 ← 1+1+2 ← 112 = 14*8
3 ← 1+2+0 ← 120 = 15*8
2 1+1 ←11← 1+2+8 ← 128 = 16*8
1 1+0 ←10← 1+3+6 ← 136 = 17*8
9 ← 1+4+4 ← 144 = 18*8 18 → 1+8 =9 O*
8 ← 1+5+2 ← 152 = 19*8
9 ← 2+1+6 ← 216 = 27*8 27 → 2+7 =9 O*
7 ← 2+3+2 ← 232 = 29*8
6 ← 3+1+2 ← 312 = 39*8
9 ← 3+6+0 ← 360 = 45*8 45 → 4+5 =9 O*
5 ← 3+9+2 ← 392 = 49*8
9 ← 4+3+2 ← 432 = 54*8 54 → 5+4 =9 O*
4 ← 4+7+2 ← 472 = 59*8
3 1+2 ←12← 5+5+2 ← 552 = 69*8
2 1+1 ←11← 6+3+2 ← 632 = 79*8
9 1+8 ←18← 6+4+8 ← 648 = 81*8 81 → 8+1→ 9 O*
9 1+8 ←18← 7+9+2 ← 792 = 99*8 99 → 9+9=18, 1+8→ 9 O*
9 1+8 ←18← 8+6+4 ← 864 = 108*8 864 → 8+6+4=18, 1+8→ 9 O* 108*2 = 216
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

*Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

*Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

*Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
师和统计学家 Alexander Thom 教授在国皇家统计学会杂志上发表的一篇引发了一场争论的著名论文以及相
关其他文章 9 所提及的内容;他在文章中提到“我们的古代祖先使用了一个标准化且非常准确的测量方法—
巨石丈,来建造巨石阵和数百个其他巨石遗迹 ... 并用于月象观测” 10 。 Alexander Thom 教授在接下来发表
的文章中更加详细的阐述了这个标准化的巨石丈正是由置润法所得 11, 12 。

Regarding why the use of the British system of weights and measures can couple special quantitative
values with octave transformations, it is necessary for me to explore a controversially famous paper and
related articles published by the engineer, surveying engineer and statistician Professor Alexander Thom in
the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society sixty-three years ago, in which professor Thom stated “Our
ancient ancestors, he said, had used a standard and as-tonishingly accurate measurement, the megalithic
yard, to construct Stonehenge and hundreds of other megalithic monuments, all across northern Europe,
and to align them as lunar observatories.” 10

阳历天数 Solar Calender/ 年 Year 365.24 Days ,阴历天数 Lunar Calender/ 年 Year 354.37 Days
(365.24-354.37)*3=32.625 天 Day/ Inch =1 巨石丈 MY = 2.718 尺 Ft**

**2.71828 欧拉数 e (Euler's number) – 自然对数函数的底数;天垂象,数为理,笔者认为先祖使用此常数作为度量衡以效法天道。

Eular's number as the base of the natural logarithmic function; as the Daoist concept that the sky present imageries for forming the
understanding of it by measuring the imageries themselves. The author believes that the ancestors derived this constant from the
measurement of heaven and as a measure to imitate the way of heaven.

9. Thom, A. (1955) A statistical examination of the megalithic sites in Britain. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 118,
10. The megalithic story of Professor Alexander Thom, June 2009Significance 6(2):94 - 96
Edmund Sixsmith
11. Thom, A. (1962) The megalithic unit of length. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General), 125, 243–251.
12. Thom, A. (1964) The larger units of length of megalithic man. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (General), 127,
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

运 360
会 10800 *Sacred Geometry
元 ( 阴) Yuan (Yin)+ 元 ( 阳 )Yuan (Yang) Randall Carlson
12960*2 = 25,920 = Platonic Great Year**

笔者注 / Author's note**

完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

*Sacred Geometry
Randall Carlson
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

*Ronald F. Kotrč
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Neue Folge, 124. Bd., H. 3/4 (1981),
pp. 212-222
Published By: J.D. Sauerländers Verlag
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
太易 太初 (Same) 太始 (Essence) 太素 (Different) 太极
8 5 9
虚(无) 频率 信息 物质 无(虚)

