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Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Nombres y apellidos: Nicole Franshesca Pérez Gavilanes

Asignatura: English as an International Language

Actividad de aprendizaje 1
Descripción de la actividad

Read the contents of unit 1 WHY A GLOBAL LANGUAGE?

Write a short essay about the importance of English as an international language.

Number of words: 130 - 150

1. Introduction paragraph (topic sentence)

2. Body (supporting ideas)
3. Conclusion Paragraph (concluding sentence)

Tipo de actividad: individual

You may want to refer your essay to the contents of the platform or the video

Reference video link:

The importance of English as an international language

Over time, people have faced various barriers in diverse fields in communicating
with speakers from other countries and cultures. For this reason, most countries
established English as a universal language to improve effective communication
and avoid misunderstandings when speaking with a foreign interlocutor. It offers
many benefits to people who use it for different purposes such as work, travel and
entertainment, and studies.

In the work environment, to have better job opportunities, obtain promotions, and
economic stability than monolingual speakers. Meanwhile, for travel and

Tema n.° 1 Why a Global Language?

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

entertainment, it helps tourists to interact effectively with the locals, be aware of

their safety, and have a good experience.
Lastly, undergraduate or postgraduate students need to speak a second language
to foster their knowledge and achieve the academic goals that they require in their
future careers.
To conclude, the English language facilitates interaction in any area of life and
offers comfort and safety for the speaker.

Formato de entrega del archivo

Word document (NO GOOGLE DOC)

Nombre del archivo



Ejemplo: A1.Castro.Jorge.Activity 1

Criterios de evaluación

Deadline: May 11th,


Criteria Marks

Relevance and quality of thought 7

Organization and development of ideas 5


Tema n.° 1 Why a Global Language?

Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Nombres y apellidos: Nicole Franshesca Pérez Gavilanes

Asignatura: English as an International Language

Grammar usage and vocabulary choice 5

Length 3


Tema n.° 1 Why a Global Language?

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