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Python anaconda tutorial pdf download full

Alternatively you could install ActivePython, a binary python distribution that smooths out many of the hassles. Update conda environmentRun the following command to update the Python Anaconda environment.3. Create virtual environmentconda create -n envname python=x.x anaconda Replace envname with the name you want to give to your
virtual environment and x.x with the Python version you want to use.Enter y to proceedYou can search the list of available python versions by entering the following code:4. Exceptions have the advantage that they can be raised at one level of the program and then caught further up the stack, meaning that errors that may be irretrievable at a deep
level but can be dealt with elsewhere need not crash the program. Importing modules and querying command line arguments. Interactive mode is useful for more than just friendly greetings however, it also makes a handy calculator in a pinch, and being part of a programming language allows you to use intermediate variables for more complicated
calculations. Using pip commandTo install packages using the pip command, run the following syntax in the anaconda command prompt:Example:Understanding Virtual EnvironmentPython is a versatile language and can be used for anything. With a healthy growth rate now could be the perfect time to add Python to your tool belt. It is possible to
have finer control over file objects, for example reading less than the entire file into memory at once, for more information see the python library documentation ( . We understood how easy it is to install packages and setting up the the virtual environment. The following code demonstrates the difference: >>> lines1 = file("lines.txt") >>> 'line1line2line3' >>> lines2 = file("lines.txt") >>> lines2.readlines() ['line1', 'line2', 'line3'] The read() method of a file object reads the file into a string, whilst the readlines() method returns a list of strings, one per line. Where do I get it? With tons of packages, anaconda provides prime support and efficient results. x = 3 y = 4 if x > y: x
= x + 1 y = y + 1 For example, in the above code x = 3 and y = 4 at the end of the program. It will open the jupyter notebook dashboard for you.Adding packages to Python AnacondaOver 250 packages are automatically installed with Anaconda and more than 75,00 open source packages can be aditionally installed using conda install command.1.
Using conda-forgeTo install packages using conda-forge command, run the following syntax in anaconda command prompt:conda install -c conda-forge PACKAGENAME Example:conda install -c conda-forge numpy 2. This lets you run simple expressions without having to write a Python program every time, let’s try this out: Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Oct
6 2006, 15:24:43) [GCC 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu4)] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. In Python files are objects like any other type, and have methods for reading and writing. In fact it is being used by some of the world’s dynamic programming shops including NASA and
Google, among others. Say for example we have a file called lines.txt which contains the following: line1 line2 line3 There are two main ways we can view the contents of this file, by character or by line. In subsequent articles I’ll build upon this foundation and offer more complex and specific code and advice for using Python in real world
development. So there you have it, Python in a nutshell. Created over 15 years ago as an application specific scripting language, Python is now a serious choice for scripting and dynamic content frameworks. It can be used as an applications development language, just like Java or C#. For this reason, Python, like most modern languages, provides
runtime error handling via exceptions. for x in range(10): if x % 2 == 0: continue if x > 6: break; print x This code will produce the following output: 1 3 5 A real program: cat Now we almost have the tools at our disposal to write a complete, albeit small, program, such as the common unix filter cat (or type in Windows). Run the setup and click next2.
Python is also the language behind Web development frameworks Zope and Django. Each of these tasks requires different packages and versions of Python.To use these packages and versions efficiently, we use a virtual environment.It allows each project to have its own dependencies and we can easily switch between applications regardless of what
dependencies and requirements they have.Conda is one such package manager and environment manager included in anaconda.Now, lets set up the virtual environment using conda interface.1. Check if conda is installed in your pathOpen the Anaconda command prompt and enter the following code:2. While ActivePython is generally easier to set up,
it tends to lag behind official Python releases, and at the time of writing is only available for Python 2.4. Interactive Mode Now it’s time to load up the interpreter in interactive mode, this gives you a prompt, similiar to a command line where you can run Python expressions. Before we can write this program however, we need to introduce a few new
things: Opening and reading files. In either case if an exception is raised then the line that prints the number of lines in the file will not be reached. . For example Data analysis, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence or Web development, etc. Instead statements are grouped together by how far they are indented from the margin, the body of a
statement extends for as long as there are lines below it with the same or greater indentation. Activate the virtual environmentEnter the given command in anaconda command promptReplace envname with the your given environment name.To see the list of avaiable environements, enter conda info -e command5. It plays well with others: It’s easy to
integrate Python code with C or Java code, through SWIG for C and Jython for Java, which allows Python code to call C or Java functions and vice versa. Python comes with a wide variety of library modules containing functions for commonly used tasks, such as string and text processing, support for common internet protocols, operating system
operations and file compression – a complete list of standard library modules can be found here . If you don’t have it, or you’re looking to upgrade to the latest version head on over to the download page. A continue statement jumps execution to the top of the loop, whilst a break statement finishes the loop prematurely. For my next article I’ll be
walking you through the development of a Python program for finding all of the images used on a web page. Easy, in fact if you’re running Mac or Unix, chances you’ve already got it, just pull up a terminal and type “python” to load up the interpreter. x = 3 y = 4 if x > y: x = x + 1 y = y + 1 In the second example, however, y finishes equal to 5.