12 面体与它代表的 5 数
传统五行与五个柏拉图几何体和它们对应的五元素,木 ( 八面体 /Air) 、金 ( 正方体 /Earth) 、水 ( 廿面体 /Water) 、火 ( 四面体 /Fire) 以及土
( 十二面体 /Universe) 将十二面体赋予了宇宙的定义可以看出对其柏拉图对其的重视,而传统阴阳家遵河图洛书又将 5 数称之为土置於中
心,构成十二面体的五边形则是表现 5 数重要性的奥秘所在。深入分析可以发现,月球运动的内在几何与因此衍生的能量作用与土星有显着
的联系,从命理角度而言,一个满月周期为 29.5 天,与另一个绕太阳为 29.5 年的公转周期,在数值上相吻合;这正是 Nath Sivin 教授与卢
央教授所提及的全息时间因素 * 。同理,数 12 的重要性则体现在了地球公转一年 12 月与木星公转一岁十二年。
The traditional oriental five elements and the five Platonic geometries and their corresponding five elements, Wood (octahedron/Air), Metal
(Cube/Earth), Water (icosahedron/Water), Fire (tetrahedron/Fire), and Earth (dodecahedron/Universe). The definition of the heaven given
to the dodecahedron shows the importance Plato attaches to it, while the traditional Yin-Yang Sky-Picture and River-Matrix puts the
Chinese element of Earth (5) in the center. It's the author's view that the Platonic dodecahedron is the key to understand the mystery of the
importance of the Chinese element Earth (5), on the basis of intrinsic geometric and thus energetic function of Lunar movement, in
numerological connection with Saturn, namely, the periodicity of the full Moon is 29.5 days, and Saturn's 29.5 years revolution period
around the Sun, further more, earth's orbital period is 12 months whereas Jupiter is 12 years. The numerical co-relation between Saturn
and the Moon, the Earth and Jupiter is exactly the holographic time factor mentioned by Professor Nathan Sivin and Professor Lu Yang.
*Chinese Alchemy and the Manipulation of Time,
Nathan Sivin
Isis Vol. 67, No. 4 (Dec., 1976), pp. 512-526, The University of Chicago Press
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

构成十二面体的五边形则是 5 数重要性
其奥秘不单单在於其所包含的常数 Φ (黄金比例)。

Dodecahedron and the surface geometry of the pentagons

represents the constant Φ (golden ratio) it contains
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
6 6 6 6 6
15 15 15 15 15

6 15

6 15 5

6 15

五运六炁 6/5 运化所得 e 、 π 与 Φ 以及在此未能涉及的其它常数

Five Transmutations and Six Chi(X) yielded constants such as e, π, Φ, etc.

基于黄金比例可推理 Φ = π/(6/5)-1 = 2cos*π/5 ,这证明了天体运行与常数之间的相互存在性,也正是因

的基本性质中 *( 见下页 ) 。
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

*Fundamental Nature of the Fine-Structure Constant/ 精细结构常数的基本性质 , January 17, 2014, pp3
Michael A. Sherbon
Case Western Reserve University
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

在这里笔者简单的阐述一下关于炼金术的数理以及其现实意义,已知 eiΦ=cosΦ+isinΦ 和
e−iΦ=cosΦ−isinΦ, 得到 2cosΦ=eiΦ+e−iΦ 因而 ϕ=2cos*π/5=eπi/5+e−πi/5 ;而在天道运动的三
角函数方程式中求得的欧拉数 e ,正是在金融中用于设计财富如何因复利而增长的重要常数,

Here's a brief description about the mathematics of one interpretation of Alchemy, how
Eular's number e is utilized as a method of transmutating nothingness into currency in
the world of finance; in less esoteric definition, debt is the nothingness which becomes
currency, the way of calculating debt is by using e.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理

DNA 与 RNA 的核糖结构

完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理



The fractal nature of the order/cosmos

From DNA to 日月 and 斗转星移 ,
Ratios in octave rhythms independent of time and space.
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
完璧归赵明河洛之 ( 玄 ) 理
15*24 = 360

360 360

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