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Mid term Test 2023-24

Artificial Intelligence

Q.1 ICT full form is _____________________________________.

a. Information and communication technology

b.Internet and communication Technology

c. Information and computer technology

D. None of these

2 . Ravi learnt that if a laptop gets overheated, the internal parts get damaged. What happens if he
leaves his device plugged in even after it is charged 100%?

(a) It can break (b) It can stop functioning

(c) It can overheat (d) Data can get corrupt

3. Srishti is a young woman who makes earrings. She buys jute from a farmer and makes earrings
from that. She sees that most women in her village do not work. So, she hires two women to help her.
As her orders increase, she hires three more women to work for her. How was she helping her village

(a) By selling earrings to women without a job

(b) By purchasing earrings from the local market

(c) By buying jute from the local farmer and by providing jobs to local women

(d) By attracting the women in her village with her creative earrings

4. Which of the following is a myth related to entrepreneurship?

a. Need a lot of money b. have a great idea

c. Should know about everything about business d .All of thes

5. Which of the following is not an example of Antivirus software?

(i) McAfee (ii) Norton (iii) Disk Cleanup (iv) Kaspersky

Q.2 Fill in the blanks.

1.File is made up to two parts__________ and _________________.

2. A doctor who works in the hospital is a __________________ person.

3. Cut shortcut key is __________________.

4. Dos full form is ____________________________.

5. Extension of wallpaper file is _____________________.

Q.3 Write answers .(10 Marks)

Q.1 Enlist any two methods to protect our data on the computer.

Q. 2 What do entrepreneurs do when they run their business? Mention any two points.

Q.3 Name any 4 qualities of an entrepreneur.

Q.4 Define Cookies and Firewall.

Q.5 Explain in short the three types of Software with Examples.

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