math.sin). Steps to deactivate the virtual environmentTo end the session and come out of the environment :7. Python is a high level, dynamic, object-oriented programming language similiar in some ways to both Java and Perl, which runs on a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, Unix and mobile devices. In order to use these functions you
must import their module into your programs namespace, like so: >>> import math >>> math.sin(math.radians(60)) 0.8660254037844386 In this example you can see that we refer to the imported functions by their module name (ie. Command line arguments are kept in a list in this module called argv, the following example demonstrates a program
that simply prints out all the command line arguments one per line. % python many command line arguments many command line arguments Input from the console It seems maybe a little archaic in the era of GUIs and Web delivered content, but console input is a necessity for any program that is intended to be used with pipes. Hope
you all enjoyed, stay tuned!ReferencesAnaconda offical docsAnaconda cheat sheet With the final release of Python 2.5 we thought it was about time Builder AU gave our readers an overview of the popular programming language. This also makes Python a great choice for rapid application development and prototyping, due to the decrease in
development time. It creates a virtual environment which makes it easy to deploy any project.Steps to Install Latest Anaconda Version on WindowsGo to this link and download the latest version of anaconda suitable for your computer. It is recommended not to add Anaconda to the PATH environment variable since this can interfere with other
software.You can register Anaconda as your default Python unless you plan on installing and running multiple versions of Anaconda or multiple versions of Python.In my case, I am going to move ahead with the default settings to demonstrate the installation.Now, go to the Anaconda command prompt and enter ‘jupyter notebook’. >>> 2+2 4 >>>
2.223213 * 653.9232 1453.8105592415998 >>> x,y = 5,20 >>> x + y 25 >>> tax = 52000 * (8.5/100) >>> print tax 4420.0 >>> "hello" + "world" 'helloworld' >>> "ring " * 7 'ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ' Another Python type that is useful to know is the list; a sequence of other types in order. In Python, an if statement looks like this: if a > b:
print a else: print b You’ll see that unlike languages such as C or Java, Python does not use braces to group statements together. Hey, folks! In this article, we will learn how to get started with Python Anaconda in this complete Anaconda tutorial. If you are planning to use a module a lot and don’t want to go to the trouble of typing it’s module name
every time you use it then you can import the module like this: >>> from math import * >>> sin(radians(60)) 0.8660254037844386 Access to command line arguments is in another module: sys, which provides access to the python interpreter. It has more than 1500 Python/R data science packages.It comes with tools like Spyder and Jupyter
notebook which are used by beginners to learn Python as they are really easy and convenient to use.Anaconda makes package management and deployment simpler. Why learn Python? import sys for argument in sys.argv: print argument This produces the following output when run with multiple arguments, the first argument is always the name of
the script. Thankfully this is easy, just type your commands into a .py file and run it with the same command. If you do need to have that counter its no problem, you can use the built-in range function to generate a list of numbers like so: for i in range(10): print i If you need it, you can have finer control over your loops in Python by using either break
or continue statements. Python also has loops, both of the while and for variety. This quickstart guide will give you an overview of the basics of Python, from variables and control flow statements to exceptions and file input and output. try: raise ValueError, "Invalid type" except ValueError: print "Exception Caught" The Final Product Now that you’ve
got all the tools at your disposal to write our filter. It’s stable: Python has been around for more than fifteen years now, which makes it older than Java, and despite regular development it has only just has reached version 2.5. Any code you write now will work with future versions of Python for a long time. This means that you can incorporate Python
in current projects, or embed C into your Python projects whenever you need a little extra speed. It’s versatile: Python can be used as a scripting language, the “glue” that sticks other components together in a software system, much in the same way as Perl. It’s easy to learn and use: Python’s syntax closely resembles pseudo code, meaning that
writing Python code is straightforward. Using exceptions in Python is simple: try: filename = raw_input() filehandle = file(filename) print len(filehandle.readlines()) except EOFErrror: print "No filename specified" except IOError: print filename, ": cannot be opened" In this example, a block of code is placed inside a try statement, indicating that
