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May 17, 1954

Because of Oliver Brown daughter, the school of Topeka they didn’t accept Brown daughter. The school
didn’t accept the color brown people. So Brown claimed that the school is not equal. And because of
that segregation violated the equal protection clause. That there is no state can deny of any person and
be equal within. There is a discrimination cause they judge them about their color to avoid that. They
lawsuit the “separate but equal.“

April 9, 1965

The equal education opportunities act of 1974 it is against in discrimination for student and teacher.
Because we all know that the “kabataan ang pag asa ng bayan” so they need to go in school the problem
is the funding to primary and secondary education they need a support educational program. Because of
this act they have a opportunity to go in school without discrimination of poverty.

October 8, 1971

The court declare several state law, that required to evaluate and place them in other who having a
disabilities. Because they can’t understand what the normal people is. But in 1971 they prevent due to
process and denied the rights of the people who have a mental disabilities through their education law.
So the Pennsylvania provide a special education for them.

December 17, 1971

In the wave of the PARC and Mills ruling, In Mills' decision, no child could be denied a public education
due to "mental, behavioral, physical, or emotional handicaps." The District of Columbia and the judge
had a conversation throughout the trial.

Congressional Investigation of 1972

The Bureau of Education for the Handicapped’s most recent statistics indicated that of the children,
millions were not receiving an appropriate education after PARC and Mills, Congress to launch an
investigation into the situation of children with disabilities.

November 29, 1975

Through the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, Congress aimed to ensure that all
children with disabilities have a right to education and to establish a process by which State and local
educational agencies may be held accountable for providing educational services for all handicapped

October 8, 1976

Was a modification to the All Handicapped Children Act, which required that each state offer support to
the families of children with disabilities from the moment of the child’s birth. Before, a child had to wait
until they were three to access these services.

August 6, 1986

The Handicapped Children’s Protection Act, signed by President Reagan, offered parents of disabled
children additional input into the creation of their child’s Individual Education Plan, or IEP.
January 1, 1990

It’s advocated for significant revisions to the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, or Public Law
94-142. Autism and traumatic brain damage were introduced as new disability classifications.

June 4, 1990

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act replaced the Education for All Handicapped Children’s Act.
In addition, states were given the power to extend the “developmental delay” definition from birth
through five years of age to also include students between the ages of six and nine. When President
Clinton reauthorized IDEA, he made several significant amendments that placed an emphasis on
ensuring that all students have access to the same curriculum

December 3, 2004

The IDEA was updated by Congress, which demanded increased accountability, better educational
outcomes, and higher standards for teachers in special education classes.

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