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Quando si accede ad un sito Internet, occorre passare necessariamente per la

a Si, è necessario passare dalla homepage
b No, si può sempre accedere alla pagina desiderata
c No, ma solo se si usa la modalità di navigazione in incognito
d No, ma ci si accede esclusivamente dai motori di ricerca

Nel piano nazionale scuola digitale si fa riferimento ad Agid rispetto al tema delle
piattaforme per la didattica. Cosa significa questo acronimo?
a Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale
b Agenzia generale Italia Digitale
c Agenzia governativa infrastrutture digitali
d Agenzia governativa investimenti digitali

Quale di queste NON è una periferica di input?
a monitor
b touchpad
c scanner
d mouse

In ambiente Windows quali di queste combinazioni sulla tastiera permette di
tagliare una o più parole da un documento?
a ctrl + v
b ctrl + x
c ctrl + t
d ctrl + c
Lexis in Context
The rising price of gas is in the news again. Energy, in fact, is a major issue for
everyone. Heating or cooling our homes and workplaces, manufacturing the goods
we all depend on or simply cooking our meals all rely on a steady supply. With all
European gas prices rocketing towards the end of 2021 to ten times the prices
charged in January, it is becoming increasingly urgent to find a solution. (Adapted
from The Guardian 22 January 2022)

“rocketing” in this context means

a exploring new solutions to the energy crisis
b exploring outer space
c increasing extremely quickly
d moving physically very quickly

Try to avoid ______ the secret away this time. We want to organize a surprise
party for her.
a gives
b gave
c giving
d give

Content in Context
Venice is traditionally a favourite tourist destination for a whole range of visitors.
Large numbers of people create a constant problem for the city. The giant cruise
ships that used to tower over the city have been banned and tourism was greatly
reduced during 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. Now, however, things are
changing back to a new “normal”, where surveillance cameras, originally installed
to fight crime, may be used to monitor visitors and to avoid crowding. (Adapted
from The New York Times 4 October 2021)

Surveillance cameras
a are used to monitor cruise ships visiting the city.
b will definitely be used only to fight crime.
c might be used to control the numbers of visitors.
d are only used by individuals to check private property.

She was seriously thinking of __________her old books out, but it was too hard
and she changed her mind.
a catching
b throwing
c keeping
d letting

Content Comprehension
Italy is certainly famous for its high-quality ice cream. Ice was used in Roman
culinary art, but in the Middle Ages it was only used in Eastern cuisine. Iced
sorbets were introduced at that time from the Arab world to Sicily and then
mainland Italy. Marco Polo, in fact, is thought to have brought back recipes for
frozen rice and milk desserts and even ice cream, on his return from China in the
13th century.
Ice cream
a originated in Sicily and then spread to mainland Italy.
b is known to be high quality all over Europe.
C was carried by Marco Polo as he travelled through the Arabian
d may originally have been imported into Italy from the far East.

risposte: B – A – A – B Informatica
C – C – C – B - D Inglese

altra prova

Quale termine tecnico si utilizza per definire l'azione di scaricare dalla rete web un
a Background
b Loading
c Download
d Screenshot,,

Cosa si intende per "Digital wellbeing"?
a Un'applicazione di foto-ritocco
b Una applicazione per monitorare nella corsa il battito cardiaco
c Uno stato di buona salute psicofisica derivante da un rapporto
sano con le tecnologie digitali
d Un programma di allenamento virtuale con esercizi per la
tonificazione muscolare

Cosa rappresenta un file con estensione .xlsx?
a un file relativo ad un foglio di calcolo X
b un file relativo ad una presentazione
c un file relativo ad un video
d un file relativo ad una immagine
Sui sistemi Windows la scelta rapida ctrl+ C quale funzione ha?
a cancella
b taglia
c incolla
d copia

I contenuti audio, di solito organizzati in episodi e serie, resi disponibili in rete o
prodotti in classe anche con attività autentiche di webradio, si chiamano...
a trailer
b screencast
c video lezioni
d podcast


Content Comprehension
Students’ seating arrangement in the classroom is very important, as it influences
their attitude towards each other and towards the teacher. A horseshoe
arrangement allows face-to-face contact, while in a café style the learners can
easily do either pairwork or groupwork. The teacher, however, needs to make sure
that the students in this position do not lose sight of what is going on at the front of
the classroom, where the teacher’s desk is. Working back-to-back, on the other
hand, is the best solution for those activities where the students should not see
what the others are doing.

In a café style arrangement, students

a maintain face-to-face contact with the whole class.
b easily interact with the teacher and the whole class.
c should, in any case, see the front of the classroom.
d are better able to work on their own.

Don't forget ______ me if you need to change the time of our meeting.
a to contact
b contact
c contacting
d to contacting

Content Comprehension
Dublin is where you need to go to if you wish to celebrate James Joyce’s Ulysses.
You can follow the same route taken by the protagonist Leopold Bloom on 16 June
1904 by looking for the fourteen brass plaques laid in the pavement in 1988, which
will help you find traces of the protagonist’s journey at lunchtime. Although many
of the buildings and businesses mentioned in the novel have changed, the streets
are still more or less the same. (Adapted from The Guardian Feb 2, 2022)

In Dublin, fourteen brass plaques in the pavement

a show how the city has changed since 1904.
b suggest places where you can have lunch.
c celebrate Leopold Bloom’s literary production.
d mark the walk taken by Leopold Bloom.

I’m trying to cut ______ on the amount of coffee I drink.
a across
b up
c down
d in

Lexis in Context
Researchers from the National University of Singapore have discovered that
people’s appreciation of nature might be influenced by their genes. Twins were
compared to measure how much time they spent in places like public parks and
private gardens, and it was noticed that they had a similar attitude to natural
spaces. This similarity was particularly evident in identical twins. However, the
study also indicates that people living in urban areas with no access to nature
have a more limited desire for the outdoors in comparison with people who live
closer to green spaces. (Adapted from The Guardian Feb 3, 2022)

In this context, “appreciation” means

a a sense of enjoyment
b the extent of knowledge
c a person’s lifestyle
d a feeling of expectation

risposte: C – C – A – D – D Informatica
C - A – D – C - A Inglese

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