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As a young student, I always had a passion for learning and exploring new subjects.

However, it wasn't until the beginning of high school that I set myself a unique and
challenging goal - to read 100 books before graduation. Little did I know that this goal would
shape my entire academic career and ignite a deep passion for history, particularly ancient
As I embarked on my reading challenge, I quickly found myself drawn to the rich and
captivating stories of ancient Greece and Rome. The epics of Homer's "The Iliad" and "The
Odyssey" and Virgil's "Aeneid" particularly captivated my imagination. I was fascinated by
the larger-than-life heroes, the complex gods and goddesses, and the intricate mythologies
that interwove ancient history with a sense of the supernatural.
This passion for ancient mythology was further fueled by my studies in Latin. As I delved
deeper into the language, I found myself able to read fragments of the Aeneid in its original
form and translate them into Romanian. This experience gave me a profound appreciation
for the beauty and complexity of language, as well as a deeper understanding of the cultural
context that shaped ancient myths.
It was through this exploration of ancient mythology that I discovered my love for history. I
became fascinated by the ways in which mythological stories could shed light on the beliefs,
values, and customs of ancient civilizations. I began to see history not just as a collection of
dates and events, but as a window into the human experience - a way to understand the
hopes, dreams, and struggles of those who came before us.
As I progressed through high school, my interest in history only deepened. I took advanced
courses in world history, European history, and American history, devouring textbooks and
primary sources with a hunger for knowledge. I was particularly drawn to the stories of
ordinary people - the farmers, merchants, soldiers, and artisans whose lives were often
overlooked in traditional histories. Through their stories, I gained a more nuanced
understanding of the complex forces that shaped the world we live in today.
Now, as I look to the future, I am eager to pursue a bachelor's degree in history. I believe
that history is not just a subject, but a calling - a way of making sense of the world and our
place in it. I am excited to continue exploring the rich and diverse stories of human history,
from the myths of ancient Greece to the struggles for civil rights in the modern era.
Beyond my academic interests, I am eager to engage with the broader community of
historians and scholars. I am particularly interested in participating in research projects and
attending academic conferences, where I can connect with others who share my passion for
history and gain new insights into the field.
Ultimately, my goal is not just to become a historian, but to use my knowledge and skills to
make a positive impact on the world. I believe that history can be a powerful tool for
understanding the past, but also for shaping the future. I hope to use my education to
contribute to meaningful discussions about the issues that face our society today, from
environmental sustainability to social justice.
In conclusion, my journey through high school taught me the power of setting ambitious
goals and pursuing them with passion and dedication. Through my love of ancient
mythology, I discovered my calling as a historian and developed a deep appreciation for the
complexity and richness of human history. I am eager to continue this journey and contribute
to the vibrant community of scholars and historians who are working to shape a better world.

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