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Activity 1. This progress check requires you to identify criminological statement that
correspond to each question, based on their approaches and theories of crime.

e.g. Differential Association theory by Edwin Sutherland 1. The criminologists who

argued, basing on his theory, that criminal behavior is learned and not inherited.

______________________1. proposed that deviance is socially constructed those

reaction instead of action. In other words, according to this theory, no behavior is
inherently deviant on its own. Instead, it’s the reaction to the behavior that makes it
deviant or not.
______________________ 2. state that social structure within society may encourage
citizens to commit crime.
______________________ 3. criminality is brought about by the inability of the group to
contain behavior and that of effective containment of the individual into the value system
and structure of society.
______________________ 4. there is social disorganization when there is a social
change, conflict of values between the new and the old.
______________________ 5. This approach identified personal responsibility and
feelings of self-acceptance as the key causes of differences in personality. It focused on
how humans have evolved and adopted behaviors required for survival against various
environmental pressures over the long course of evolution.
______________________ 6. delinquency and crime are matters that are learned and
______________________ 7. through interaction with others, individual learn values,
attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal behavior.
______________________ 8. drew upon control theories and explained crime in terms
of crime opportunities that occur in everyday life.
_____________________ 9. It refers to a condition where social and/ or moral norms
are confused, unclear, or simply not present.
____________________ 10. Free will.
Activity no. 1. Geography and Crime. The following are some of the words formulated
by criminologists about geography and crime located on the boxes. Based on your
analysis, explain each in your own understanding.

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