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R.Dhivya, Assistant Professor

● Media is the fourth pillar of democracy. Media plays a very important role in shaping
a democratic country.
● Media being a very powerful influence on the society is regulated and controlled by
various legislations enacted from time to time.
● Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’ and it describes the various ways
through which we communicate in society
● Media plays a significant role in democracy. It provides news and discusses events
that take place in the country and the world.
● Free exchange of ideas and debates are essentially required for a good governance of
a country. This is where Media steps in.
● Magic Bullet Theory Or Hypodermic Needle Theory
● Cultivation Theory
● Agenda-Setting Theory
● Framing Theory
● Authoritarian Theory
● Libertarian Theory
● Social Responsibility Theory
● Gatekeeping Theory

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