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Kelvin Buendia BSBA-MM4

Quiz in Literature 121 - September 15, 2023


1. Define the following: 15 pts.

a. legend - is a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be
proved to be true.
b. myth - is a traditional story that using concerning some being or hero and
generally accepted belief but it is unsubstantiated by fact.
c. epic - is an long poem or other work of art celebrate the hero feats.
d. riddles - it is a type of verbal play, a question deliberately worded in a
puzzling manner and presented as a problem to be solved.
e. literature - it is the communication of thoughts, ideas, and feelingsthrough the
written word.

2. How do you describe Philippine Literature in the ancient time? 5 pts.

- Philippine Literature is to reflects the country's in our Filipino people such as norms,
beliefs, and values. Eventually the Spanish Colonial rule, American Period, under the
Republic, and the Contemporary Period that can be seen into different literary approaches
that slowly evolved by through time.

3. In 100 words each, write your insights about the following stories: 20 pts.

a. The Carabao and the Shell

- My insights in this story if we apply it in real life is that don't degrade other people even
if you think that you are much higher than other people. The carabao and the shell it is
detailing their experiences and challenges. Although the carabao and shell were they
talking about the race. The carabao thought that the shell is to be very slow but the
carabao run fast he was determined to win in this race and he didn't know the shell was
cheated the because many of them alongside the river there are three shells have shouted
to carabao. Finally, the carabao was not believed to shell of what it is going on up to shell
actually thinks he reached faster than carabao.

b. The Legend of Guava

- My insights in this story the legends can teach us a lot, and through them, we can reflect
if we possess the values that they impart to us. One Filipino legends about fruits is the
Legend of the Guava. Even if the author of the Legend of Guava is unknown, it can still
teach us some moral ncluding the value of giving.

King Barabas is rude. He eats all his food by himself and he is not willing to share it with
other people. This made the people to become distant from him, wherein they did not
even attend his funeral when he died. When the king died, a tree was born at the area
where he was buried. It was called “Puno ng Bayabas” from his name “Barabas”. This
tree made up for the king’s selfishness by providing food for the hungry and even
medicine for the sick.

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