exceptions may be raised during the execution of the block. While loops are straightforward: while a > b: a = a + 1 For loops work a little differently from what you might be used to from programming in other languages, rather than increasing a counter they iterate over sucessive items in a sequence, similiar to a Perl or PHP foreach. Python has a
number of methods for dealing with input depending on the amount of control you need over the standard input buffer, however for most purposes a simple call to raw_input() will do. There is a graphical installer under most platforms, all that you need to do is click through the dialogues, setting the install path and components. Let’s get started right
away!What is Anaconda in Python?Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of Python and R programming for data science and machine learning applications. In Windows, you can then start up the interpreter by browsing to its entry in the start menu, or on any system simply by typing ‘python’ in a terminal. cat takes the names of text files as
arguments and prints their contents, or if no filenames are given, repeats user input back into the terminal. Steps to delete the virtual environmentReplace envname with your given name and delete the virtual environement.conda remove -n envname -all ConclusionIn this tutorial we learned, how to download and setup anaconda for python. It’s free:
Python is fully open source, meaning that its free to download and completely free to use, throw in a range of free tools and IDE’s and you can get started in Python development on a shoestring. If you’d like to suggest a topic for me to cover on Python drop me a line at Let’s take a look at the program in full first, before
reading on, put your new knowledge to use by working out what each line does: import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: while 1: try: line = raw_input() except: break print line else: for filename in sys.argv[1:]: try: file_contents = open(filename).read() print file_contents, except IOError: print "Error: Cannot open", filename The program is simple, if there are
no command line arguments (except for the script name, of course), then the program starts reading lines from the console until an interrupt is given. Choose file locationKeep in mind to install anaconda to a directory path that does not contain spaces or Unicode characters.3. Complete the setupYou can choose whether to add Anaconda to your
PATH environment variable. Steps to Install additional packagesEnter the given command after replacing envname with your given environment name and PACKAGENAME with the package you want to install.conda install -n envname PACKAGENAME 6. Then two types of exceptions are caught, the first EOFError, is raised when the raw_input() call
reaches an end of line character before a newline, the second, IOError is raised when there is a problem opening the file. Builder AU’s Nick Gibson has stepped up to the plate to write this introductory article for beginners. >>> print "Hello World" Hello World >>> The first two lines are the Python environment information, and are specific to my
install, so your mileage may vary. Lists can be added and multiplied like strings, and can also be indexed and cut into sublists, called slices: >>> x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] >>> x [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> x + [11] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] >>> x + [12] * 2 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 12] >>> x[0], x[1], x[9] (1, 2, 10) >>> x[1:3], x[4:],
x[2:-2] ([2, 3], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) >>> x[:] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] The interactive mode is good for quick and dirty calculations, but once you start writing anything longer than a couple lines, or you would like to save your programs to use again later, it’s time to let it go and start writing python programs. It can be used as a Web
development language, similiarly to how you’d use PHP. Whatever you need to do, chances are you can use Python. raw_input() works just like a readline in C or Java, capturing each character until a newline and returning a string containing them, like so: name = raw_input() print "Hello ", name Error handling with exceptions When you’re a
programmer, runtime errors are a fact of life; even the best and most robust code can be susceptible to user error, hardware failures or simply conditions you haven’t thought of. If any other exceptions are raised other than the two named, then they will be passed up to a higher level of the stack. Exceptions are such a clean way to deal with runtime
errors that soon enough you’ll be wanting to raise them in your own functions, and you’ll be pleased to know that this is easy enough in Python. Okay, enough already, I’m sold. It’s easy to read: It’s a simple concept, a language that is easy to write should also be easy to read, which makes it easier for Python developers to work together. If there are
command line arguments, then they are opened and printed in order. Control Flow Just like your favourite programming language, Python has all the usual ways of controlling the execution of programs through if, while and for statements.
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