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Instituto Superior C C Technologies


PROFESSOR: Gilberto Fernández B.


Student´s Name: ___ASTRID PALMA_ I.D. _4-798-2135_

_____ / 30 POINTS

 Identify the key elements of the short story “The Swans

and the Turtle”.

1. Characters: Two swans and a turtle.

2. Setting: It happens in a lake.

3. Plot: What happened first was that the lake where the two swans
and the turtle lived was dry because it hadn't rained and the
swans went to look for a new lake in the middle of the drama the
swans came back and told the turtle that he had found a new lake
but the turtle can't get there quickly and it was going to take
several times the turtle had a new idea to hold a stick while the
two swans flew in the sky with him to the new lake in the end the
turtle opened his mouth to show people that he was very smart he
dropped the stick and he fell from the sky and died.

4. Conflict: The problem that there was in this reading was that the
two swans could fly but the turtle could not and as it was slow it
would take a long time to get to the I do that was several
kilometers from the town.
5. Resolution: The problem was solved since the turtle had the
great idea of holding on a stick while the two swans flew at both
ends through the air and thus take her to the other lake.

6. Moral: The message that the reading had was that if the turtle
had kept his mouth shut he or she would be alive and very happy
with the two swans in the new lake that was going to
make their new home.

 Make a glossary (15 words) about the short story.

1. Village
2. Lake
3. Suitable
4. Swans
5. Turtle
6. Stick
7. Fly
8. Mouth
9. Reason
10. Sky
11. Amazing
12. Birds
13. Shook
14. Foolishness
15. Heads

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