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Juan Jose Mateus Rojas-1014979567

When I was 10 years old I started training in a soccer team,Millonarios Fc I
used to train all the days during 7 year ago because I loved this sport, my
dream for this age was played a professional match, when I was 14 years ago I
used to go a parties and started to be undisciplined so in this moment I thought
my dream is finished.

Hello vale
Imagine that last week I moved from my apartment to a house, I had not
written to you before because I was busy moving, my previous apartment is
not as big as this house. This house has a very large garden where we can
make some very good parties since it’s a house here and there aren’t so many
neighbors and they do not bother as much as in the apartment, also when you
come to sleep in my house you can sleep in a room for yourself since in the
apartment there are not enough rooms as in this house.
See you.

Bread Tomato Suces Meat
Lettuce Slice Cheese Beacon
First fry the meat and the beacon for 5-6 minutes on each side and shop the
tomato and the lettuce,then cut the bread and put into the microwave for 25
seconds.Next put the slice of cheese on top of the meat and let it melt for 2
minutes,After that put the lettuce the sacuces the tomato and the meat.Finally
put the hamburger into the microwave for 25 seconds.
Hello Esteban
I am excited that you are back in the city after so long, I have several
recommendations for you since many things have been remodeled in the city.
For example, you could go to the stadium since you like Santa Fe and enter
the museum but before That's why you need to wear a mask and have the
COVID 19 vaccines. The only thing is that the city is very unsafe so I
recommend that you should not take the Santa Fe shirt. Another good
recommendation is that you should go to Monserrate but you should not wear
luxurious things as soon as you arrive, tell me and I'll accompany you.
See you.

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