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Quantum Mechanics
1. Particle properties of waves and wave properties of particles, experiments (photoelectric effect, black
body radiation, Compton effect, Davisson-Germer, double slit, Frank-Hertz), Schrodinger equation,
Born’s probability interpretation, simple problems – particle in a box (1D, 2D, 3D), harmonic oscillator
(1D, 2D, 3D). step and barrier potentials in 1D, finite wells in 1D, 2D and 3D.
2. The Hydrogen atom problem–energy levels, wave functions (radial, angular), degeneracy, probability
densities, angular momentum, CG coefficients, transitions and selection rules.
3. Stern-Gerlach experiment and electron spin. Spin half particle in a magnetic field. Identical particles.
4. Approximation methods–first and second order time independent perturbation theory, variational
method, time dependent perturbation theory, Fermi golden rule. Scattering theory–partial wave
analysis, Born approximation, cross sections, Rutherford scattering.
i) Concepts of modern physics by A. Beiser (Chapters 2-7)
ii) Introduction to quantum mechanics by D. J Griffiths (Chapters 1-7,9,11)

IV. Electromagnetism and Optics

1. Electrostatics: The Electric field, Divergence and Curl of Electrostatic field, Electric Potential, Work and Energy in
Electrostatics, Conductors.
2. Magnetostatics: Lorentz Force Law, Biot-Savart’s law, The divergence and curl of B, Magnetic Vector Potential.
3. Electrodynamics: Electromotive Force, Faraday's Law of Induction, Maxwell's Equations,
Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum, Electromagnetic Waves in Matter.
4. Optics:
Plane Waves and Refractive Index: Plane Wave Solutions to the Wave Equation, Index of Refraction,
The Lorentz Model of Dielectrics, Index of Refraction of a Conductor, Poynting’s Theorem, Group and
Phase Velocity, Dispersion.
Reflection and Refraction: Refraction at an Interface, The Fresnel Coefficients, Reflectance and
Transmittance, Brewster’s Angle, Total Internal Reflection.
Multiple Parallel Interfaces: Fabry-Pérot Interferometer.
Propagation in Anisotropic Media: Constitutive Relation in Crystals, Plane Wave Propagation in
Crystals, Biaxial and Uniaxial Crystals, Refraction at a Uniaxial Crystal Surface.
Polarization of Light: Linear, Circular, and Elliptical Polarization.
Diffraction: Huygens’ Principle as Formulated by Fresnel, Scalar Diffraction Theory, Fresnel
Approximation, Fraunhofer Approximation.
i) Introduction to electrodynamics by D. J. Griffiths (3rd Ed. Chapters: 2,5,7,9)
ii) Optical Electronics by A. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan (1st Ed. Chapters:1-5)
iii) Optics by E. Hecht (Complementary reading)

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